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Big Brother Speaks

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Big Brother, being the super sexy and omniscient leader he is, saw ahead of time that we needed some shake ups here in Oceania. Of course being cursed with immaculate timing, he on this day announced a brand new charter and appointed a new government which will fulfill his directions for the betterment of Oceania.

Hail Big Brother. He is too sexy for us.

[center][size=150]The Second Charter of Oceania[/size]
[spoiler][quote]From this day forward the Government of Oceania (hereafter referred to as The Party) presents this charter as the ruling document of the nations of Oceania.

[b]Article I: Admission[/b]

All nations that apply to Oceania will be questioned until The Party is satisfied with their loyalty and activity before being allowed access into the Oceania Reeducation Program. These nations must not have any outstanding conflicts with other alliances.

[b]Article II: Government[/b]

[b]Section A. Party Hierarchy[/b]

Big Brother

Oceania is ruled by Big Brother, the identify of Big Brother is never to be known outside of the Inner party.

Inner Party

The Inner party consists for the reason of oversight to Oceania's departments and operations; only inner party members are eligible to become Big Brother.

Outer Party

Devoted officials of The Party, all personnel that have direct and daily exposure to directing the sub-departments of Oceania will be considered Deputy Ministers and Outer Party

All Outer Party members, through hard work and devotion to the Party and Oceania, are eligible to become members of the Inner Party.


Proletarians are the regular citizens of Oceania.

[b]Section B. Departmental Structure[/b]

The Oceanian government is run by the four ministries: The Ministry of Peace (Minipax), Ministry of Love (Miniluv), Ministry of Plenty (Miniplenty) and Ministry of Truth (Minitrue). There functions are as follows:


Led by the Minister of Peace, Minipax handles all the war related activities of the party.


Led by the Minister of Love, Miniluv is responsible for Oceanian interaction with other alliances. Miniluv will seek out and reform foreign Thought Criminals, teaching them to embrace the friendship of the Party.


Led by the Minister of Plenty, Miniplenty is responsible for facilitating trade and tech rationing between Oceanians, and foreign friends.


Led by the Minister of Truth, Minitrue is responsible for the internal running of Oceania, and for seeking out those who wonder alone, bringing them into the glorious embrace of The Party.

[i]Article III: Militarism[/i]

[b]Section A. Declaring War[/b]

Both Big Brother and the Minister of Peace may suggest a declaration of war to the Party, however conformation from a majority of the Inner Party will be required before it goes into effect. In special cases of emergency, when a quick action is needed, only Big Brother or the Minister of Peace are needed to declare war.

[i]Section B. Raiding[/i]

Noting that the primary aim of modern warfare is to use up the products of the machine without raising the general standard of living, members are encouraged to divert funds towards maintaining militaries, and engage in raids against unaligned thought criminals.

[b]Article IV Amendments[/b]

Amendments to the Charter may be proposed by any member of Oceania. Propositions will be considered and voted on by the Inner Party. Those that pass a majority vote of the Inner Party shall become Law.[/center][/quote][/spoiler]

Furthermore we present to you the newest government line up


[center][b] Head of State:[/b] Big Brother

[b]Heads of Departments[/b]:
Mini-Peace (Military) Stelios
Mini-Plenty (Econ) ADude
Mini-Luv (FA) THaverford
Mini-Truf #1 (IA) Eumirbago
Deputy Mini-Truf (IA) Jkellz[/center]

We would like to thank Mikey for his service to the party before retiring.

Reach Us at #oceania-cn and our forums.

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A Gov. only your mom could love.

congrats and such.


No U[img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/wub.gif[/img]

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[quote name='THaverford' timestamp='1338823916' post='2976903']
It is different. Slightly.

"That alliance ends and Oceania allied with Eurasia fights Eastasia, a change which occurred during the Hate Week dedicated to creating patriotic fervour for the Party's perpetual war. The public are blind to the change; in mid-sentence an orator changes the name of the enemy from "Eurasia" to "Eastasia" without pause. When the public are enraged at noticing that the wrong flags and posters are displayed they tear them down—thus the origin of the idiom [b]'We've always been at war with Eastasia'[/b]; later the Party claims to have captured Africa."

-Taken from O Mighty Wikipedia on [i]1984[/i]

Edited by BKlein
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