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Ultimatum to Hawaii


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The Great Lakes observation teams made their way across the Hawaiian islands, hunting for the truth as to the mass disappearance of the nation's citizens. With the cooperation of the occupying forces, and the lack of defenses upon Hawaii's once secured networks, the teams found many a disturbing claim, and evidence of events that should have been impossible. Over the course of two weeks, the observer's gathered their evidence and, at last, presented their findings to the Republic.

"Evidence indicates that Tikal's claim of the mass disappearance being self inflicted is correct. Hawaiian classified information indicates a delusional belief in the ability to 'rapture' themselves to another dimension. No evidence exists to suggest that such a thing was truly possible. Conclusion: Hawaii's former government conducted what amounts to an attack on their own citizens, and reduced the majority of their population to non-existence."

The report was shortly thereafter leaked to the press, and copies were delivered to all the nation's involved in the Hawaii Incident, as it had come to be known within the Republic.

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"These are international waters.  This is a peaceful, non-aggressive, non-combatant ship.  We have no plans than coming any closer than 8 miles out from Hawaii.


If you leave us be, we will continue on our way and won't pose any problem or threat."


*Ship continues same course at non-chalant speed.*

Edited by Euphaia
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US Forces in Hawaii would be reduced significantly ground and air wise. The United States would take up the offer by Tikal and would order Army Engineers to begin building a military facility in Hilo. This base would house one Marine Expeditionary Unit along with 10 F-22 fighters and 2 B-2 stealth bombers. Task Force 141 would continue clean up efforts alongside Tikal's units. The Second and Third Fleets would be ordered to NB San Diego. The First Fleet would remain in the area to provide any needed naval deterrence to foreign powers. All army combat brigades have been ordered state side along with the I Marine Expeditionary Force. All remaining Air Force assets would also be ordered back home with 26 F-22, 3 B-2, and 5 B-52 Stratofortress ordered to NB San Diego. The 1st Marine Expeditionary Brigade would remain to provide security duties until the military base was finished being built.


Additional army and government sponsored engineers would arrive across Hawaii to rebuild any damaged infrastructure to allow the new population a means of quality living. The Department of State and Department of Interior would work jointly in offering incentives to American citizens to move to Hawaii. The Department of Finance and Trade would offer additional incentives for large and small businesses to open offices and manufacturing plants in Hawaii to promote jobs. Within three weeks over 40,000 Americans arrived along with ample employment opportunities. The majority of this population would be in Hilo, surrounding the new military base.

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The Army Corps of Engineers division of the Texas National Guard would travel to Ni'lhau to construct a military facility that would accommodate all air force, army and maritime needs. Some of the defensive weapons put up on the other islands would either be brought back to the Plains Federation or set up at the base in Ni'lhau. The remainder of the humanitarian aid would be distributed to civilians in Honolulu before a majority of the National Guardsmen would go to Ni'lhau to assist in building the new military facility. 


Also, Tikal's military would be made aware that the Guardsmen still in the Hawaiian islands still stood at a total of four regiments, or 20,000 armed sailors and soldiers. Admiral Edward Teach would personally ask Tikal's head of military command in Hawaii if he or she believed it was safe to lower the number of troops. If so, the Admiral would order the first and second infantry regiments home which would leave the total number of Federation troops in Hawaii at 10,000. The number would be maintained until the military facility on Ni'lhau would be finished and it would then be brought down to approximately 2,000 soldiers/sailors/airmen. 


In the meantime, aircraft and jets would be shipped to Ni'lhau and would hopefully never have to be used.

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"These are international waters.  This is a peaceful, non-aggressive, non-combatant ship.  We have no plans than coming any closer than 8 miles out from Hawaii.


If you leave us be, we will continue on our way and won't pose any problem or threat."


*Ship continues same course at non-chalant speed.*

There was no reply for a few minutes before a Dassault Rafale came by and buzzed the tower of the ship, "Turn around, this is your final warning."

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There was no reply for a few minutes before a Dassault Rafale came by and buzzed the tower of the ship, "Turn around, this is your final warning."


"We come in peace and these are not your waters. Please stand away from our ship."


The crisis began to encourage heavy news coverage of events in The Ukraine with citizens keeping posted 24/7 on the French Aggression.

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"We come in peace and these are not your waters. Please stand away from our ship."


The crisis began to encourage heavy news coverage of events in The Ukraine with citizens keeping posted 24/7 on the French Aggression.

There was a pause again, and a minute later the plane could just barely be seen wheeling around, "Then god have mercy on your souls."

From two of the plane's hardpoints came two Exocet missiles, and they locked in on the small vessel quickly.


Meanwhile on the Aircraft Carrier "Foch"...

A few helicopters were readied to rescue the crew of the ship that was about to be sunk in the patrol zone.

Edited by Shave N Haircut
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OOC: Heavy news coverage after 45 seconds of conversation? 


The Ship was slammed into by the two Exocet missiles and began to sink downward.




Two RIM-66 Standard MR Missiles locked onto the Plane and fired off at the immediate viewing of the Exocet missiles dropping from the aircraft's hard points. 


OOC: "Began" is today's keyword of the day.


verb (used without object), be·gan, be·gun, be·gin·ning.

to proceed to perform the first or earliest part of some action; commence; start: The story beginswith their marriage.
Edited by Rotavele
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8 miles off shore is considered international waters by international law.  We have as much right to be in these waters as France does.


If it would please you, we will move our ship out to 12 miles off shore.


In any case, we repeat, we are peaceful non-combatants.  We mean the French no harm or ill-will.

Edited by Euphaia
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Then France has no more right to these waters than our ship does.  


We are peaceful sailors.  We do not see why you are trying to provoke us.  


(OOC: Sorry misread.  Consider this response before the missiles were fired.)

Edited by Euphaia
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"Tikal requests for France to recover the Hungarian sailors A.S.A.P. and return them to their homeland."

[Private to France]

"Furthermore, thank you for keeping the Ukrainians out of the Pacific. They're awfully bothersome."

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Once the Ukrainian vessel had been thoroughly confirmed to be evacuated, French Aircraft returned to the area, a pair of Rafale circling high above the crash site to keep the location well marked for the French transport helicopters, which arrived a few minutes later and lowered ladders to the lifeboats, "If you board we promise you safe transport back to your home countries, you are to be temporarily detained aboard the "Foch" until such time as you can be taken to New Caledonia Airport." they transmitted over loudspeaker.

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[Private Messages]

Additional army and government sponsored engineers would arrive across Hawaii to rebuild any damaged infrastructure to allow the new population a means of quality living. The Department of State and Department of Interior would work jointly in offering incentives to American citizens to move to Hawaii. The Department of Finance and Trade would offer additional incentives for large and small businesses to open offices and manufacturing plants in Hawaii to promote jobs. Within three weeks over 40,000 Americans arrived along with ample employment opportunities. The majority of this population would be in Hilo, surrounding the new military base.

"We feel the need to inform you that no agreement in regards to American citizens igrating to Hawaii has been made yet. However, as things currently stand, with Hawaii officially being Tikal's protectorate, Tikalian laws apply. This means that technically, the US citizens currently moving to Hawaii to settle down permanently are there illegaly.


We are, however, willing to establish an agreement under which a certain number of US citizens is permitted to live on Hawaii permanently. Please reply if such an agreement is considered possible or desirable by the USA. Otherwise, we will have to request your citizens to move back into the States, though in that case we will of course reimburse everyone involved for travel cost, lost opportunities, etcetera."


By the authority vested in me by Their Sublime Highnesses

Director of Diplomacy,

Clemente Marroquín Rojas

Principality of Tikal





Also, Tikal's military would be made aware that the Guardsmen still in the Hawaiian islands still stood at a total of four regiments, or 20,000 armed sailors and soldiers. Admiral Edward Teach would personally ask Tikal's head of military command in Hawaii if he or she believed it was safe to lower the number of troops. If so, the Admiral would order the first and second infantry regiments home which would leave the total number of Federation troops in Hawaii at 10,000. The number would be maintained until the military facility on Ni'lhau would be finished and it would then be brought down to approximately 2,000 soldiers/sailors/airmen. 


In the meantime, aircraft and jets would be shipped to Ni'lhau and would hopefully never have to be used.


The Fleet Admiral in command of the situation would assure Admiral Teach that the situation was largely under control, and that the Federation could without problems halve its committments on the islands. Most of the efforts were cleaning up radioactive material and getting the civilian buildings running again. Secondary for Tikal was getting military bases on the islands back into shape and manned, aside from Pearl Harbor.


[Internal, Hawaii]


Efforts on Hawaii were ongoing, with several tens of tons of rubble from Pearl being loaded into specialised container ships so the deadly material could be loaded into the Bifrost system and fired into the sun.


Vehicles, clothes and other rubble on the streets was being collected for extensive recycling. Hawaii had used oil-powered vehicles for civilian uses, something that had been faded out a long time ago in Tikal. Electric cars were the norm in the Principality.



[Internal, Kiribati]


On Kiribati, where only Tikal had boots on the ground, things went quite differently. Military installations were largely intact if outdated. Plans for tearing them down and subsequent rebuilding were made. Civilian settlements looked similar to Hawaii, if less highly advanced. Given the distance from the Hawaiian Islands, this was not surprising. Hawaii had never had a large enough naval presence to invest too much into faraway possessions like this.

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"We feel the need to inform you that no agreement in regards to American citizens igrating to Hawaii has been made yet. However, as things currently stand, with Hawaii officially being Tikal's protectorate, Tikalian laws apply. This means that technically, the US citizens currently moving to Hawaii to settle down permanently are there illegaly.


We are, however, willing to establish an agreement under which a certain number of US citizens is permitted to live on Hawaii permanently. Please reply if such an agreement is considered possible or desirable by the USA. Otherwise, we will have to request your citizens to move back into the States, though in that case we will of course reimburse everyone involved for travel cost, lost opportunities, etcetera."


By the authority vested in me by Their Sublime Highnesses

Director of Diplomacy,

Clemente Marroquín Rojas

Principality of Tikal


"Under such an agreement, it would only be found in the best interest of the US if all current American citizens currently residing in Hawaii were given Tikal authorization to remain. All future citizens traveling to Hawaii will have to abide by all present Tikal law."

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"Under such an agreement, it would only be found in the best interest of the US if all current American citizens currently residing in Hawaii were given Tikal authorization to remain. All future citizens traveling to Hawaii will have to abide by all present Tikal law."

"We are glad that an agreement could be reached so easily. We believe that permitting up to 65,000 US-citizens to move to Hawaii - specifically, the settlement growing around Hilo - would be the best solution. We will also suspend some of the laws that your citizens would not appreciate."
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"We are glad that an agreement could be reached so easily. We believe that permitting up to 65,000 US-citizens to move to Hawaii - specifically, the settlement growing around Hilo - would be the best solution. We will also suspend some of the laws that your citizens would not appreciate."

"The US government thanks the Principality of Tikal for their cooperation and looks forward to the future of strong bilateral ties."

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