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SNX war statistics


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excuse me, but the grown ups are talking. (that means go play with your toys)



I haven't been real happy with his political decisions or his postings but I do believe you go a bit far with that.


He's capable of delivering tech on time at the very least. His opinion is worth more than half of the folks you will find here.

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Montezuma, because of your excellent posts, and superb number crunching I am commissioning you by the power invested in me by Supreme Warlord RUKUNU to create the cybernations wiki page for this war. I want you to use all the scholarly tact, and precise attention to detail you did with the creation of the SNX war statistics for the wiki page. Make sure to mention key points to the war such as the complete curb stomping of SNX, Junka's cowardly betrayal of our noble alliance, and the way he fearfully begged everyone under the sun to help assist him with his undefeatable enemy. Remember all the important stuff.


Also please update this thread with the new statistics, I trust we have soared even higher in the damage our coalition have dealt. I have heard you enjoy drinking 40's. Well you better pour some of that out on the curb for SNX brother.


o/ aNiMaLz o/ LPC o/ Monster's Inc o/ Knights of the Round Table o/ Brown Liberation


Edit: Also include that SNX has had millions, and millions of dollars pumped into their alliance free of charge, and that most of our tech deals have been put on hold, and that the ones we still do have we are still producing tech for them, and getting it over in spite of the wars we are fighting.

Edited by Sir Kindle
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Montezuma, because of your excellent posts, and superb number crunching I am commissioning you by the power invested in me by Supreme Warlord RUKUNU to create the cybernations wiki page for this war. I want you to use all the scholarly tact, and precise attention to detail you did with the creation of the SNX war statistics for the wiki page. Make sure to mention key points to the war such as the complete curb stomping of SNX, Junka's cowardly betrayal of our noble alliance, and the way he fearfully begged everyone under the sun to help assist him with his undefeatable enemy. Remember all the important stuff.


Also please update this thread with the new statistics, I trust we have soared even higher in the damage our coalition have dealt. I have heard you enjoy drinking 40's. Well you better pour some of that out on the curb for SNX brother.


o/ aNiMaLz o/ LPC o/ Monster's Inc o/ Knights of the Round Table o/ Brown Liberation


Edit: Also include that SNX has had millions, and millions of dollars pumped into their alliance free of charge, and that most of our tech deals have been put on hold, and that the ones we still do have we are still producing tech for them, and getting it over in spite of the wars we are fighting.


I started the calculations for the war statistics but when I started adding up all the damage we have done to our enemy the numbers got so astronomical that I had to call in some help from our friends at NASA they said they will get back to us later they had to run the numbers through some super computer or something. I will make a wiki page if u want but im not sure I know how and what is the site? a page on this war in Wikipedia will just get erased right away no?

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Carnivore Dynamic CN sig says u only fought 32 wars now I answered ur question plz anser one of mine who owns that wiki site gowfanatic posted above ur question? did members create it or is it owned by the owners of cybernations or what? its kinda cool but I bet there lots of editing wars.

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Carnivore Dynamic CN sig says u only fought 32 wars now I answered ur question plz anser one of mine who owns that wiki site gowfanatic posted above ur question? did members create it or is it owned by the owners of cybernations or what? its kinda cool but I bet there lots of editing wars.

Only my wars going back as far as 10/3/2014 are saved in its database. That means only some of the wars from the second half of the Limitless Nexus war with GOONS 2.0 in 2014 are included in the stats.


That means the Limitless Nexus war with Kashmir, AE & others before then aren't included. It also means the stats from every war I've fought as Kerberos Nexus, NSO, FCC or MK aren't included. Even the Equilibrium War goes back to far for lyricalz to have the data for me, so more wars I've fought would be dis-included than included in my stats for that.

Edited by Sephiroth
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plz anser one of mine who owns that wiki site gowfanatic posted above ur question? did members create it or is it owned by the owners of cybernations or what? its kinda cool but I bet there lots of editing wars.


Afaik, its a community effort, it was started by members of the community and a few people still actively edit their respective pages. Similar to Wikipedia you can flag vandalism etc. 


Edit: Found a link to a page listing current admins http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Cyber_Nations_Wiki_administration

Edited by gowfanatic
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links to the new war pages - - - - -

operation dog pound - http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Operation_Dog_Pound

war on terror - http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/War_on_Terror

I take my job as historian very seriously and these are the most accurate accounts of the wars

o/ lpc n la familia :war:  :gun:

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links to the new war pages - - - - -

operation dog pound - http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Operation_Dog_Pound

war on terror - http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/War_on_Terror

I take my job as historian very seriously and these are the most accurate accounts of the wars

o/ lpc n la familia :war:  :gun:

Heh, nice work. I'm very proud of everyone who has fought bravely & those who continued sending aid or tech deals with us after SNX started the war. Since people liked the ribbons for the Panzer Anarch & Limitless Anarch Ribbons for the GOONS War; I'll need to make sure to create some for everyone who fought with us or assisted to remember this war.

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Not the best writing but factually accurate.


I just cant understand how so many months after Junka proved incompetent he is still dragging SnX' name through the mud.


Do they have no patriots at all?


There are actually good people in SNX... competent people. Many with leadership abilities- and I hope one day they realize they have better options.

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There are actually good people in SNX... competent people. Many with leadership abilities- and I hope one day they realize they have better options.

Considering Junka's extreme paranoia about being overthrown when its revealed he's losing, I don't expect him to last long. After we peaced out TAO & DK nations who wanted to white peace with them; Junka launched new wars against myself and Nicholai in a last ditch suicide charge now that he's lost influence, its sad to watch at this point when I was generous enough to offer him white peace as well & he decided he would rather ask me to ZI him in front of the rest of SNX before he's willing to admit he's lost.

Edited by Sephiroth
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Considering Junka's extreme paranoia about being overthrown when its revealed he's losing, I don't expect him to last long. After we peaced out TAO & DK nations who wanted to white peace with them; Junka launched new wars against myself and Nicholai in a last ditch suicide charge now that he's lost influence, its sad to watch at this point when I was generous enough to offer him white peace as well & he decided he was rather ask me to ZI him in front of the rest of SNX before he's willing to admit he's lost.


Yes, I understand that situation well, as talks have basically been stripped away from him and his ego has harmed him and his sphere more than it's helped his own members.


But that's Junka for ya, I'm sure he'll pull the same garbage he has before and get a make-over and beg to someone else to coddle him.

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There are actually good people in SNX... competent people. Many with leadership abilities- and I hope one day they realize they have better options.

I agree. There are good people in SNX. That's why I'm not particularly fond of this war.

Edit: I just hate Junka`s lying ass and that supersedes my admiration for the farmers he sends to hell.

You want it bitch? o/ Eternal war. We smoked Goons and you punks ain't no Goons. Edited by Sir Kindle
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Not the best writing but factually accurate.
I just cant understand how so many months after Junka proved incompetent he is still dragging SnX' name through the mud.
Do they have no patriots at all?

I'm almost100% sure English isn't brother Monty`s first language. He did a great job.

o/ Real RUKUNU Goons
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I agree. There are good people in SNX. That's why I'm not particularly fond of this war.

Edit: I just hate Junka`s lying ass and that supersedes my admiration for the farmers he sends to hell.

You want it !@#$%*? o/ Eternal war. We smoked Goons and you punks ain't no Goons.



Lower your voice and strengthen your argument.

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Lower your voice and strengthen your argument.


how's peace mode working for you? i've said it years ago- and i'll say it again, your 'treaty-less' alliance blows with the wind.

Edited by Lord Hitchcock
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how's peace mode working for you? i've said it years ago- and i'll say it again, your 'treaty-less' alliance blows with the wind.

A cursory examination of my nation page would have revealed to you that I am not in Peace Mode.

What follows after is, ironically, a non-sequiter.

Do ring me up if you are ever in the same neighborhood again in nation strength!
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A cursory examination of my nation page would have revealed to you that I am not in Peace Mode.

What follows after is, ironically, a non-sequiter.

Do ring me up if you are ever in the same neighborhood again in nation strength!


oh yes, i recall you calling methrage out... and then when he destroyed your nation- you cried because he had 'too many wonders'...


fond memories 

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Limitless Nexus
wars between 2016-02-04 - 2016-03-20

Format: Ruler Name - (Total Wars) - (Total Damage Dealt) - (Total Damage Lost) - (Total War Damage) 

1: the rebel - 9 - 68,160.96 - 60,708.98 - 130,171.65

2: Sephiroth - 22 - 73,134.82 - 33,867.54 - 108,024.34

3: Nicholai - 24 - 16,284.27 - 8,797.97 - 25,261.06

4: Kaznawim - 6 - 4,183.94 - 34.27 - 4,229.64

5: christian - 2 - 0.00 - 968.46 - 968.46

6: Duke Nukem 1667 - 4 - 390.03 - 436.45 - 833.11


Limitless Nexus vs Supernova X Stats: 
Most Destructive War: HuMann vs the rebel 
Least Destructive War: Nicholai vs kingthero

#	Limitless Nexus (41,184.01) 35 Declared	Supernova X (27,067.66) 11 Declared	Total Destruction (116,485)
1	the rebel (8,847.50)	HuMann (5,279.96)	14,270.16
2	Sephiroth (7,570.55)	Galerion (4,716.08)	12,410.73
3	Sephiroth (5,156.50)	The Dark Emperor (5,261.73)	10,523.46
4	Sephiroth (3,819.22)	The Dark Emperor (5,402.79)	9,315.16
5	Sephiroth (7,752.67)	Fleet Admiral (589.88)	8,426.82
6	Sephiroth (7,210.08)	Rydin (633.85)	7,923.16
7	Sephiroth (5,889.14)	Immortan Junka (448.09)	6,401.24
8	Sephiroth (5,899.08)	Barbiegirl (121.63)	6,081.53
9	Sephiroth (5,170.43)	Rainboo Dash (517.04)	5,744.92
10	Sephiroth (4,477.26)	Rainboo Dash (139.91)	4,663.81
11	Nicholai (782.11)	Immortan Junka (2,315.05)	3,128.45
12	Nicholai (700.36)	Immortan Junka (2,188.64)	2,918.18
13	Nicholai (1,332.30)	SaudiGamer123 (1,535.04)	2,896.31
14	Nicholai (1,240.55)	AKaila (396.97)	1,654.06
15	Nicholai (1,233.69)	Corvo Attano (0.00)	1,233.69
16	Nicholai (1,013.48)	kingthero (180.98)	1,206.52
17	Nicholai (1,142.50)	Animus (0.00)	1,142.50
18	Kaznawim (1,096.70)	King Williams (34.27)	1,142.40
19	Sephiroth (720.38)	Immortan Junka (376.82)	1,108.28
20	Nicholai (773.47)	Parkerton (320.44)	1,104.95
21	Nicholai (647.77)	AKaila (439.16)	1,097.91
22	Nicholai (946.40)	The Mighty Santa (0.00)	946.40
23	Kaznawim (885.89)	KBB465 (0.00)	885.89
24	Kaznawim (874.69)	Crazedso (0.00)	874.69
25	Nicholai (794.37)	Crazedso (0.00)	794.37
26	Nicholai (345.89)	Barbiegirl (367.51)	720.61
27	Nicholai (681.82)	Goober (0.00)	681.82
28	Nicholai (380.14)	fliper456 (226.86)	613.13
29	Nicholai (533.61)	AKaila (0.00)	533.61
30	Nicholai (518.12)	KBB465 (0.00)	518.12
31	Kaznawim (516.92)	PileDriver (0.00)	516.92
32	Kaznawim (496.22)	Redfury2004 (0.00)	496.22
33	Nicholai (106.90)	Immortan Junka (374.14)	485.89
34	Sephiroth (482.74)	BimCash (0.00)	482.74
35	Sephiroth (457.50)	odinraven (0.00)	457.50
36	Nicholai (312.88)	NoLimit (111.44)	428.60
37	Sephiroth (423.36)	CyberMonger (0.00)	423.36
38	Duke Nukem 1667 (192.99)	Redfury2004 (222.36)	419.54
39	Nicholai (403.24)	McEachran (0.00)	403.24
40	Nicholai (331.89)	BimCash (0.00)	331.89
41	Sephiroth (327.83)	Rydin (0.00)	327.83
42	Kaznawim (313.52)	marketjunkie07 (0.00)	313.52
43	Nicholai (264.30)	fliper456 (0.00)	264.30
44	Duke Nukem 1667 (129.70)	Kranak (0.00)	129.70
45	Duke Nukem 1667 (40.58)	LlamaKing (0.00)	40.58
46	Nicholai (0.00)	kingthero (0.00)	0.00
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2-5 is when SNX declared on me, which is why I use that as the beginning point for SNX War stats. This includes all wars.


Monsters Inc
wars between 2016-02-05 - 2016-03-20
Format: Ruler Name - (Total Wars) - (Total Damage Dealt) - (Total Damage Lost) - (Total War Damage)

1: kingneptune - 27 - 117,550.04 - 23,471.82 - 142,333.37.
2: Jonesing - 19 - 74,823.24 - 23,540.55 - 99,072.60.
3: Hombre Sabio - 19 - 54,000.17 - 27,662.09 - 82,400.47.
4: SaltyRichard - 7 - 8,603.30 - 5,161.41 - 13,868.08.
5: Lord Hitchcock - 12 - 4,610.77 - 3,669.89 - 8,334.10.
6: Mr Money - 3 - 0.00 - 1,276.76 - 1,276.76.
7: James P Sullivan - 1 - 0.00 - 530.46 - 530.46.

Monsters Inc vs Supernova X Damage Stats: 
Most Destructive War: HuMann vs kingneptune 
Least Destructive War: Lord Hitchcock vs marketjunkie07

#	Monsters Inc (116,803.97) 42 Declared	Supernova X (52,821.70) 18 Declared	Total Destruction (266,894)
1	kingneptune (7,048.31)	HuMann (8,120.88)	15,322.42
2	Hombre Sabio (8,314.83)	LeicaBoss (3,615.14)	12,050.48
3	Jonesing (6,213.62)	TK0Rahl (4,771.17)	11,095.75
4	kingneptune (4,692.20)	HuMann (5,630.64)	10,427.12
5	Jonesing (4,291.18)	Beatrix van Oranje (5,363.97)	9,752.68
6	Hombre Sabio (5,557.82)	Immortan Junka (3,768.01)	9,420.03
7	Hombre Sabio (1,943.08)	Beatrix van Oranje (7,217.14)	9,252.74
8	kingneptune (6,889.51)	LeicaBoss (2,084.98)	9,065.15
9	kingneptune (8,334.63)	NoLimit (537.72)	8,961.97
10	Hombre Sabio (3,634.81)	Immortan Junka (4,543.51)	8,260.93
11	kingneptune (7,799.29)	Barbiegirl (243.73)	8,124.26
12	kingneptune (6,645.34)	Hannibal90 (1,004.53)	7,727.14
13	Jonesing (4,390.72)	Beatrix van Oranje (3,103.78)	7,570.20
14	Jonesing (6,706.73)	Variks (0.00)	6,706.73
15	kingneptune (6,108.33)	Rainboo Dash (394.09)	6,568.10
16	Jonesing (6,524.43)	Amos Moses (0.00)	6,524.43
17	Jonesing (6,227.27)	President Spencer (0.00)	6,227.27
18	kingneptune (5,474.95)	CyberMonger (112.89)	5,644.28
19	Hombre Sabio (4,632.31)	SaudiGamer123 (892.98)	5,581.10
20	Hombre Sabio (4,989.09)	SaudiGamer123 (438.60)	5,482.52
21	kingneptune (5,199.58)	kingthero (218.93)	5,473.24
22	kingneptune (5,069.48)	coverson32 (269.65)	5,393.06
23	kingneptune (4,546.57)	Eronux (748.85)	5,348.90
24	kingneptune (4,901.12)	NoLimit (260.70)	5,213.96
25	Jonesing (5,065.97)	KingofFries (0.00)	5,065.97
26	Hombre Sabio (1,840.39)	HuMann (3,083.90)	4,974.04
27	kingneptune (3,886.02)	Eronux (983.80)	4,919.01
28	Hombre Sabio (3,642.11)	NoLimit (650.38)	4,335.85
29	SaltyRichard (3,896.70)	BimCash (342.57)	4,282.09
30	kingneptune (3,873.30)	Barbiegirl (121.04)	4,034.69
31	Hombre Sabio (2,392.20)	The Dark Emperor (1,366.97)	3,797.14
32	Hombre Sabio (2,453.20)	Hannibal90 (1,226.60)	3,716.97
33	Jonesing (3,667.34)	Rydin (0.00)	3,667.34
34	kingneptune (3,255.11)	Corvo Attano (33.22)	3,321.54
35	kingneptune (2,938.99)	ayaher (0.00)	2,938.99
36	SaltyRichard (685.26)	Barbiegirl (1,924.00)	2,635.61
37	Hombre Sabio (2,634.40)	The Mighty Santa (0.00)	2,634.40
38	kingneptune (2,597.18)	Animus (0.00)	2,597.18
39	Hombre Sabio (2,574.45)	GeneralCoopa (0.00)	2,574.45
40	kingneptune (2,176.68)	Pamacii (0.00)	2,176.68
41	SaltyRichard (19.93)	Eumirbago (1,953.05)	1,992.91
42	SaltyRichard (1,918.22)	PileDriver (0.00)	1,918.22
43	Hombre Sabio (1,888.92)	The Mighty Santa (0.00)	1,888.92
44	SaltyRichard (470.90)	CyberMonger (941.79)	1,426.96
45	SaltyRichard (1,337.19)	Goober (0.00)	1,337.19
46	Lord Hitchcock (74.41)	NoLimit (1,153.40)	1,240.22
47	kingneptune (1,045.24)	Pamacii (0.00)	1,045.24
48	Lord Hitchcock (825.58)	fliper456 (92.76)	927.62
49	Lord Hitchcock (909.93)	Goober (0.00)	909.93
50	Lord Hitchcock (848.03)	LlamaKing (0.00)	848.03
51	Lord Hitchcock (173.77)	BimCash (463.40)	643.61
52	Lord Hitchcock (0.00)	Immortan Junka (622.31)	622.31
53	Hombre Sabio (585.89)	Empirical (0.00)	585.89
54	Lord Hitchcock (366.09)	Yhamil von Habsburg (144.37)	515.62
55	Hombre Sabio (300.99)	Immortan Junka (187.50)	493.42
56	Lord Hitchcock (469.09)	leggomydrew (0.00)	469.09
57	Lord Hitchcock (211.73)	King Williams (169.38)	384.96
58	Lord Hitchcock (133.63)	AKaila (223.92)	361.16
59	SaltyRichard (275.10)	The Mighty Santa (0.00)	275.10
60	Lord Hitchcock (141.17)	marketjunkie07 (0.00)	141.17

Also remember, the number in parenthesis by each alliance name only includes damage dealt in wars declared, in order to get the total NS damage dealt you need to add the number next to each name from each war.

Edited by Sephiroth
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