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CNRP World Map


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World Map

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Those of you who frequent the Alternate-History forums will know this is the Q-Bam, made by the awesome Qazaq-2007

CNRP Details:
IRC Server: Coldfront
Channels: #cnrp and #rp
Getting Started in the Fantasy RP (IC) Forum and F.A.Q.
Starting a Nation in CNRP
There are three ways to start a nation.
- The first is to find white space that is not labelled as a protectorate, and request a portion of land that roughly matches your in-game sphere of influence.
- The second way is to find a protectorate and either request it of them private message its owner (there is a list of protectorate owners below) or find them in our coldfront channel, #cnrp.
- You may also make a post in this map thread asking if there is any significant land. There is a rare occasion that someone will grant you a piece of their own (colored) land, but this is, like I said, rare.

If you don't see land in a continent you want, don't be discouraged. You can RP anything, anywhere. If you want any kind of culture where you're going, you can have it. You may have to discuss it with the protectorate owner, because we've had a long line of people making Nazi-esque nations everywhere around the world. The majority of players have grown tired of it.
After you request land, post a thread in the Fantasy RP (IC) forum, briefly (or lengthily) introducing your nation, its leaders, and a few basic things about its culture or other things of note. People will reply recognizing your nation, and may even request treaties with you.
Do I have to have a place on the map to post in this forum?
Nope. You do not have to be a part of CNRP to post here. You can do your own thing, not bothering with the map. However, as most people who post here are posting in CNRP, you may want to add the tag "Non-CNRP", to avoid any confusion.

Where are the rules?
The rules are at the bottom of this post. They apply always unless all participants in an RP agree on a different set of rules and IG-CNRP conversions.

Are you the head of this forum/CNRP?
No. I don't make rules, make judgements, or anything. For questions on rules for CNRP, I'll refer you to the GM's Court, one subforum above this one.

Can I just play a character, and not a nation?
Yes, of course. Fantasy RP (IC) is for any kind of writing and RP. If you want to play in the world of CNRP, you can ask the owner of a territory if you can RP there (almost all of the nations will be okay with it as long as you're not starting a revolution).

Protectorate Owners
Protectorates are land set aside by blocs, nations, etc. for new nations. They are not an integral part of any nation, or bloc, and will normally be ceded to those who wish to place their nation there. However, you must speak to that bloc, nation, etc. before claiming the land.
Latin American Protectorate - MostGloriousLeader
Athenian Protectorate - Centurius
Tianxian Protectorate - Triyun
Selenarctos Protectorate - iKrolm
Romania - Malatose
Nation Names and Players
Athenian Federation (Athens) - Centurius
Austria - iamthey
Prussia - Yawoo
Sweden - Jeff744
Norse Kingdom - ZootZoot "Zoot"
Noord-Uniestaat - Kankou
Ireland - lkhft
Greater Sith Empire - Malatose
Poland - TheShammySocialist
Gabon - Kevin Kingswell
Republic of Madagascar - Jarl Frost
Legion - Tidybowlman
Sierra Leone - Markus Wilding
Tianxia - Triyun
Greater Russian Empire - Imperator_Azenquor "IA" and Justinian the Mighty "Justinian"
M.A.R. (Marscuria) (part of Russia) - KaiserMelechMikhail "Melech"
Selenarctos - iKrolm
Dai-Tōhoku - Evangeline Anovilis
Javanese Federation - dotCom
Kingdom of Cochin - cochin
Pure Lands (optionally canon) - Triyun
American Commonwealth - MostGloriousLeader "MGL"
Texas (part of the American Commonwealth) - PresidentDavid "PD"
United Republic of Newfoundland and Labrador - Shadow hawk
St. Lawrence Federation - Aggressivenutmeg
Calgarian Federation - Padraig
Aztlan - Mogar
Tikal - Lynneth
Imperio Republica - Lord Zephyr
Uruguay - Dinoz94
Gran Colombia - Curristan[/spoiler]

Guidelines for this Thread:
- This thread and map are OOC, any IC disputes should be handled in the RP chatroom or in the forums.
- That being said, this map will only reflect OOC territory control. One forum name = one color = one map name. Being part of another person's territory or merger will have their color be the same. Exceptions are in situations where, for example, Centurius has created an automatic free RP zone in France, while JED has rule over Hispania.
- Off-Topic posts (posts about anything other than map claims or questions) may be reported as spam.
- If you have questions, please ask! Everyone is here would be glad to help!
- If you demand updates from me, I'll be very upset. If I go longer than three days without an update, then you have reason to complain, unless I say something about absences or something.
- To request an update, either give me exact geographic details, or mock something up in paint. (If you're talking about islands, please do the latter, rather than the former. I'm not a geography major, and I don't know every single island in the world.) Also give me a color, or I'm making you something funny.
- If you can't see it on the map, it's not my problem. Sorry guys, I'm not going to label every single island in the pacific for you.
- Bio never wins.
General Guidelines and Rules for CNRP
CNRP is the name of a collective of RPs in a cohesive world that has developed over 7 years. It started as people playing on this forum, and then a map was created, and then rules followed. As such, the rules are very organic in nature, and have been created in an attempt to lessen disputes in wars. Keep in mind, these are only general guidelines for wars. If all parties in a war wish to follow different rules, they can. If they want to appoint a different mediator for their own war, they can. If you wish to roleplay a technologically advanced nation, you may, except in the case of military technology.
IG to CNRP Conversions
Take your in-game working citizen count (not total population/supporters) and multiply it by 0.80. This number is your maximum in-game soldier count. Multiply this number by 10.0 and this number will be your maximum CNRP soldier count. Tanks are directly equal to what your maximum is in-game.
For example: If I have 10,000 citizens in-game, then I have 80,000 soldiers in RP.
Artillery, APCs, IFVs, etc. are designated by common sense. You can have as many as you want, within reason of your own military capabilities. If you have too many, the GMs do reserve the right to say no.

Your in-game tech (technology) level is directly used in CNRP. Here is the tech scale.
Naval Rules
Your in-game navy is directly used in CNRP. Meaning, whatever you have IG = whatever you have in RP. The sole exception applies to submarines, corvettes, frigates, and destroyers.

The current naval multiplier rule when converting from IG to IC fleets is as follows:
0-4,000 Infra, 0-500 tech: No multiplier
4,001-5,000 Infra, 501-1,000 tech: x2
5,001-6,000 Infra, 1,001-2,000 tech: x3
6,001-7,500 Infra, 2,001-3,500: x4
7,501-Infinity Infra, 3,501-Infinity: x5
If you're in different brackets for tech and infra, go with the lower one.
Air Forces
Like soldiers and tanks, you don't have to buy IG planes to have them in CNRP. Air forces follow the rule of 1 IG Plane = 1 RP Squadron. Nations with less than 500 tech must utilize half-squadrons of planes, which be be less than or equal to six planes per squadron. Nations with more than 500 tech may utilize full squadrons, which can be anywhere from 6 to 12 planes. 12 planes per squadron is the maximum you can have in CNRP.
Weapons of Mass Destruction
The total tonnage of nuclear weaponry your nation may possess is equal to your in game number of nukes * 20 megatonnes (30 MT with a Weapons Research Complex). This may be divided into as many smaller bombs as you wish, so long as the total megatonnage does not exceed your maximum with:

Manhattan Project: total nuclear arsenal of 400 MT
MP + Hidden Nuclear Missile Silo: 500 MT
MP + Weapons Research Complex: 600 MT
MP + HNMS + WRC: 750 MT
Note on Guerilla Warfare
You cannot arm your citizens and have them fight a war. It does not matter if you give them full time military training and automatic weapon, the maximum number of armed people you can field in a war is determined by your soldier count.

Game Moderator definition, rulings, etc
Game Moderator "Wipe" Effects
There are two kinds of wipe effects:

  • Type one, total impossibility. IE Death star. Total RP wiped. These kind of god mods are easy to spot, and will be called quickly, so little RP to go back and redo.
  • Type two, feature impossibility. IE Fighter jet with a laser. These are sometimes unnoticed, and when found / called, Rp should be paused, while they are argued out in a separate thread. If the feature is found to be impossible, then the Rp continues as if all actions had occurred minus that feature. IE, you still used your fighters, but since they didn't have lasers, they got annihilated.

Whenever you say something that is not "in character", use the 'OOC:' tag before the statement.
For example, if Uberstein decides to hold a gladiator tournament, we may insult the action in-game but then add "OOC: haha, nice" to show that we (in real life, not in game) like the idea.

If something is to be a private message, put "PRIVATE MESSAGE TO <nation name here>" before the message. While the rest of the community will be able to see the message, only the person you send it to will be able to respond or use that information. There are also other options, like *CLASSIFIED* or whatever else you feel like you need to put. Remember, if it isn't clearly labeled or RP'd as private it may be used against you.

Any treaty (MDP, ODP, economic, NAP, etc.) can be made in CNRP with another nation. For instance, if you sign a Mutual Defense Pact (MDP) with Uberstein, whenever you are attacked in CNRP, Uberstein will activate the MDP and attack whoever attacked you. Treaties can be broken.

Economic treaties are treaties where you trade with another nation (Be it food, technology, medicine), and both nations are to be treated as if they have the same level of whatever they're trading. This is usually called tech trading, see the tech trading rules below.

A term meaning that you are RPing an entity that is not the one you first RP'd with.

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I'm not part of your RP, so please remove me from the map.








































I kid, please mark Virtus International's arctic island.s. You have them as the proper color, but not labeled. 

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I'm going to go ahead and propose that we give everyone claiming a seperate continuity 25 days. A lot of people have already crossed back and if they want to come back they should be able to in their own territory.

I don't think you realize that the majority of CNRP wanted you gone. The majority voted and it was for you to go. This is not the CNRP map. Also please remove me from this map as well as I am not playing your alternate CNRP.

If you wish to play CNRP please make a claim on the map thread. However you need to find free land in a protectorate and you may need to call around to find someone to give it to you. (Déjà Vu?) if you need help finding the map thread or how to post a claim in it, please read the topic post. Thank you! :)
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I don't think you realize that the majority of CNRP wanted you gone. The majority voted and it was for you to go. This is not the CNRP map. Also please remove me from this map as well as I am not playing your alternate CNRP.

If you wish to play CNRP please make a claim on the map thread. However you need to find free land in a protectorate and you may need to call around to find someone to give it to you. (Déjà Vu?) if you need help finding the map thread or how to post a claim in it, please read the topic post. Thank you! :)

I don't think you realise that you can't ban people like this.

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I don't think you realize that the majority of CNRP wanted you gone. The majority voted and it was for you to go. This is not the CNRP map. Also please remove me from this map as well as I am not playing your alternate CNRP.

If you wish to play CNRP please make a claim on the map thread. However you need to find free land in a protectorate and you may need to call around to find someone to give it to you. (Déjà Vu?) if you need help finding the map thread or how to post a claim in it, please read the topic post. Thank you! :)

By my last count I count 8 who still agree with that petition 9 if Lyn didn't understand Melech's an alternative to his.  Most want to not divide the community instead look at reforming the rules and talking.

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I don't think you realise that you can't ban people like this.

I don't think you realize that I was banned from this game. (In b4 "you can beg someone and give them something in return for a small province")

I also don't think you realize that when you have a majority of players, you can do whatever the hell you want to do. GMs were meant for player representation, not a Aristocracy. It's not any special position. The only power you have is the power people allow you to have. The majority voted and the majority pushed me out. Now it's Triyun and Cents turn to be voted off the island.

By my last count I count 8 who still agree with that petition 9 if Lyn didn't understand Melech's an alternative to his.  Most want to not divide the community instead look at reforming the rules and talking.

Playing by the rules? Caring about the construction of the community? I think Triyun may have had a change of heart... Mission accomplished guys. Edited by Rotavele
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I don't think you realize that I was banned from this game. (In b4 "you can beg someone and give them something in return for a small province")

I also don't think you realize that when you have a majority of players, you can do whatever the hell you want to do. GMs were meant for player representation, not a Aristocracy. It's not any special position. The only power you have is the power people allow you to have. The majority voted and the majority pushed me out. Now it's Triyun and Cents turn to be voted off the island.

In your case, just noone wants to give you land. You are not banned per se and we have to acknowledge your presence if you put forward a valid claim or if just anyone givers you an acre of land. However, it is not possible, even by majority vote, to ban people from the map. This is nothing GMs came up with, but as far as I know, is a long-standing rule by the mods as sort of minority protection so unpopular people can still be part of the RP.


So, you are wrong on both accounts.

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This isn't a discussion thread. There is an OOC threat in the "Open National RP" subsection of the forums where you are free to discuss things relevant to Roleplaying. Thank you.


Edit: Link

Edited by Justinian the Mighty
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In your case, just noone wants to give you land. You are not banned per se and we have to acknowledge your presence if you put forward a valid claim or if just anyone givers you an acre of land. However, it is not possible, even by majority vote, to ban people from the map. This is nothing GMs came up with, but as far as I know, is a long-standing rule by the mods as sort of minority protection so unpopular people can still be part of the RP.


So, you are wrong on both accounts.


"You're not banned, you're just unable to claim any land and without any land you can't do any actions that roleplay in CNRP."


Yes, because there is a difference. The whole point of protectorates anyway is to dictate who gets to settle on free land. 


I always lost my wars purposelessly, I did morally wrong things for a boost of entertainment and to make people angry at me and therefore be more active. However I did not god mode. I did not do immoral things ICly and OOCly. That is why I am still allowed to role play here by the majority of the people and my actions recognizable when I am able to get in via land. However all of those who do not like me do not want me to settle on their land. In my opinion this roleplay's activity would be heavily stimulated by a North Korea of CNRP. I mean my threads garnered much activity and such when I made them long ago. However I did make several OOC mistakes by not being military tech savvy, and instead of people helping me, they simply said "You're wrong, stop and edit now" repeatedly. I mean how many players here have joined CNRP in the past year? How many of them are still here? How many of them are tech savvy? I don't know any that match all 3 of those questions, I can count on my hand those who joined in the past year and are still here, and I can think of several who have joined and left/been forced out in the past year.



This isn't a discussion thread. There is an OOC threat in the "Open National RP" subsection of the forums where you are free to discuss things relevant to Roleplaying. Thank you.


Edit: Link

Hello Sir and thank you for your inquiry. I would like to inform you that this is a forum and all topics are up for discussion. This is however an OOC thread in an IC forum, and the content is labeled as OOC. 
It is also to my knowledge that it is not possible for a thread to make it's own rules, however the topic at hand is up for discussion. The topic of this post is that a new map has been made as a result of conflict.
Thank you for your concern, and I look forward to hearing from you again.
Edited by Rotavele
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"You're not banned, you're just unable to claim any land and without any land you can't do any actions that roleplay in CNRP."


Yes, because there is a difference. The whole point of protectorates anyway is to dictate who gets to settle on free land. 


I always lost my wars purposelessly, I did morally wrong things for a boost of entertainment and to make people angry at me and therefore be more active. However I did not god mode. I did not do immoral things ICly and OOCly. That is why I am still allowed to role play here by the majority of the people and my actions recognizable when I am able to get in via land. However all of those who do not like me do not want me to settle on their land. In my opinion this roleplay's activity would be heavily stimulated by a North Korea of CNRP. I mean my threads garnered much activity and such when I made them long ago. However I did make several OOC mistakes by not being military tech savvy, and instead of people helping me, they simply said "You're wrong, stop and edit now" repeatedly. I mean how many players here have joined CNRP in the past year? How many of them are still here? How many of them are tech savvy? I don't know any that match all 3 of those questions, I can count on my hand those who joined in the past year and are still here, and I can think of several who have joined and left/been forced out in the past year.


Hello Sir and thank you for your inquiry. I would like to inform you that this is a forum and all topics are up for discussion. This is however an OOC thread in an IC forum, and the content is labeled as OOC. 
It is also to my knowledge that it is not possible for a thread to make it's own rules, however the topic at hand is up for discussion. The topic of this post is that a new map has been made as a result of conflict.
Thank you for your concern, and I look forward to hearing from you again.


This is a map thread. Map thread authors request that their threads not be used for discussion so they do not lose track of map requests. Because they are for map claims only they are not discussion threads. This post was made by a GM and has the official GM stamp of approval therefore it should be respected.

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