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TFK Declaration of War

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 Two days ago, House Lannister launched an offensive against The Flying Kiwis. House Lannister then immediately began offering peace, saying that it was war games. Problem is, they hit the wrong alliance. The wars against TFK were full-scale (maximum damage possible), and House Lannister's terms were immediate peace. In the interest of putting the incident behind us, we agreed, on the condition that some Kiwis might make things even before accepting peace. The apparent organizer of the offensive canceled peace offers sent to him and continued attacks, and he was given an ultimatum by TFK. House Lannister then launched another full-scale offensive. Since they cannot make up their minds, TFK will take things into their own hands and hereby officially declare war against House Lannister.




Chancellor: jumpingjakers4

Minister of Foreign Affairs: DaRuler

Minister of Defense: Scrappy Doo



Also, logs for all those interested: :ph34r:

[spoiler][00:16] <Holton> hey there

[00:16] ->> Holton is oriayn@New.Sith.Order (...)
[00:16] ->> Holton is a registered nick
[00:16] ->> Holton is on: #te-kiwi +#slcb #cnkashmir @#europauniversalis &#hearmeroar@#casterlyrock +#glof &#darkoranges #polaris +#MI6 %#shangri-la #cybernations %#nongrata #odn @#nso
[00:16] ->> Holton using ice.coldfront.net (Welcome to Coldfront!)
[00:16] ->> Holton is a member of the New Sith Order.
[00:16] ->> Holton :End of /WHOIS list.
[00:16] <DaRuler[TFK]> Hey 
[00:16] <Holton> I'm House Lannister gob
[00:16] <Holton> gov*
[00:17] <DaRuler[TFK]> I heard there was a hiccup 
[00:17] <Holton> You might have noticed a bit of a war screen discrepency... lol
[00:17] <Holton> Yes.
[00:17] <Holton> Completely our fault. One of our members jumped the gun and posted some links thatshould not have been posted. Ended up with some nations being hit.
[00:18] <DaRuler[TFK]> It kinda intrigues me as to why all of those links appear to be Kiwi nations 
[00:18] <DaRuler[TFK]> unless someone was making up their own ideas?
[00:19] <Holton> It was actually just a blanket link to your alliance page and everyone picked their own targets from there... Since TE is so small we aren't doing a nation-by-nation thing yet.
[00:20] <Holton> Again, it was a complete fo-pah. The alliance we were meant to declare on wassupposed to be people we knew. Not you guys 
[00:21] <DaRuler[TFK]> lol, that's what I suspected after I started getting messages in-game 
[00:21] <DaRuler[TFK]> I'll send out a message about peace 8)
[00:22] <DaRuler[TFK]> but a couple people might not want to peace without "evening the score" first 
[00:23] <DaRuler[TFK]> I'll try to prevent it, though 8)
[00:24] <Holton> I can't completely guarantee that it wouldn't turn into a tit-for-tat kind of thing with individual nations. We'll try our best to deliver blanket peace though.
[00:25] <Holton> It'd be better for everyone involved if we could just forget this happened. 
[00:25] <DaRuler[TFK]> that's what I'm trying to accomplish 
[00:25] <DaRuler[TFK]> I've got a couple hot-heads, though 
[00:25] <Holton> Yeah so do we (obviously) 
[00:26] <Holton> Thanks for your understanding though. It's much appreciated.
[00:26] <DaRuler[TFK]> NP 
[00:26] <DaRuler[TFK]> It's funny, this is the second time this has happened this round XD
[00:27] <Holton> From us? :/
[00:27] <Holton> Or to kiwis? lol
[00:27] <DaRuler[TFK]> yall are still declaring, though 
[00:28] <DaRuler[TFK]> and so are you
[00:29] <DaRuler[TFK]> you there?
[00:30] <DaRuler[TFK]> care to explain?
[00:32] <DaRuler[TFK]> If not, there's going to be a Recognition of Hostilities written up
[00:32] <DaRuler[TFK]> in the next 5 minutes
[00:33] <Holton> Yeah we're still reigning people in
[00:34] <Holton> It's a bit hectic at the moment but it should be resolved now.
[00:34] <DaRuler[TFK]> him too?
[00:34] <Holton> Unless someone retarded does something else.
[00:34] <DaRuler[TFK]> he sent me a message about the mistake
[00:34] <DaRuler[TFK]> and then he declared on another Kiwi
[00:35] * Holton facepalms
[00:36] <Holton> If you can believe it, I told him we had the wrong links but our other military guy (the originator of the wrong link) told him otherwise a few minutes later.
[00:36] <Holton> It's been resolved though.
[00:36] <DaRuler[TFK]> Rota is your military guy, right?
[00:37] <Holton> Rota was the original poster yeah
[00:37] <Holton> he is no longer our military guy though
[00:39] <DaRuler[TFK]> he sent me a message 11 minutes after update that the situation was resolved
[00:39] <DaRuler[TFK]> and there are still people attacking 15 minutes later
[00:40] <Holton> Rotavele has since been demoted and we're in the process of investigating the matter.
[00:41] <Holton> Speaking of though: Zamuda just declared 3 offensive wars against us...
[00:41] <Holton> We have no wish to escalate this further. Peace is our only interest.
[00:41] <DaRuler[TFK]> all defensive wars, 20 minutes ago
[00:42] <DaRuler[TFK]> some of my guys will most liekly attack back, and then send peace
[00:42] <DaRuler[TFK]> there was quite a bit of damage done, and they just won't let it all go
[00:43] <DaRuler[TFK]> I've ordered no new wars, though
[00:43] <DaRuler[TFK]> and Obasanjo has been asked to peace out immediately
[00:43] <Holton> Yeah I got attacked by him.
[00:46] <Holton> I've ordered everyone peaced out and no one's been retarded thus-far.
[00:47] <Holton> So hopefully this'll all be ressolved as quickly as it came up. heh.
[00:48] <DaRuler[TFK]> Lol, twas interesting [/spoiler]
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After I discussed with you what happened, for you to go ahead and approve roguing of our AA, and the multiple other nations that refused peace offers and instead chose to attack; The Flying Kiwis had no intention of peace, you provoked this war. You got what you asked for.


Sad to see that our attempts at peace were so readily spurned.

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After I discussed with you what happened, for you to go ahead and approve roguing of our AA, and the multiple other nations that refused peace offers and instead chose to attack; The Flying Kiwis had no intention of peace, you provoked this war. You got what you asked for.


Sad to see that our attempts at peace were so readily spurned.


If somebody attacks one of our nations and does full GAs, Bombings, and CMs, they're [i]not[/i] going to be ordered to accept the peace that was sent immediately afterward. Especially on the scale of your first attack.


Another note, I never believed for one second that you accidentally hit us. Your entire gov was involved in the first attack. Either you guys are that inept, or you're terrible liars. That is what I should have told you ;)

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If somebody attacks one of our nations and does full GAs, Bombings, and CMs, they're not going to be ordered to accept the peace that was sent immediately afterward. Especially on the scale of your first attack.


Another note, I never believed for one second that you accidentally hit us. Your entire gov was involved in the first attack. Either you guys are that inept, or you're terrible liars. That is what I should have told you ;)


Even in the face of facts you continue to hurl lies, faked logs, and provocations at us. It's just sad to see, but not entirely unexpected of a lesser House.

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Provocations?  You mean like all those war declarations that started on the 28th?  Lies?  You mean like the round of excuses and (transparent) framing going on right now to try to make yourselves look like the victim?  With this kind of thing going on I can't take your assertion that the logs are "faked" at face value at all.

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Provocations?  You mean like all those war declarations that started on the 28th?  Lies?  You mean like the round of excuses and (transparent) framing going on right now to try to make yourselves look like the victim?  With this kind of thing going on I can't take your assertion that the logs are "faked" at face value at all.


Provocations, like the insults and threats against my House and my Family. Logs:

[00:17] <DaRuler[TFK]> You might want to tell your nations to back off before this gets ugly :)

[00:23] <DaRuler[TFK]> I may or may not order peace, you guys seem pretty inept so we may just roll you.

[00:19] <DaRuler[TFK]> Hey, just so you know: As soon as we get our senator back, you're all be sanctioned. Regardless of peace or war.
Lies, like the liberally edited logs he posted in this DoW.
Despite what he'll tell you, his end of the conversation was not nearly as "peaceful" as portrayed, this was my personal favourite:

[00:27] <DaRuler[TFK]> Your inept, role-playing, "family" will not find peace with us until you surrender and publicly apologize for everything that has happened.
Edited by Master Holton
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Again I say, TFK o/
I mean you "Family" is clearly the aggressor here. And I'm surprised they actually gave you a chance to make peace. Most AAs would just roll you without all the diplomacy.

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[00:19] <DaRuler[TFK]> Hey, just so you know: As soon as we get our senator back, you're all be sanctioned. Regardless of peace or war.


I see no provocations there. Just typical diplomacy in response to a failed blitz.

This is a little outside 'typical diplomacy,' and directly provocative. "Regardless of peace or war". Edited by Rayvon
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Called it. :)








Also, I wonder what you said that made my tone change so frequently in your log (wait, that's a log?). How about you add that in there, too ;)

Edited by Jesusfreak
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Even in the face of facts you continue to hurl lies, faked logs, and provocations at us. It's just sad to see, but not entirely unexpected of a lesser House.


Are you insane?


Everyone in TE knows DaRuler.


The fact that you conveyed that He Lied and faked logs ruins any credibility of your defense.


Whatever your intentions were, this wasn't a "fo-pah". And for you to imply that it was reflects your character.

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As a House Lannister kool-aid addict, I just want to ask why The Flying Kiwis are being so mean to us :(

Mass attacking an alliance and then trying to say it was a genuine mistake will never work out... Especially when your government is also attacking!

The kiwis in my eyes have not been 'mean' enough. Maybe there was a mistake, but government members would have corrected it before launching attacks.... Either that or your government have no control?
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