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Michael McBride

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President Wilming would respond to O'Malley with another note reading, [i]"Are you saying you have a rough draft ready or that I should present one? Yes on general economic provision."[/i]

Turning his attention to the Kuklos delegation, [i]"I cannot speak for the major petroleum-producing states to whom you address your treaty organization, Mr. Adjutor, but I believe it is a fine idea that they should at the very least consider. I also agree with Secretary O'Malley yet again when I say that I think that there should be a seperate area in which the nations that would be involved in ATOPEN could give there say without nations excluded from it do not interrupt & vice versa. So, Adjutor Erdstrom, if you could again tell us to whom ATOPEN is directed? Please give specifics, and this is aside from the general cooperation of American nations, for the moment I want to focus on the actual ATOPEN organization if you would please."[/i]

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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1326438317' post='2898646']
"I did not say that you were randomly blurting, what I ment was this forum is going into random chaos of diffrent arguments and now treaties are popping up. We need one treaty to unify all of us, not dozens of treaties deviding us into factions. Why not make this treaty for nations with out oil. We all have something to trade here if you want oil start your own forum. Whether this is a treaty or not it is not for this forum as it is not for all of us."

"'The reason we are angered with your random blurting' - these were your exact words and yet now you are saying that you did not say these very words. If there is interest in our Organisation, then we invite all nations who are interested to join with us in treaty, and then perhaps this Forum will accomplish something, even if it is the only thing it accomplishes. It is unfortunate that there are nations here so dedicated to opposition of constructive ideas and so dedicated to a single-minded, unattainable goal.

The dedication to accomplishment shown by His Excellency President Wilmington is encouraging. The Confederation will stand fast here and ask New Foundland, Pravus Ingruo, Texas, and [i]any other interested parties[/i] to join with us in our Organisation. Any nation not interested in pursuing constructive undertakings is welcome to continue bickering over some sort of united front against colonial powers and continue in the provocation of war as we have seen of the Louisiana Federation, whom I notice is no longer among us."

Edited by Sigurd Odinnson
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"Right apologies on the miswording but that is not what I meant. We are interested in a constructive treaty of course but that treaty seems to be for the select few in the forum that have oil, in fact it is only for the select few that have oil. It is constructive for those few maybe but why would you come to the forum about it. It has nothing to do with us nations that don't have oil. So why not as ive said quite a few times we make the treaty just common trade. Nobody here is proposing a 'united front against colonial powers' except an economic front. Your treaty only proposes dividing nations with oil and those without and wastes the time of the delegates that took their time to come to a meeting that the person that proposed starting didn't even attend."

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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1326440328' post='2898673']
"Right apologies on the miswording but that is not what I meant. We are interested in a constructive treaty of course but that treaty seems to be for the select few in the forum that have oil, in fact it is only for the select few that have oil. It is constructive for those few maybe but why would you come to the forum about it. It has nothing to do with us nations that don't have oil. So why not as ive said quite a few times we make the treaty just common trade. Nobody here is proposing a 'united front against colonial powers' except an economic front. Your treaty only proposes dividing nations with oil and those without and wastes the time of the delegates that took their time to come to a meeting that the person that proposed starting didn't even attend."

"As I recall, President Wilmington of the Continental Republic of America proposed this meeting, and he is most certainly in attendance," Erdstrom looked at President Wilmington with a half-smile, "I'm not entirely sure what the delegate from Gallifrey is getting at, but he seems quite confused about what's going on at these Forums. Perhaps we ought to hear from someone else."

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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1326440328' post='2898673']
"Right apologies on the miswording but that is not what I meant. We are interested in a constructive treaty of course but that treaty seems to be for the select few in the forum that have oil, in fact it is only for the select few that have oil. It is constructive for those few maybe but why would you come to the forum about it. It has nothing to do with us nations that don't have oil. So why not as ive said quite a few times we make the treaty just common trade. Nobody here is proposing a 'united front against colonial powers' except an economic front. Your treaty only proposes dividing nations with oil and those without and wastes the time of the delegates that took their time to come to a meeting that the person that proposed starting didn't even attend."

President Wilmington cut in, [i]"Here is the solution as I see it, in a very basic sense. Mr. Adjutor Erdstrom may go on with ATOPEN amongst those involved, everyone should not involve themselves with those discussions. I do not forsee Kuklos leaving to begin their own forum so let us (those of us not involved in ATOPEN) at least respect their conversation by keeping out. Due to the specific nature of ATOPEN, a more general agreement is needed for the rest of us, though of course this may overlap with nations of ATOPEN, that is perfectly fine. This agreement would see to it that the hemisphere is jointly secured by those who so wish to cooperate in such a task, and it will include a general trade agreement that will involve all participating American nations."[/i]

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"Dont mock me, by your treaty I meant the treaty we are talking about do not be an idiot and start getting smug about one word my statements still stands. Why not make this treaty for the common good and why not go in the other room if you wont."

Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1326441031' post='2898686']
"Dont mock me, by your treaty I meant the treaty we are talking about do not be an idiot and start getting smug about one mistake my statements still stands"
"Thank you deligates of Gallifrey and Kuklos. Now, let us wait and hear from the others."[/i]

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[quote name='Suiza' timestamp='1326438453' post='2898648']
President Wilming would respond to O'Malley with another note reading, [i]"Are you saying you have a rough draft ready or that I should present one? Yes on general economic provision."[/i]

Turning his attention to the Kuklos delegation, [i]"I cannot speak for the major petroleum-producing states to whom you address your treaty organization, Mr. Adjutor, but I believe it is a fine idea that they should at the very least consider. I also agree with Secretary O'Malley yet again when I say that I think that there should be a seperate area in which the nations that would be involved in ATOPEN could give there say without nations excluded from it do not interrupt & vice versa. So, Adjutor Erdstrom, if you could again tell us to whom ATOPEN is directed? Please give specifics, and this is aside from the general cooperation of American nations, for the moment I want to focus on the actual ATOPEN organization if you would please."[/i]

Wilmington's note would reach back to O'Malley and would write back, "I have one in writing, very rough draft. Might make progress if you write as well."

OOC: Gonna be slightly busy tomorrow, might not have a draft ready.

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"Enough!" The usually slower Texas drawl of Vizier Church's voice was instead sharp, cutting through the din of the arguing delegates without a microphone. He stood once it was silent, slowly, making sure that the eyes of all the delegates were on him. "Can you hear yourselves? Squabbling like children. It's no wonder foreigners think they can colonize our shores, look at you. This is what I would expect out of a high school debate team, not world leaders." Church slowly walked up to the front of the room and stood behind the main podium.

"For decades this building housed some of the greatest diplomatic minds of history. Wars began here, peace treaties were brokered here. If these walls could cry, they would weep massive tears at what they have seen here today." Church paused for a moment before continuing.

"Do you even realize what you are bickering over? Nothing. You are bickering over nothingness. Some think a treaty proposed is too specific. Well guess what? A treaty talking about defense may be too specific for other nations. So that's why, as diplomats, but more so as people who I can all reasonably assume are over the age of 12, we talk. We come to a common ground, a common understanding, but in no way to we devolve into what we have seen here."

"American sovereignty is important, yes. In fact, it is the most important thing we have. The sovereignty of our nations and our people are the most important thing that any of us have, more than our pride, more than our egos, more than our oil. Therefore, this is what I propose..."

"All nations here should, I feel, sign a document with a very simple pledge: that we will do what is in our power to preserve American sovereignty. For some, that may be taking up arms. For some that may be economic sanctions. For some that may be lower tariffs among other American nations to keep their costs lower and improve the quality of life for those in other American nations. Whatever it may be. The point is, what those actions are are not dictated by that document, but unify us at the same time."

"Now, if some nations want to sign an "American MDP" or this ATOPEN, so be it. Nations can make those choices. But let's set aside the bickering, set aside these conflicting proposals which are really cropping up only due to ego and the fact that some are upset that others are dominating the conversation instead of them, and work towards what our common goals are, instead of worrying about what they aren't."

"And one final thing: anyone else threatens to leave as a means to try and advance discussion again, I'll have security remove you. Threats are not any way to advance a forum of this type. You don't want to be here, there's the door. Feel free to use it. And if you don't like the rules then, as my father used to tell me, get the hell out of my house."

"Now, with that out of the way, hopefully this can return to a more fruitful discussion."

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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1326464966' post='2898769']
"Gallifrey is confused on what you are yelling about the argument ended a while ago, and insulting is just as much a sign of immaturity as arguing is."

"The discussion was still going on when I ended it. Now, you, of all nations, for one talking about yourself in the third person, are going to lecture us on maturity when it was your immaturity that really started this whole mess to begin with? Quite humorous."

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"I would have you know I speak for my nation and as is custom I refer to what I am saying as what Gallifrey says so I say Gallifrey in front of a statement from the nation, we will not have you insult our culture further. Now you are arguing with me and plain insulting my nation, please calm down. We are all here for the same reason."

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1326334591' post='2897786']
Michael kept silent throughout the various speaches of grandness, war, and glory, and then on through the speaches of economic boom and other tattle that made his head hurt. Still he had a job to do and remained seated next to his Panamanian ally.

Representing the Corporate Territories of Uruguay and Brazil he clapped when it seemed the right moment and held looks of contempt for other moments, mainly when these smaller countries spoke of war and America for Americans, which was slightly ironic given that the Chancellor had tried and failed to organise such a meeting for that purpose alone... but he didn't know that.

Still he sat silent and took his notes and listened to these politicians talk things which would never come to fruitation because they lacked the balls to unite and decide on a common ground to work from. He pulled out a cigarette, placed it in his lips, sparked it up and took a long drag before breathing out heavily and sighing.

Leaning over to his Panamanian ally and whispered "Want a smoke?"
President Narino whispered back "%$@! that." And he pulled out a huge cigar and began smoking it instead.

He then addressed the room again. "May I suggest we take a recess so people can clear their heads and then come back to begin a real discussion?"

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David Bronston was just sitting through most of the meeting listening to the bickering and infighting feeling exasperated and annoyed with the lack of actually getting something accomplished. However, after listening to Vizier Church speak he felt that there was finally an opportunity to get something done. [i]"I would like to make a small statement and proposal before we have a recess. I wholeheartedly agree with what Vizier Church has just said. There is nothing stopping a nation from participating in any of these fine proposals that have been presented. However, we did not come here to just discuss an Oil Pact, especially when a fair amount of the nations here are not major oil producers. I feel that this proposal, while it has merit, does not embody the spirit this forum was convened in. We are here to talk about American Unity and what Vizier Church has proposed is a fine idea, a signed statement from our nations to do what they can to prevent any further foreign expansion in the Americas. I have a proposal that may be a bit further out there but I propose the creation of an pan American Organization. It will not be a binding political entity or military alliance but more an organization that will foster cooperation among all American nations and maybe help resolve inter-American conflicts. A place where we can discuss and debate issues that affect this hemisphere and try work together to find a solution. I hope that you will all at least consider this proposal."[/i] With that Bronston sat back down hoping for a positive response.

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President Wilmington nodded his head, "Vizier Church, you have my support. Through all of this mess, we are finally begining to press on some headway." Taking the podium to address the whole forum, "I realise now that even Mutual Hemispherical Defense is just as exclusive an agreement as ATOPEN. Let each delegation speak on which ever agreement would involve them, but more importantly let us re-engage in conversation of common issues, as Vizier Church had stated."

Pulling a paper from inside his coat as he headed back to his seat, he began scribbling out portions of the document and writing in more to it. Folding up the large paper he dropped by Seretary O'Malley, who would presumably catch the note. It was a draft for a pact, and the outside portion read, "This draft has shared with me by the Virginians, edited by myself for the general audience of the forum. Tell me what you think?



By the ties amongst our sovereign states, we recognize a spirit of cooperation in the safeguarded protection as well as the endevour for prosperity of our American Hemisphere. We, sovereign American signatories of this Pact hereby pledge by the bonds of mutual defense and free trade.

Article I - Sovereignty

Signatories recognize the sovereignity of each State of this Pact as well as the Hemisphere from which we hail, that each signatory shall endevour to respect all others. This pact shall see the sovereignity of all signatories mantained and no action be taken by any party whatsoever that could potentially infringe apon the sovereignty of a signatory.

Article II - Communication

All signatories recognize the importance of strong and constant communication both during war and in peace and will remain in contact through any means necessary. A common Forum of signatories shall be established where all signatories are to share, debate, and comment on information relevant to the goals of this Pact, politically, military, and/or economicly. If any signatory receives information detailing a threat towards any other (direct aggression, threat of war, espionage, etc), they are obliged to inform the pact forum immediately.

Article III - Defensive Wars

Any direct attack on any signatory (including espionage, territorial incursion, and the like) is recognized as an attack on this entire
Pact, and thus initiating the mobilization of all signatories' armed forces. All signatories are obliged to provide military and financial aid to the others if requested, but the Pact will not be made to support acts or wars of aggression.

The respective parties are not obliged to offer assistance should either signatory alliance become involved in a conflict via other treaties with other alliances or blocs. Any signatory alliance may offer assistance in such an event but any assistance would be voluntary.

Article IV - Free Trade

All signatories hereby agree that free trade shall exist between us. This entails the immediate dismissal of any tariffs, quotas, or other trade restrictions that may exist prior to the signing of this document. This free trade shall be done for the betterment of all nations involved and by this, encourages local and regional trade agreements that particular States seek to expand apon or establish completely seperate of the Free Trade of this Pact.

Article V - Cancellation

If any signatory wishes to withdraw from these accords, they must provide the Pact with at least 48 hours notice, afterwhich time the signatory in subject may leave. Any violation of these accords is grounds for immediate termination of participation in this Pact, but discussion to resolve the problem is strongly encouraged and amendments may be brought before a Forum of all signatories.

If they feel fine sharing tech to a common level, we can add that in, but if not it should be at each nation's discretion to provide aid to other signatories. Any suggestions and the like is appreciated. "

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[color="#0000FF"][b]Outside the conference center....[/b]

"Shark!" shrieked a buxom young woman, "Shark!"

"Missy, that ain't no shark" a nice Australian man said correcting her. "Now that over there is a shark," he said pointing to a nearby landshark. "What has got you upset ain't a shark. It's just a naked hobo."

The underdressed hobo, equipped with an unkempt beard and a strategically placed 'The End is Nigh' sign, lumbered forward. "The End is Nigh!" he shouted. "The End is Night! I mean Nigh! For too long have you usurpers sullied this land with your filth and liberalality. You have made this land weak and poison. So repent! Repent! Soon the Pope shall return to reclaim this land for the One True Faith! New York, Virginia, Delaware, Maryland, and All That Once Was the Great Rebel Virginia shall once again be His! For the time of you weak and immoral men is soon to be at an end. Praise Jesus! Praise Bubba!"

The crowd stared in awe at this sight, saying nothing. Then a sudden gust of wind lifted the hobo's sign. A woman shrieked. It was a horrendous sight what lay beneath. Nothing. The hobo was quickly piled on by police and arrested for indecent exposure.

Nearby a bomb went off, and gunshots rang through the air. Soon all of Rebel Virginia would be free of the oppressor's yoke. A glorious endeavor had begun![/color]

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[i]"This whole Louisiana Affair highlights the problems with both utilizing force to eradicate colonialism and forming a large American Defense Pact. While we do not know why Louisiana initiated an attack against the Athenian Federation we should see that it was a most futile endeavor that has opened the door to further foreign expansion. If we had made a defensive treaty with them we could have all been drawn in to fight a war that has no real reason or merit. A war that would pit the world's most powerful nations amongst the smaller nations of this hemisphere. A war that cannot be won. We must first lay the seeds of general inter-American cooperation before we can really consider an alliance of all American Nations."[/i]

Edited by Altarian Republic
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"Gallifrey agrees with the American Commonwealth this war would have given the imperialist allies of Athens even more land and would hurt us more then help. But a defense pact should still be made in the case this happens again it would deter aggressive action by not only foreign nations but signatory nations as well."

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"Louisiana has fallen and we have done nothing to stop Athens from claiming it as theirs. If none of you will shout objections and demand freedom, I shall!" Harold Cheve gathered his belongings and left the meeting, angered by the lack of backbone in these squabblers.

OoC: edited for grammar

Edited by Fizzydog
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