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Announcement from the PPO

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As you see we are officially over the 1mil stats milestone :D this is a curse that has affected our alliance for years now. No matter how close we were to get to it, even just 1k away, we would have a set back whether from war or long time members leaving our crew.

I would first like to thank the members of the PPO who have helped to make this accomplishment, by continuing to stay with us you have helped allow for something like this to come to fruit. Next I would like to thank our allies for always being by our side.

[b][u][size="5"]Now for a list of accomplishments:[/size][/b][/u]

[*] We hold the record for longest protectorate in CN (began [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=33937]September 6, 2008[/url] up to [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=104544]August 17, 2011[/url]

[*] We had a peak of 73 members after the Bipolar War (most of them admittedly ghosts who deleted after becoming members. We have long since trimmed the fat around our belts.

[*] We have never had to undergo the process of being cancelled upon by our allies, nor having to give out the notification to them ourselves.

[*] Our single oldest treaty is our MDP with Knights of Ni! which was carried over from SOLDIER (not Soldier, two different alliances) which was the splinter from BotS that reformed PPO.

[*] We take pride in not being like most other raiding alliances and place strict Rules of Engagement on our nations with punishments should they screw up.

[*] We have had a total of four alliance websites but our home is here and will stay at ppo.spickle.com. Which btw they are quite awesome work from SpliceVW ;)

[*] PPO is a micro that has been around for roughly 4 years now, we officially reformed on July 15, 2008. We are a micro by choice who enjoy the smaller community over anything else.

[*] Up until the Federation of Buccaneers reformed, we were the only Pirate alliance in existence.[/list]\

[b][u]Memorable Quotes Over the Years:[/size][/b][/u]

[quote] [16:43] <@Snagglepuss> That's good because when i first signed up for your forums, I accidentally put 1998 as my birthyear, so it demanded a written permission form faxed to zetaboards with a parent/guardian's signature. :([/quote]

[quote]<Mattmammoth|PPO>: you should have written "PPO is planning a mass invasion, RUN FOR YOUR LIVES IF YOU DON"T WANT TO BECOME PIRATE SLAVES!!!"[/quote]

[quote][21:06] <LyliaKinkaydiaRose> I said, "Dude... I have 8 husbands, 1 wife, 1 fiance, and several boyfriends. You think you can handle me?"[/quote]

[quote]Villien from TMF:

Attention Splice! The following is a public service announcement from the Moralist Front:

Shut the $%&@ up.

I fought in Polar Wars One and Two. Yes, the !@#$@#$ Polar Wars. I've been doing this since before you probably had the concept of object permanence. Guess which other wars? Great Wars One and Two. Take a three year break and fast forward to the months leading up to the Karma War. Guess who helped to get that started? Guess who fought in that one? Yours truly. My nation has been in a state of almost constant war since the end of the Karma War. I know more about real fighting than you will ever know, you little !@#$. I hope someone knocks you down into my range so you can see what it's like to be at war with a veteran of eight alliance wars.

[quote] SpliceVW:

You think I have NOT done my research? Hah! I laugh at you. You "won" 3 wars.. all 3 of which were TINY in scale. And now, you have the nerve to come in here and make demands, barking like a little dog? I laugh at you and your puny alliance. You're already engaged in several conflicts, and not really in any place to be making demands.

If your little piss-ant country wasn't so small, I would attack it myself and learn you a thing or two. I, by the way, have never, and will never, lose a war. And, I might add, I have done more damage personally than all your whole ALLIANCE wars combined.

You are being paid reparations by choice. It is a choice I would not make, but I am not in charge. Keep that in mind and be happy you're getting what you get.[/quote][/quote]

[quote] XbloodX:

that should be your catch phrase SBL. "I'm gunna resign!!!!.... no, for real this time."

you're like the bret farve of CN. :P

PS: I know I spelt farve wrong. it's true spelling is stupid though.

Happy Sailin' PPO! And to many more to come!


Edited by Lurunin
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o/ to the best pirate themed alliance out there, kicking arse since 2008 :) PPO has finally hit that illusive 1m mark and I can surely say that I helped delay that by at least months :smug: PPO is a fantastic alliance with a great Captain so to that, bring out the rum.

Hehe I remember Villien, looking back that was really hilarious. Splice was so pissed off, it was really stinkin funny.

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[quote name='Gingervites' timestamp='1335316806' post='2958779']
o/ to the best pirate themed alliance out there, kicking arse since 2008 :) PPO has finally hit that illusive 1m mark and I can surely say that I helped delay that by at least months :smug: PPO is a fantastic alliance with a great Captain so to that, bring out the rum.

Hehe I remember Villien, looking back that was really hilarious. Splice was so pissed off, it was really stinkin funny.

lol you damned brony :P had to leave us and become a viking :P. oh i neglected many more quotes from that thread with villien from both of them but i think those two won it for each XD

[quote name='smontag' timestamp='1335317385' post='2958785']
time to attack PPO and get them under 1mil NS again :nuke::smug:

do it and i'll revoke your porn rights lol

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[quote name='Haven for Peace' timestamp='1335317117' post='2958781']
Congratulations to the PPO!

My all-time favorite PPO-related quotation was when Gowfanatic notified PPO regarding the TYR-PPO war because of the "I" in our then-PIAT.
[/quote]I spied on him then and I'll do it again, speaking of spying on GOW...

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[quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1335320691' post='2958812']
Congrats on the growth. You guys really are big enough to stop being a protectorate IMO.

Uh hereno, It's been an MDoAP since months before the last war :P

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