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Pink Clams ride again!!


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Not new, just a bit rusty (the only action I've seen the past half year being in the form of a few recent raids). When I saw BF1 was moving I jumped at the opportunity to test recent changes and earn casualties and XP (in a controlled, lower risk environment). My work's done, peace has been offered.

Have fun y'all. :)

I'm sure the BF1 nations will gratefully accept your offers of peace  :rolleyes:

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Dear Stewie

It's with much sadness I inform you the Polar Immigration & Customs Enforcement agency have discovered some irregularities in your visa's and as such have cancelled the rest of your tour. That's right, you're trapped in the Polar ICE.

Whilst I understand we are just one stop on your proposed end of school party trip I do hope that over the coming months we provide enough entertainment to more than make up for the loss of the rest of your trip.

Kind Regards


Nice post  :awesome:


/me applauds

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I'm sorry, we're an Alliance.

As were ARSe (Alternative Retirement Strategy) that we saw last year. An alliance, but rogues nonetheless.

Guess I missed the DoE and CN Wiki doesn't help me here.


Or are you Poison Clan and is NG back to just iFOK?

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We're a few NG/PC/iFOK/GOONS/Oly guys from various ages coming together to have some fun on the way out

Okay, not surprised I missed that.


ARSe never did a DoE, so that's one point ahead for you guys already ;)


Well, have fun on the way out then, that was ARSe's plan too. A draw on that one. You have more members. Score at 3-1 in BF1 vs ARSe.


ARSe deleted after a good month, I'm sure you can beat that too!

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I'll admit, It gives me a good chuckle to see people fondly reminiscing about a terrible alliance like poison clan.

Terrible, hmmmm you know what is terrible when we broke that pact that we had and DoW on you guys. I think we did pretty good on destroying a few of your nations :).

Just because there are a few PCer that are calling her name out don't get your G-string all on back wards and start remembering what we did to your alliance , big deal  at the end you guys so won that war ;) .


WHo am i  you might ask yourself as you wipe your ass on the crapper , im the tao of retard and the new poster that will more then likely get a worn for getting some lul from some friends ..


i send ya a big wet herpes infected kiss .....wakawakawaka..... you silly mofoka   

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Lets talk about how little you actually know. Perhaps you should have taken the opportunity to have one guy hit before update, and one after instead of attempting so hard to get in a few weak attacks against an opponent was active. The real damage will be done by nukes, not by failed attacks against his nation just after he attacked you. You should have properly staggered him. You were just gun happy and jumped in too fast. Go back and sit in the corner, your time came and went with NAAC, you have been nothing but a washed up fool since then, you are more of a plague to your alliance than a help.


Last time I checked properly staggered only required one slot to be left, last time I checked being cute and taking the last slot deliberately left is slot filling, whether Admin regards it as such or not.  I am more than comfortable with the speed of our response, what I am not happy about is the internal cowardice of your alliance.  If the nation accepts the alleged peace offer by SW then all is well, until then I find it interesting that you mouth off like conquering heroes when the reality is that you are a handful of nations who I will enjoy fighting and have done every time we meet.


When you have actually accomplished something other than declaring a few wars and are actually winning over a period of a month or so, then you may well have the right to be satisfied with yourselves, right now you have done nothing but trip the wire on a whole alliance used to fighting wars of this nature. 


As for being a plague, I concur, but alas I am still here and still, as always, in a better position than you.  If you had actually contributed a single moment of excitement in your existence I would be far more interested in your analysis, but like many others, you are a coat tail rider, a false pretender and far from the man of mayhem you would seek to portray.  Conversely, despite your negative views, I have done much and provided hours of amusement for all sides of the treaty web, I should be your one true God.  I will accept your worship when you repent.

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Very true. Now, instead of just talking about others actually doing something, how about you learn from them instead of talking out of your ass constantly.


Aw thank you very much for this. I will see you soon enough. :D

Congrats on your new bloc Polar.


You keep saying this, but your feet aren't moving. Hustle up, kiddo.


I'm here Starfox. Your move, bud.

Edited by Sunny Side King
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Last time I checked properly staggered only required one slot to be left, last time I checked being cute and taking the last slot deliberately left is slot filling, whether Admin regards it as such or not.  I am more than comfortable with the speed of our response, what I am not happy about is the internal cowardice of your alliance.  If the nation accepts the alleged peace offer by SW then all is well, until then I find it interesting that you mouth off like conquering heroes when the reality is that you are a handful of nations who I will enjoy fighting and have done every time we meet.


When you have actually accomplished something other than declaring a few wars and are actually winning over a period of a month or so, then you may well have the right to be satisfied with yourselves, right now you have done nothing but trip the wire on a whole alliance used to fighting wars of this nature. 


As for being a plague, I concur, but alas I am still here and still, as always, in a better position than you.  If you had actually contributed a single moment of excitement in your existence I would be far more interested in your analysis, but like many others, you are a coat tail rider, a false pretender and far from the man of mayhem you would seek to portray.  Conversely, despite your negative views, I have done much and provided hours of amusement for all sides of the treaty web, I should be your one true God.  I will accept your worship when you repent.


It really is cute how much of a try hard you are. "I am the Almighty Maggot, fear me for I have done much in CN like fucking over the alliance I am in charge of." Last I checked there are still other nations, you cry over one nation, boo fucking hoo. There are ten of us, with open slots. What is taking so long?


I am a coat tail rider? Last I checked I wasn't very well liked myself by people on all sides of the web, because instead of sucking dick like you tend to do I do whatever pleases me at the moment. I don't really care if I accomplished much in the eyes of you, I accomplished my own things I wanted to do. However, I am enjoying the fact that you are so angry over this and that you pretend that you are fine with this by going. "Oh I enjoy this." We can all see how angry you are, you have been angry from the get go. So please, continue to froth at the mouth.

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