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[quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1358983751' post='3084300']
It has already been handled diplomatically. Sorry to burst your bubbles, but your plans to get NEW involved with NPO against their wishes aren't going to work.

[quote name='tamerlane' timestamp='1358983799' post='3084303']
Surely the NPO will do what is honorable in this situation.

This is pretty much what we did when they sent cash to Kaskus last year, although NEW did briefly 'expel' the members that sent the aid, who then went on to join Kaskus and fight us directly.

I don't see a diplomatic resolution as dishonourable, rather as commonsense, particularly given the currently complicated circumstances.

You might find however that they continue to push the boundaries of the 'resolution' as they did with us, and you will most likely need to sort it out 'diplomatically' on more than one occasion.

e: That said, Brehon was quite specific about viewing further aid from NEW to Kaskus as an act of war in the OP, so yeah - it sits poorly in terms of the implications of his public statements vs what can be achieved with him and his allies in backroom deals.

Edited by Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz
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I mean this isn't the first time NEW sent some aid after NPOs DoW, I've been on the ball communicating with NPO and just getting some sent aids canceled and in one case just sending reps to an NPO nation.

You can give credit to NPO if you like though... If NSO was as easy to work with we wouldn't still be in this mess.

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This is pretty much what we did when they sent cash to Kaskus last year, although NEW did briefly 'expel' the members that sent the aid, who then went on to join Kaskus and fight us directly.

I don't see a diplomatic resolution as dishonourable, rather as commonsense, particularly given the currently complicated circumstances.

You might find however that they continue to push the boundaries of the 'resolution' as they did with us, and you will most likely need to sort it out 'diplomatically' on more than one occasion.

e: That said, Brehon was quite specific about viewing further aid from NEW to Kaskus as an act of war in the OP, so yeah - it sits poorly in terms of the implications of his public statements vs what can be achieved with him and his allies in backroom deals.

It's a matter of change of attitude from other parties [in this case, NEW], not necessarily on NPO or Brehon.

NEW is in the current coalition with NPO, and aware that Kaskus is trying to pull them in while they're telling Kaskus no. Individual members of Kaskus polled the NEW nation who was relatively uninformed and urged him for aid. It's a far cry different than the situation where NEW was acting aggressively with intent, I went talking with Vibi which was the deciding factor in this recent case.

It's just plain common sense that being on the same coalition is going to make them review situations differently. You'd have to be a complete daft fool to think that either party would want to purposely tear apart and weaken their own coalition over this.

I mean this isn't the first time NEW sent some aid after NPOs DoW, I've been on the ball communicating with NPO and just getting some sent aids canceled and in one case just sending reps to an NPO nation.

You can give credit to NPO if you like though... If NSO was as easy to work with we wouldn't still be in this mess.

I don't know what's funnier, the fact you've repeated this multiple times or the fact you think there might actually be some credibility to it. Edited by Rayvon
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I mean this isn't the first time NEW sent some aid after NPOs DoW, I've been on the ball communicating with NPO and just getting some sent aids canceled and in one case just sending reps to an NPO nation.

You can give credit to NPO if you like though... If NSO was as easy to work with we wouldn't still be in this mess.

Yes because NSO are the problem here, how dare they ask you to pay what they rightly are owed.

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NEW is in the current coalition with NPO, and aware that Kaskus is trying to pull them in while they're telling Kaskus no. Individual members of Kaskus polled the NEW nation who was relatively uninformed and urged him for aid. It's a far cry different than the situation where NEW was acting aggressively with intent, I went talking with Vibi which was the deciding factor in this recent case.


 I don't know what's funnier, the fact you've repeated this multiple times or the fact you think there might actually be some credibility to it. 


And lol when did you go talk to Vibi about it? After it was handled? Please. I went and talked to NPO both times it happened, the first time BEFORE they even noticed and had the aid canceled (on Kaskus' end) and the second time spoke with Vibi and Farrin and had 3mill arranged to be sent to NPO. 


Meanwhile you were busy ignoring my queries, despite talking in a public chan at the same time.


P.S. That is what I mean by difficult to work with.

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You did jack shit:



Session Start: Fri Jan 11 04:34:52 2013
Session Ident: Gandroff[NPO]
[04:34] <UnknownSmurf> Hi are you there?
[04:35] <Gandroff[NPO]> Yes
[04:36] <UnknownSmurf> A NEW guy just sent aid to a kaskus guy; kaskus did not accept and is planning on cancelling the aid. Just a heads up, we are trying to respect BFFs wishes and waiting for the cancellation period to wear off before this goes to wherever its going. 
[04:36] <Gandroff[NPO]> That certainly makes that situation easier
[04:36] <UnknownSmurf> (the kaskus guy is not online atm, the one sent the aid but I messaged him telling him not to)
[04:37] <UnknownSmurf> Heh, well despite the what the OWF trolls believe we do respect our friends wishes. 
[04:38] <Gandroff[NPO]> Thanks for the information
[04:38] <UnknownSmurf> No problem; please pass that along to whichever NPO members need to knwo that; as you seem to be the only IO on atm.
[04:38] <Gandroff[NPO]> I intend to
[04:39] <UnknownSmurf> Thanks for making this as easy as possible.
[04:39] <UnknownSmurf> If anyone needs confirmation of us asking him to cancelling it and whatever can query me. 
[04:40] <Gandroff[NPO]> Alright
Session Close: Fri Jan 11 15:21:20 2013



Session Start: Tue Jan 15 02:16:17 2013
Session Ident: Farrin[NPO]
[02:16] Session Ident: Farrin[NPO] (Coldfront, UnknownSmurf) (farrinx@new.pacific.order)
[02:16] <Farrin[NPO]> You around?
[02:16] <UnknownSmurf> Yeah, whats up?
[02:17] <UnknownSmurf> ><
[02:17] <Farrin[NPO]> Yeah.
[02:17] <Farrin[NPO]> That was pointed out to us by one of our members, who then posted it in a members area of the forum. So, I've got some upset people.
[02:18] <UnknownSmurf> Ugh 
[02:18] <UnknownSmurf> well shit I can't say anything officially of course
[02:18] <UnknownSmurf> but what are we looking at; reps or you want those NEW guys to roll onto Kaskus AA (thats what we did with GOONS)
[02:19] <Farrin[NPO]> I'm not in a position to really say anything officially right now either. First and foremost, we'd like to make sure it doesn't happen again. Like I told you last time we talked, I appreciated how quickly you got the last pending aid cancelled but this one was already accepted.
[02:19] <UnknownSmurf> YEah I noticed that; I just didn't see it in time 
[02:20] <UnknownSmurf> Its obviously a tech deal; looks like they buy/sell from each other before
[02:20] <Farrin[NPO]> I would hope both players realize there's a war going on though =P
[02:20] <UnknownSmurf> from our side its more like "hey NSO is still doing tech deals, why can't we"
[02:21] <UnknownSmurf> I tried to explain the difference to them, but yeah.
[02:21] <UnknownSmurf> Also lol have you seen this:
[02:21] <UnknownSmurf> ?
[02:21] <UnknownSmurf> "tell ur friend to hit me."
[02:21] <Farrin[NPO]> lmao
[02:21] <Farrin[NPO]> that's awesome
[02:21] <UnknownSmurf> See what I'm dealing with here!? :P
[02:23] <UnknownSmurf> Are the right people on from NPO to discuss this with NEW now? (you're still IO of FA right?)
[02:23] <Farrin[NPO]> I am, and I'm discussing the matter with our Military IO
[02:23] <UnknownSmurf> Ask him if he wants to call it even 
[02:23] <UnknownSmurf> :)
[02:24] <UnknownSmurf> There just so much instigation over on your side
[02:24] <UnknownSmurf> you really can't be that mad about a slipped though tech deal =/
[02:26] <UnknownSmurf> I mean seriously on our side no ill will; ask rayvon one of our guys actually offered to (or sent him even) 3 mill after the war expired to help him rebuild .. -.-;; I had to chew our guy out :P
[02:26] <Farrin[NPO]> And you're more than welcome to discuss that with IRON and NG. As for the specific instance I brought up, we'd like 3m sent from a Kaskus nation to a Pacifican nation of our choice.
[02:26] <UnknownSmurf> From us? Not NEW?
[02:27] <Farrin[NPO]> You received the aid, but if you'd prefer NEW pay it I'm okay with that.
[02:28] <UnknownSmurf> Err I mean will that be enough to cover both parties. i.e. is the issue resolved for NEW as well?
[02:28] <Farrin[NPO]> Absolutely. Like you said, we're not getting upset over a tech deal with bad timing, just need to ensure this doesn't happen again.
[02:29] <UnknownSmurf> Alright I gotta run it by govt and will get back to you asap
[02:29] <Farrin[NPO]> Thanks, if it's tonight I'll be up for a while longer. Otherwise, just hit up anyone with % or above (that's NPO) in #nsa
[02:30] <UnknownSmurf> vibi is on now
[02:30] <UnknownSmurf> want to talk to him?
[02:30] <UnknownSmurf> #smurf
[02:39] <UnknownSmurf> Btw do you have the logs robster sent brehon; I wanna see if it matches what we got.
[02:39] <UnknownSmurf> robster mentioned he sent him some; but refuses to give me what he sent y'all which makes me suspicious
[02:39] <Farrin[NPO]> Logs about what?
[02:40] <UnknownSmurf> The Chax/Vibi stuff
[02:40] <Farrin[NPO]> ah, if he got those he hasn't posted them yet. I don't think he was feeling well tonight
[02:40] <UnknownSmurf> Ah ok
[02:40] <UnknownSmurf> Well he got on at update for once
[02:40] <UnknownSmurf> To: Unknown Smurf    From: Brehon    Date: 1/15/2013 12:10:42 AM
[02:40] <UnknownSmurf> Subject: Cruise Missile Attack
[02:40] <UnknownSmurf> Message: Your nation has been attacked with a cruise missile by Brehon. You lost 6 defending tanks, 1.10 technology, and 0.34 infrastructure. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.
[02:40] <UnknownSmurf> :P
[02:41] <UnknownSmurf> maybe he was up late because hes not feeling well
[02:41] <Farrin[NPO]> possibly, yeah
[02:42] <UnknownSmurf> or more likely woke up in the middle of the night and decided to check in/saw it was near update
[02:42] <UnknownSmurf> oh well
[02:42] <UnknownSmurf> Anyways thanks for making this painless
[02:42] <UnknownSmurf> If ray was only as reasonable...
[02:42] <Farrin[NPO]> I try to be reasonable. It's worked well for me as FAIO =)
[02:43] <UnknownSmurf> Pssh you know they only give you that so you are away from the alliance bothering others instead of the other IOs :P
[02:44] <Farrin[NPO]> I still find the time to bother the other IOs, don't worry, lol
[02:44] <UnknownSmurf> lol
[02:44] <UnknownSmurf> Btw I sent out a message reminding people to not accept aid from people not in kaskus and got this: 
[02:44] <UnknownSmurf> Btw I sent out a message reminding people to not accept 
[02:44] <UnknownSmurf> err
[02:44] <UnknownSmurf> To: Unknown Smurf    From: KenoCore    Date: 1/15/2013 1:41:05 AM
[02:44] <UnknownSmurf> Subject: RE: Reminder! DO NOT 
[02:44] <UnknownSmurf> Message: Can I accept from NSO?
[02:44] <UnknownSmurf> --
[02:44] <UnknownSmurf> I guess he saw that $1111111 aid
[02:45] <Farrin[NPO]> hell, he should just to fuck with that guy for sending that amount, lol
Session Close: Tue Jan 15 06:54:23 2013
Session Start: Tue Jan 15 02:30:29 2013
Session Ident: #smurf
[02:30] * Now talking in #smurf
[02:30] * UnknownSmurf sets mode: -o UnknownSmurf
[02:30] * Farrin[NPO] (farrinx@new.pacific.order) has joined #smurf
[02:30] * vibi (DonnyMV@FF883C64.E29C7FEE.3CDC4A26.IP) has joined #smurf
[02:30] <vibi> hello Farrin[NPO]
[02:30] <Farrin[NPO]> good evening
[02:31] <Farrin[NPO]> Did US fill you in on why I queried him?
[02:31] <vibi> i just realised if that my member got a tech deal with kaskus 
[02:31] <vibi> i am NEW
[02:31] * Farrin[NPO] nods
[02:32] <vibi> this is really accidentally aid
[02:33] <Farrin[NPO]> Obviously, we'd have preferred this didn't happen. However, as I explained to US, this is clearly just a tech deal with bad timing. We're willing to accept 3m sent to a Pacifican of our choice from one of your alliances to cover this.
[02:33] <Farrin[NPO]> as US and I discussed, not as I explained to him... sorry, I'm tired =)
[02:33] <vibi> lol
[02:33] <vibi> sorry
[02:34] <UnknownSmurf> vibi blacky is on want him to translate? 
[02:34] <vibi> give me a target aid, and i will send some packages to you
[02:35] <Farrin[NPO]> Let me find someone and I will give you the target.
[02:35] <vibi> thanks Farrin[NPO]
[02:38] <Farrin[NPO]> there you go, Vibi
[02:40] <vibi> done Farrin[NPO]
[02:41] <UnknownSmurf> already approved oO
[02:41] <UnknownSmurf> fast :O
[02:41] <Farrin[NPO]> Thank you, vibi. I appreciate both of you working with us on this.
[02:42] <vibi> i thanks to you Farrin[NPO]
[02:42] <vibi> :)
[02:46] <Farrin[NPO]> have a good night (or whatever time it is where you are!) vibi =)
[02:46] * Farrin[NPO] (farrinx@new.pacific.order) has left #smurf
[02:46] * vibi (DonnyMV@FF883C64.E29C7FEE.3CDC4A26.IP) has left #smurf
[06:54] * Disconnected
Session Close: Tue Jan 15 06:54:23 2013
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You missed the aid on the 22nd

Session Start: Tue Jan 22 08:33:30 2013
Session Ident: vibi
[08:33:30] Session Ident: vibi (Coldfront, Rayvon[NSO]) (Mibbit@8E30146.BC5D8298.3CDC4A26.IP)
[08:33:30] <vibi> hello
[08:33:46] <vibi> are you around
01[08:45:43] <Rayvon[NSO]> hello
[08:46:05] <vibi> have a time to talk?
01[08:47:03] <Rayvon[NSO]> Sure
[08:47:26] <vibi> my member suddendly sent aid to kaskus which is this is purely accidentaly happened
[08:47:36] <vibi> as you know if most kaskus are ex NEW
01[08:48:06] <Rayvon[NSO]> mhm - we've had that talk before
[08:48:33] <vibi> i am here wanna say sorry about this
01[08:48:58] <Rayvon[NSO]> That's what, the second or third 'mistake' in the last week?
[08:49:17] <vibi> well.. i know this is our fault
[08:49:20] <vibi> and i admit it
[08:49:52] <vibi> i really sorry this is happened
[08:50:06] <vibi> we are not supporting kaskus
01[08:50:20] <Rayvon[NSO]> Then you need to get a handle on your members
[08:50:30] <vibi> i know.. its my fault
01[08:50:32] <Rayvon[NSO]> Remind them they are not supporting Kaskus
[08:50:35] <vibi> :(
[08:50:52] <vibi> i just make it clear on forum and facebook group
[08:51:03] <vibi> and i am very angry with wukong
[08:51:20] <vibi> wukong said he just give what akuang and jericho ask
[08:51:21] <vibi> :(
[08:51:40] <vibi> and wukong are not update with the situation
[08:51:56] <vibi> he just wake up
[08:52:29] <vibi> we will pay NSO back if you want
[08:53:58] <vibi> i hope you understand what i said
01[08:58:18] <Rayvon[NSO]> Just get a handle on your members. Next 'mistake' will be treated as a rogue. Kaskus is attempting to draw you in, to have you attacked by asking your uninformed member to send them monies - they know the reason NPO declared war on them was to exactly stop that and that any continued actions as such would be a declaration of war against NPO and us.
[08:59:01] <vibi> i know kaskus are trying to get NEW involved
[08:59:06] <vibi> this is not happening
[09:02:33] <vibi> i am truly sorry :(

Meanwhile you were busy ignoring my queries, despite talking in a public chan at the same time.
P.S. That is what I mean by difficult to work with.

Your gov can come talk to me. Edited by Rayvon
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US - that will happen when your gov says something more than what has been repeated over and over. That is the base for the continued problem here. Find a solution and stop the crap - I am asking here because this is beyond stupid and silly. Trying to just put that on the shoulders of the NSO is just evading. They haven't asked for any obsessive or wrong. Just a normal end to war. Grats to being able to fight and try to repeat what FAN did years ago. But you are no FAN because FAN was always straight up and didn't just mouth the same words over and over. Just something to think about.

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US - that will happen when your gov says something more than what has been repeated over and over. That is the base for the continued problem here. Find a solution and stop the crap - I am asking here because this is beyond stupid and silly. Trying to just put that on the shoulders of the NSO is just evading. They haven't asked for any obsessive or wrong. Just a normal end to war. Grats to being able to fight and try to repeat what FAN did years ago. But you are no FAN because FAN was always straight up and didn't just mouth the same words over and over. Just something to think about.

I don't know the details of what you are referring to here but I believe that repeating the same thing over and over means that they were straight up the first time around and that position did not change. Correct me if I am wrong. Straight up we want white peace (walk away from the battle without anything -- I understand your definition of white peace is different but arguing that is a waste of time), NSO does not, there doesn't need to be more drama over this in my opinion. 


I can bold stuff, too.

My intention was to just validate what I said before; not to cause an international incident over something so trivial (again) 

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I will tell you I am about done with my option to just walk away from this.


Also straight up NSO only wanted your debt.


They didn't get what they wanted.

Kaskus isn't getting what they wanted.

Meet in the middle.  NSO has already stepped forward, Kaskus has not.

Edited by Brehon
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