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An Ordo Paradoxia Announcement

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I've had a busy weekend. 


Some of my activities had a common thread - UNLIKEY things.


Friday was a pretty standard night - with one exception - no booze - no beer - no alcohol at all.  I'm not sure why....it just worked out that way.



Pretty unusual indeed.


Saturday was a great day.  I spent the afternoon tailgating and the evening enjoying a night at the ball park followed by a spectacular fireworks display.


What's so unlikely about that?



That would be that the Pirates are surprisingly in FIRST PLACE and have the BEST RECORD in the majors!


Unlikely - YES 
Loving it? - YES


The fun continued today with a family reunion.



What's unlikely about that?


The fact that I DID drink? - NO
That I took halushki as my side dish - Hardly
No major drama - moderately unlikely I guess.


Well...maybe today didn't fit the theme


EXCEPT - It's not at all likely that we're this far into the war and OP hasn't had a war yet.


We can pretty easily remedy this.



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Hey, I can't complain.  I'm winning where it counts.  Thank you, Ordo Paradoxia, for allowing me this opportunity to purge and purify my soul!









 1, 2 and 3....Impressive all around!



OP is like Disney World sometimes...making dreams come true.

Edited by the wompus
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Spoke with Paul
War will end 6th-7th
After the first waves of war expire
You guys had a great blitz next time around I'm gonna catch u guys with your pants down
I'm looking for Waist sizes 33

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