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Talking Points Memo #2: NPO surrenders

The Zigur

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The Lannister Factor is on! Tonight:




"The New Pacific Order agrees to surrender[...] Nations of the New Pacific Order that have remained in peace mode from the beginning of the war through February 1st, minus current red team senators, will be barred from sending and receiving aid[...] for 100 days spanning from the 12th of February till the 23rd of May 2014"



Emperor Farrin finally sees reason after defiance! But why are NG and NoR still at war? Tonight we will tell you in a no-spin zone talking points memo.






Aloha, I am Tywin Lannister, and thank you for joining us tonight. Emperor Farrin of the New Pacific Order surrendered today as revealed by Yerushalayim of Sparta. The terms he finally yielded to are not far from the ones he originally objected to so vociferously:

These are cash-laden and infra-heavy nations that are capable of aid-bombing our hard-hit lower tiers, and are thus crucial to our economic development. The economic suppression of 33 nations over 4 months would deny us the use of 2376 aid slots - equivalent to 14-21bn of cash aid (depending on the usage of FAC's). Considering that the average schedule in our world sees a war every 6-8 months, the denial of this amount of aid would severely compromise the Order's ability to meaningfully contribute in a future conflict by hitting hardest the nations that have fought a lot in this war (and will not be able to get aid to recover their infrastructure) as well as reducing tech-dealing levels across the alliance.


Of course as our viewers are aware, the Emperor was simply bluffing when he demanded white peace and white peace only. A while back LNN revealed statistics showing NPO had not suffered the same comparable reduction as other core alliances. NSO coalition was fracturing and although Farrin tried his best to break the will of the Coalition and obtain a coalition white peace, his side broke first and surrendered by front after a month.


Steve Buscemi was one of dozens who criticized the determined strategy of the Coalition, saying it came out of a book "written by Ramirus, with a foreword by Tywin Lannister." This is because while in high govt, on Dec 20th I approached Steve Buscemi myself to deliver my terms for negotiations to occur:


[spoiler]19:56    Tywin_Lannister    hey steve
19:56    Tywin_Lannister    let me know when you're available
22:21    Steve_Buscemi[NG]    Yea, I am now for a sec.
22:21    Steve_Buscemi[NG]    What's up?
22:28    Tywin_Lannister    Hey bro
22:28    Steve_Buscemi[NG]    Herro
22:28    Tywin_Lannister    just wanted to see if anyone had been talking to you guys about peace very recently
22:29    Steve_Buscemi[NG]    I'm in communication with Umbrella.
22:29    Steve_Buscemi[NG]    We are all waiting on you guys giving NPO terms.
22:30    Steve_Buscemi[NG]    Which to my knowledge haven't been offered.
22:30    Tywin_Lannister    NPO is a little more complicated
22:31    Tywin_Lannister    I'm sure you understand that we are not seeking a coalition type of peace, but rather peace by front
22:31    Steve_Buscemi[NG]    Yes, I know.
22:32    Tywin_Lannister    In my eyes, the fronts are divided like thus: US, NG/NoR, NPO/NSO
22:32    Steve_Buscemi[NG]    But if you are unwilling to talk even terms with NPO, I doubt you'll find us even willing to consider front peace.
22:32    Steve_Buscemi[NG]    When you have given NPO terms as wel as US terms on their front....then we can proceed.
22:33    Tywin_Lannister    There will be no coalition-wide peace steve
22:33    Steve_Buscemi[NG]    I know.
22:33    Steve_Buscemi[NG]    When you have given NPO's FRONT terms, then we'll proceed from there.
22:33    Steve_Buscemi[NG]    It's quite simple really.
22:33    Steve_Buscemi[NG]    When you finally make a decision on NPO, then we can proceed.
22:34    Steve_Buscemi[NG]    Until then we are content to keep lobbing nukes at you.
22:34    Steve_Buscemi[NG]    Now it's up to HB if they want to white peace NoR.
22:35    Steve_Buscemi[NG]    Meaning, HB peace out NoR and you go your separate ways while NoR continues to defend NG and those attacking it.
22:35    Steve_Buscemi[NG]    But as to NG peacing out, we won't be until those at war with NPO at least give it peace terms.
22:35    Steve_Buscemi[NG]    And I don't know what your hold up is on giving their front peace.
22:36    Steve_Buscemi[NG]    I can only guess it's that no one in your coalition wants to be the leader and you have disenting viewpoints, so maybe that's something you should fix before you approach us.
22:36    Tywin_Lannister    If you think our coalition is leader-less, you are mistaken
22:37    Tywin_Lannister    However, we are acutely aware of NPO's machinations in this case alongside NSO
22:38    Tywin_Lannister    NPO will be presented terms last because they post such an acute threat to global stability
22:39    Tywin_Lannister    NG/NoR has the chance right now to achieve a white surrender that leaves you capable of regrowth and participation in world politics as a relevant party
22:39    Tywin_Lannister    Indeed, my King's heart has grown warm towards NoR
22:42    Tywin_Lannister    I want to clear NG/NoR front so we can more decisively approach other coalition matters, however, if NG decides to stand against coalition priorities to stand with NPO, that can be taken into account as well.
22:45    Tywin_Lannister    Speaking for myself, my patience is long. I was once EZI'd by the party you seem to determined to stand alongside
22:46    Tywin_Lannister    In the end, my coalition has the muscle and numbers to win, however long the war takes, and you know it, the only thing to determine is who will be welcomed to the table, and who will be shunned.
22:48    Tywin_Lannister    I do not share logs, but you may do so if you chose. My intent is to see this war won by any means necessary. I sincerely hope you do the right thing for your alliance and your allies. Thank you for your time.[/spoiler]


Now while this angered a few people in the coalition, it set the record straight: The Coalition would fight until the war was won beyond the shadow of a doubt. A coalition white peace is not a victory.


This brings us to the subject of tonight's talking points memo. Two alliances still remain at war in the NSO coalition: NG and NoR. Intel has reached Talking Points that NoR refuses to surrender to at least "The Order of the Reaper," aka Disciples of Destruction over bad blood in the past. Ironically, it would seem NoR had recently tried to hold NPO hostage the same way Farrin tried to leverage better terms for NPO. Of course, Farrin was too smart to fall for his own trick.


The folks know whats going on here. Nordreich is simply being stubborn because they are [i]too good[/i] to surrender like all those other alliances. Of course, with the NSO coalition all but a memory, more pressure will be brought to bear on Nordreich and Non Grata until they finally yield. Nordreich still hopes to break the will of the coalition alone, but if NPO cannot achieve it over peace mode terms, NoR cannot possibly do it over a white surrender. Nordreich, it's time to see reason like Farrin, bend the knee and end the war.


And thats the memo.



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Literally right after that:

I dont share logs while they are relevant in an intelligence sense. By intelligence principles, after a period of time, or depending upon the sensitivity of the intel, it can be released to the public.

As the logs were no longer sensitive in nature with the war over there is no harm in their release on a news network, especially since it was not a formal coalition negotiation. This is in addition to the fact that it had been previously released by Steve anyway. Edited by Tywin Lannister
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Best part:

Stay classy Tywin!

This, i was really surprised that you used copied logs, not.


also, as usual self-gratifying drivel.  You know little, guess at much and offer nothing but conjecture.  Still some things never change.

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This, i was really surprised that you used copied logs, not.
also, as usual self-gratifying drivel.  You know little, guess at much and offer nothing but conjecture.  Still some things never change.

Can you share with our viewers why Nordreich refuses to see reason and surrender? Edited by Tywin Lannister
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Can you share with our viewers why Nordreich refuses to see reason and surrender?


Why should they share with you? Relevant parties know the reasons (whether they agree with them or not). Until those reasons are hashed out and settled this war will continue. I'm still having a blast with it ;)

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Can you share with our viewers why Nordreich refuses to see reason and surrender?

Sometimes, standing side-by-side with your brothers is worth more than simply leaving them out in the cold. I understand why Nordreich have not surrendered while Non Grata are still in the fight. By leaving the battlefield last, they establish themselves a an alliance you can rely on when the going gets tough and won't fold under pressure.

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Can you share with our viewers why Nordreich refuses to see reason and surrender?

There are reasons, which our government are aware of.  I am a footsoldier and will fight until a decision is made. 


Nordreich does not abandon its allies.  In the meantime, please try to stop using sweeping statements to cover up your lack of knowledge on a subject

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Sometimes, standing side-by-side with your brothers is worth more than simply leaving them out in the cold. I understand why Nordreich have not surrendered while Non Grata are still in the fight. By leaving the battlefield last, they establish themselves a an alliance you can rely on when the going gets tough and won't fold under pressure.


This. Why is there confusion on this point?

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I dont share logs while they are relevant in an intelligence sense. By intelligence principles, after a period of time, or depending upon the sensitivity of the intel, it can be released to the public.

So once logs reach your own level of irrelevance you can then go back on your word and post them? More suprised to see Steve give u the time of day.
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So once logs reach your own level of irrelevance you can then go back on your word and post them? More suprised to see Steve give u the time of day.


It was not my word, it was a polite afternote. This was not some private correspondence; Steve Buscemi shared the same logs with a bunch of people, as I knew he would. I've had interactions like this one every day in government, and generally logs between enemy leaders are recognized fair game.


Neither of us asked for nondisclosure, and neither of us observed it. I simply chose to wait until the successful end of the war before sharing them.

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