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Don't know what any of them are talking about since they don't exist here on bob.  :psyduck:

Ariana Grande is my nation's queen. (OOC: I have RP'd this for the entire existence of this version of mogatopia, as such AG should be entirely IC)



Lies! That's something a true red would state!

Only color I understand is Money.

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But "money" is not a color: green is a color.

Dongs are green, and I have millions of them.


I will be declaring in 2 days, unfortunately I do not have many nukes for you Burtenjay, but I am sure we'll manage to have fun.

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I mean, the subject of this whole thread is this guy threatening me and being a misogynist, so I figured I should at least try to discuss dat.


You fail at being an e-lawyer, Mogar. You know better than I that the O.W.F. is meant for pure spamming purposes, and you continue with your rationalization! A pox on your house!

Edited by Malkavian
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Don't know what any of them are talking about since they don't exist here on bob.  :psyduck:

Sorry, must've missed all those times you imported Hemingway.

OOC: Jesus Christ, it isn't like we're referencing real world wars. If we can't reference anything not strictly created by this game, how do we have treaties etc? And before you say that's directly related to politics, a lot of celebrities wind up being ambassadors/politicians. I'm sorry some of us like to have fun Edited by Neo Uruk
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Sorry, must've missed all those times you imported Hemingway.

OOC: Jesus Christ, it isn't like we're referencing real world wars. If we can't reference anything not strictly created by this game, how do we have treaties etc? And before you say that's directly related to politics, a lot of celebrities wind up being ambassadors/politicians. I'm sorry some of us like to have fun

Fun is not allowed


Also, every female I mentioned are royal bodyguards in the nation of Burbank

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Who even kills Sir Admiral Bob, lord of all the skies?

Message: A spy operation has been launched against your nation. In the attack the enemy spies managed to assassinate one of your military generals. In the attack Sir Adminal Bob of your Air Force branch with an XP level of 490 was killed. In the attack your counter spies managed to kill 20 enemy spies and your attackers identity has been publicly revealed.
Message: A spy operation has been launched against your nation. In the attack the enemy spies managed to assassinate one of your military generals. In the attack Carson Jordan of your Army branch with an XP level of 164 was killed. In the attack your counter spies managed to kill 20 enemy spies and your attackers identity has been publicly revealed.

I mean, I don't really care about Carson Jordan, but sir admiral bob? what kinda sick monster are you? Funeral services will be held in Ariopolis tomorrow at sunset, a burial at sea, just like he would have wanted. Edited by Mogar
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For the Record:


My initial message wasn't a threat. Your reaction is on your own accord. It was simply a statement of intent to fight a war while a global conflict has been taking place. So yeah, slight irony.




If you can take anything away from this, please understand that this is a prime example of the failures within CN. I intended for a gentlemen's war because of the nearly 6 years of history we share in common whether you realize it or not. Honestly there is very little in this for me, i cannot brag if i win, i do not intend to nor did i ever think it would stand as a point of pride. If you win, i will be entirely more impressed, you very well could i do not doubt. I'm sure you have taken your fair share of beating, as well as i know you have given them, but how often does Cybernation's war result in one on one combat.. no matter how un equal nations are, it is still mathematically the most fair. An that is where you, in your quest for an empire, fail to see the brighter side of this game. So yes, you are a far far far superior cyber political operator than myself. Your ability to make friends impresses me greatly, you ability to sacrifice your nation impresses me greatly, however you incompetance in respect to your leadership of whatever empire would make the greatest historians, philosophers, and all of the likes laugh at the mere assertion that you are in any way a great leader. That sir, is why i would like to fight your nation...er should i say the nation led by some chick role-played by a dude :D



HAHAHAHA kudos on the sense of humor. RIP Bob.  would you mind burying my spies somewhere as well? a shallow grave will work just fine

Edited by burtenjay
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If you can take anything away from this, please understand that this is a prime example of the failures within CN.
I intended for a gentlemen's war because of the nearly 6 years of history we share in common whether you realize it or not. Honestly there is very little in this for me, i cannot brag if i win, i do not intend to nor did i ever think it would stand as a point of pride. If you win, i will be entirely more impressed, you very well could i do not doubt. I'm sure you have taken your fair share of beating, as well as i know you have given them, but how often does Cybernation's war result in one on one combat.. no matter how un equal nations are, it is still mathematically the most fair.
An that is where you, in your quest for an empire, fail to see the brighter side of this game.
So yes, you are a far far far superior cyber political operator than myself. Your ability to make friends impresses me greatly, you ability to sacrifice your nation impresses me greatly,
however you incompetance in respect to your leadership of you empire would make the greatest historians, philosophers, and all of the likes laugh at the mere assertion that you are in any way a great leader.
That sir, is why i would like to fight your nation...er should i say the nation led by some chick role-played by a dude :D
HAHAHAHA kudos on the sense of humor. RIP Bob.  would you mind burying my spies somewhere as well? a shallow grave will work just fine

I mostly make threads like these to entertain myself which I have more than done so, far moreso than I had expected in fact.


I have no issues providing a war against me, I'm certain more than just you from NoR would love a piece of me, and I am sure I could at least dish out more damage than most in this tier, but unfortunately the WRC ensures that all things being equal I could never out damage you. I have actually done quite a few duels in my time here, but I had already sold off my improvements at the time of your posting. If you really wish, I wouldnt mind arranging for MW and VE to peace out with you, so long as you would be fine with someone declaring on you on the 6th day to ensure you don't slip into peace mode(Something I'm sure you'd understand with that large of a warchest).

This is something we will disagree on, for I am in our world for different reasons than nearly anyone else, and very few of them involve this actual world(OOC: I genuinely have little interest in nationbuilding or attempting to build up a meaningful nation due to the 2 year ban I received, it killed my motivation to want to be the biggest and I've found being a nuke turret and a low tier wrecking ball is a niche that can be quite fun. as I'm sure you've noticed in your past round or two of war)


I learned around the time of Karma that very little in this world happens without someone knowing about it, if you know everyone, how easy it is to find out that information and use it to change your own FA path.


I somewhat retorted to this already(in my OOC section), but I do not have any doubt my history and influence on this world will remain long after I am gone, even if I were to leave tomorrow, (inb4mogar) I would not consider myself of the Moldavis and Moos, but certainly more influential than the majority of leaders who have come and gone, I also am the greatest example of not requiring an alliance in order to exert political willpower, I haven't walked away from every global conflict of the past three years while on a one man AA out of sheer luck.


In 2 days should your defensive slot not be taken I will be happy to oblige, I behave in the way I do because I genuinely wish to make everyone from our world happy, even if it means I lose some statistics in order to do so.


I do not find humor in the death of my noble general, Sir Admiral Bob was an asset to the Ariana Grande Empire, and will be missed until our cloning labs give him life once more.(OOC, you saw how much XP I have :P)

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