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One year closer to death!


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I come to you, the mindless sheep of our glorious Admin, to share with you some wonderful news; the Global Protection Force is now disb...

Oh wait sorry! Wrong script...

As sole remaining founder of the Global Protection Force, GPF for you lazy $%&@ers, it gives me great happiness and a huge erection to announce we are now officially one. Yes a one year old with a boner, get over it or get on it! As an alliance we have had a rather topsy turvy year from founding to now. We have had our fair share of drama, a skeptical reputation and war. Reviewing the year all I have to say is $%&@ you to all the doubters. We pulled through some tough times and are still standing. There are many more years left in us.

Here are a few birthday shoutouts:

Ragnarok: While we ended on bad terms and overall had a bad experience of each other I would like to extend our thanks for giving us protection and allowing us to grow in our early weeks.

Argent: Big !@#$@#$ love. Without you we would have been in a world of pain. Words can not describe how much we appreciate what you have done for us. Hopefully one day we can repay you! Seriously superbuddies!!

PPO: We would go to hell and back for you guys! Lulu steal me some gold...Arrrrr <3

MHA: Its been great getting to know you guys. We value your friendship very highly. Things can only go up from here :)

TENE: It has been fantastic to see you blossom from under our protection to where you are at now. You have a big and bright future. Follow your potential. Glad to call you allies.

KoN!: One of our first allies. While we haven't spoken a huge amount recently, know we are always here for you.

On our anniversary it seems fitting to announce our new government and the rise of our evil dictator: Markfrancos.

Secretary General: Markfrancos
Minister of Defense: MrChaos
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Comrade Ronjoy
Minister of Finance: Tendo
Minister of Internal Affairs: xxwatchmanxx

A new generation to take us forward in our second year.

To finish off I have a few notes for you...

We invite everyone to party in #gpf.party. where you can fill yourself up on fake booze, imaginary boobies and whatever else you can create in your twisted minds.

Also our forums are currently down. We are changing domain 'cos we are cheap $%&@ers! Should be back up within the next 24 hours. You will be able to find us at www.cn-gpf.com

Come along and party. Hip hip hooray PARTY ON!

GPF is one and $%&@ you!

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