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Shipping up to Boston


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"And there it still stands, a testament of fortitude no one can deny," said a man, sitting on the porch of a recently-built log mansion, as he stared to the west at the massive mountain standing there. "And yet still, we cannot go there, to one of the greatest places in this region, because it was ruined by extremism, and we won't be able to go there for quite some time."

"That was nearly a decade again, Gibbs," responded another man, leaning on the porch nearby as they stared at the massif of Katahdin, that had been eroded by time, weather, and nuclear weaponry that had scarred this part of the Earth almost ten years ago. The sounds of the small gathering indoors permeated outside into the growing dusk, after a successful meeting of some very successful people, political and economic elite who had decided upon a plan to bring about a new movement towards independence for New England, as well as its neighboring Pravus Ingruo Protectorate, Nova Scotia.

"What are your thoughts of the news from New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island?" asked the older silver-haired man, turning to lean his back on the railing, and looking at the man known as "Gibbs".

Gibbs took a sip of the steaming cup of coffee he was holding, and looked up at the man, "It is promising, but it will take assent from the Canadian government for those two states to be one with this one."

The other man just nodded, and looked west to the mountain again, sighing heavily. "You know, this world is full of uncertainties, especially for the Americas at this time, but if we can build a new nation as a success story, we can translate that success into bigger gains for others, beyond our borders."

"But first, we look to our people, before we look outwards, there is still much to be done to restore this state itself, alone, William."

"Of course."

"Has the speech been prepared?"

"I thought you'd never ask," answered the man named 'William'.

[center][size="4"][b]Official Statement - Interim Independence Council of Greater New England[/b][/size]


New England is a place that is dynamic, a place where old world traditions met the challenges and overcame difficulties of the new world's frontiers; rocky soil, unforgiving winters, untamed seas, and a vastness that appears to be much more after the first glance. The ideas of liberty and patriotism flowed in the streets and back alleys from Boston down the Eastern Seaboard many years ago, minds of independence from a foreign power that had tamed a vast portion of the known world. We cannot claim to be the birthplace of a nation that broke many molds, but we can claim the first blood that was spilled defending what we thought was right. The United States may have disappeared, but the ideas that the common man held of it are not, liberty, justice, and the freedom of expression and enterprise.

The colleagues of the Independence Council of New England began meeting some time ago after the Empire of Pravus Ingruo withdrew from our lands, downsized their administration over these lands, leaving local leaders to oversee them. It is not a fate that we abscond or take issue with, but given the opportunity, we here, and now, do push forward with a carefully planned movement for complete sovereignty and independence of New England and Nova Scotia. Our esteemed council, made up of municipal leaders, economic leaders, colleagues of the law, colleagues of good stature and standing met in this endeavor to hammer out what we now declare to be our map to build a nation, to rebuild what was tragically lost nearly a decade ago in the Northern Forests of New England, free of extremism and oppression, a nation built on traditional values that carved a great nation so long ago.

We move forward in good faith with our neighbors, that of the Empire of Pravus Ingruo, and do look forward to the assent to this long process that we start here with our declaration of our intent to instill sovereignty. It has also come to our attention that some citizens of the provinces of New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island in Canada have also caught wind of this process and have shown favorable opinions of it, and we would like to invite Canada to a diplomatic summit to discuss this turn of events. This is, of course, after our sovereignty is granted by the Empire of Pravus Ingruo, which we do ask for, here, and now.

[i]Our Greatest Regards,

Martin Gibbs
Leading Representative, GNE
On Behalf of the Interim Independence Council of Greater New England[/i]

[b][OOC: Yes, I am rolling out of Sweden, which is now in the process of merging with Hethnamark, everyone with pending ship orders with Karlskrona AB can consider them to be completed. In other news, Hullo again North 'Murikuh. ;) I cleared this with Pravus and Californian already over IRC and/or PM, but as it [i]is[/i] Pravus' protectorate, and Canada's land we're talking about here, formalities still need to be seen to.][/b]

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And then, the past would stalk the new nation.

Vikings from Sweden over the horizon!

No, not for raiding. At least not this time. They brought a couple containers of assorted items, docked wherever they could, and opened them up, putting up a large tent to try to sell at fairly cheap prices.

[i]"Puy! Dis he-re, is viking-shopen! Puy chip! Elektro-nik! Fisk, eh, Fish, of nord see! Lax, Korv! Ax and Vepon! Kom and puy every-ting! Hallo hallo! Dere finds noone better sto-re! Svedish and Cherman engineer-ing!"[/i]

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The American Commonwealth would like to extend it's sincere congratulations and welcome to our new neighbor in the north, especially a nation founded on very similar values of liberty and freedoms. We are very keen to establish further diplomatic ties between our nations, if that is something that would interest you, after you sort out any issues you might currently be dealing with. If so we look forward to hearing from you in the future.

President of the American Commonwealth
David Bronston

EDIT: Grammar police

Edited by Altarian Republic
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"Legion admires your flag, is it trademarked? Oh, before we forget, congratulations on your efforts to organize a local government and to provide for the prosperity of your future. It is to the credit of your protecting powers, well maybe not the Canadians as they like oppressing Africans, but the other chaps seem to have done quite a bang up job with keeping an eye out for you."


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"With the assent of the Empire of Pravus Ingruo, Greater New England here does declare its official independence and acknowledges its full sovereignty over the New England region, as well as Nova Scotia. We thank all nations who have pledged their congratulations so far, and look forward to building international relationships, now and in the future."

[i]Martin Gibbs
Leading Representative, GNE
On Behalf of the Interim Independence Council of Greater New England[/i]

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"Canada recognizes Greater New England, and would be open to discussing the status of New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island once the current conflict in Africa is over. We look forward to productive relations with Greater New England in the near-future."


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The Republic of California extends it's recognition of the nation of New England. We're glad to see the people of New England have reformed a governing body. Godspeed and prosper.

Californian State Department
Office of the Secretary of State

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"We once again thank all countries for their congratulations on our independence and their recognition of our sovereignty, we appreciate the well-wishes that seem to continue to pour in! We look forward to building regional and global relationships once our country has finished sorting itself internally."

[quote name='JEDCJT' timestamp='1328767128' post='2917172']
"Canada recognizes Greater New England, and would be open to discussing the status of New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island once the current conflict in Africa is over. We look forward to productive relations with Greater New England in the near-future."


"We look forward to entering discussions over these territories, although it is understandable that these discussions be saved for a later date following this current conflict. It also gives Greater New England time to sort out its own internal affairs, so it is of no rush or worry on our side of the border. We look forward to an amiable relationship with our northern neighbors, and look forward to a diplomatic meeting at a future date."
Martin Gibbs
Leading Representative, GNE[/i]

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[quote name='Kaiser Martens' timestamp='1328669777' post='2916490']
And then, the past would stalk the new nation.

Vikings from Sweden over the horizon!

No, not for raiding. At least not this time. They brought a couple containers of assorted items, docked wherever they could, and opened them up, putting up a large tent to try to sell at fairly cheap prices.

[i]"Puy! Dis he-re, is viking-shopen! Puy chip! Elektro-nik! Fisk, eh, Fish, of nord see! Lax, Korv! Ax and Vepon! Kom and puy every-ting! Hallo hallo! Dere finds noone better sto-re! Svedish and Cherman engineer-ing!"[/i]

The Vikings from Sweden would find themselves welcomed openly at the legendary harbor facilities of Halifax, Nova Scotia, whose port had suffered a lax in imports and exports since becoming a protectorate. The array of goods brought, and their merchants, brought extra attention to the docks when they arrived there. Many items were snapped up rather quickly, including various weaponry bought by what looked like some sort of national guard unit, in a plethora of uniforms and bearing fresh New England Standard, the national paper currency, as well as other types of currency.

Other than what appeared to be a civil guard of some sort, the merchants would find themselves mostly sold out by midday after their arrival, their wares and goods having been picked clean by local citizens.

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