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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1324714082' post='2885500']
I'm not sure the kind of backstabbing NpO used in trying to destroy TOP was as creative as completely foolish short term thinking. With that war giving TOP reason to crush NpO right now and for as long as they want, while also turning MK against NpO causing them to have no allies.
If you think of it in the terms that Grub uses to boast about it, you can see how it could have been original, the primary issue is the bungled execution.

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[quote name='TehChron' timestamp='1324714254' post='2885502']
If you think of it in the terms that Grub uses to boast about it, you can see how it could have been original, the primary issue is the bungled execution.
I remember when NpO was trying to convince NSO to pull out and I was arguing with Ivan Moldavi we should stay in for TOP and IRON when he considered peacing out. NSO ended up staying in for a long time and MK was angry with their plans not working out to close that front. If I didn't argue to stay in I wonder how that war would of turned out different for grub had NSO peaced out then.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1324714615' post='2885504']
I remember when NpO was trying to convince NSO to pull out and I was arguing with Ivan Moldavi we should stay in for TOP and IRON when he considered peacing out. NSO ended up staying in for a long time and MK was angry with their plans not working out to close that front. If I didn't argue to stay in I wonder how that war would of turned out different for grub had NSO peaced out then.
No, I mean bungled on Grub's part.

And to be fairly honest, Methrage, please don't give yourself too much credit. If you think you were the only person arguing to stay in at the time, you have a faulty memory.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1324697081' post='2885315']
After the Unjust War, The Citadel formed as an elite bloc independent from the power structure. With my nation having been created as the Unjust War started, the atmosphere for the game had always been for me NPO dominating the game and rolling alliances at will, as most major alliances tried buddying up with them to avoid getting rolled next. NPO represented everything I resent, an overly large government with to much control who abuses its power.[/quote]

Including FCC was a mistake from the beginning. Those who brought the bloc together got a bit too into the idea of stats, at the expense of practicality. FCC was very different from the other signatories in character.

Citadel/Q - TOP convinces OG and Gremlins to join Q with them, the FCC is told after the others and doesn't join. FCC is unhappy with other members having loyalties to another bloc now and remains opposed to Q.[/quote]

FCC was informed.

With me pushing very hard in the FCC for it in order to align ourselves less NPO, FCC signs a MDP with MK, who is known to be anti-NPO to anyone who could connect the dots despite what MK says otherwise. TOP & OG is deeply against it and make a huge fuss over it. Gremlins are cautiously supportive, as they had been considering relations of their own with MK.[/quote]

I'm pretty sure FCC never had an MDP with MK. In fact, I'm almost positive that FCC's first and only MDP-level treaty outside of the Citadel was their treaty with Argent.

noCB War Occurs - With all of Citadel in Q mostly with TOP and OG assisting NPO's side in the war, the FCC is left with allies on both sides and Citadel asking FCC to stay neutral. Despite recently being promoted to High Court Judge, I resign from FCC and join MK for the nuclear war that ensues. [/quote]

Your only treaty partner on the other side was Polar, and it was a very minor treaty that entailed no obligations of any sort.

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Why does everyone complain about the lack of antagonism (in the literary sense) and yet do nothing about it? It's easy enough to claim that the game was better when you were the bad guys, but as with any serious claim you're beholden to repeatability.

If your methodology was the magic that made the machine work then you have no excuse to let it languish as it does. If, instead, your particular reign as the bad guy du jour only coincidentally coincided with the peak of the game's popularity you may need to get over yourself.

Edited by Opethian
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[quote name='AAAAAAAAAAGGGG' timestamp='1324699521' post='2885360']
Or there's a mass member exodus.

See: Gremlins under Ramirus.

That mass member exodus occurred because he was an extreme narcissist, highly abrasive and unpleasant, and quite off his rocker. He drove out many members well before BPW, and his imbecilic crusade against IRON drove out most of the rest. It wasn't a matter of him choosing to be a villain. It was a matter of him acting like a prick out of his own enormous narcissism.

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[quote name='Opethian' timestamp='1324717715' post='2885527']
Why does everyone complain about the lack of antagonism (in the literary sense) and yet do nothing about it? [b]It's easy enough to claim that the game was better when you were the bad guys, but as with any serious claim you're beholden to repeatability.[/b]

If your methodology was the magic that made the machine work then you have no excuse to let it languish as it does. If, instead, your particular reign as the bad guy du jour only coincidentally coincided with the peak of the game's popularity you may need to get over yourself.

Who said that and when? I'd like to read this particular claim.


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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1324717663' post='2885526']
Including FCC was a mistake from the beginning. Those who brought the bloc together got a bit too into the idea of stats, at the expense of practicality. FCC was very different from the other signatories in character.

FCC was informed.

I'm pretty sure FCC never had an MDP with MK. In fact, I'm almost positive that FCC's first and only MDP-level treaty outside of the Citadel was their treaty with Argent.

Your only treaty partner on the other side was Polar, and it was a very minor treaty that entailed no obligations of any sort.
FCC's first MDP outside of Citadel was with MK, it was signed while MaineGOP was Director. It was in effect during the noCB war, but the FCC stayed neutral for Citadel. Later MK asked for the treaty to be cancelled and it was with no announcement, but the treaty existed for a while. The treaty with Argent, ODP with OMFG and ODP with Fark were all signed while I was King though. All the treaties that lasted were signed by me.

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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1324699455' post='2885357']
Not nearly to the reckless extent that I would prefer. Unfortunately the same laws of physics that fell every other superpower apply to us, or so I'm told.

But why be a superpower if you can't eventually go mad with power and be destroyed? I thought that was the whole point...

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1324720935' post='2885543']
FCC's first MDP outside of Citadel was with MK, it was signed while MaineGOP was Director. It was in effect during the noCB war, but the FCC stayed neutral for Citadel. Later MK asked for the treaty to be cancelled and it was with no announcement, but the treaty existed for a while. The treaty with Argent, ODP with OMFG and ODP with Fark were all signed while I was King though. All the treaties that lasted were signed by me.

Methrage is right. MK-FCC MDP existed even before WoTC and was signed with great angst from other citadel signatories.

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I havent had this much fun on CN since...GWII?

Really, now is the time to reinvent yourself. Look at your character and instead of doing same !@#$ different day do something else.

Me, for instance, any time that I yearned for any kind of power, and when I had any kind of power, I was a miserable man who hated life. When I came back I decided that I would not seek any sort of leadership position. Now that I am just a foot soldier who has no ambition for any sort of advancement, CN is significantly more fun than it has ever been (bonus for me was less stress on my RL activities.) Power was a disease for me. It changed me in a terrible way. Every bad thing that has ever happened to me in CN is due to my greediness of power.

So, yeah, leaders who have been so for a long time, come back down to the lower levels. You may actually enjoy it more like I do.

Edited by Ameris
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[quote name='Proest' timestamp='1324764356' post='2885821']
This whole thread is why people don't care; walls of text followed by hail such and such and actually followed by actually and dead space.
The tragic irony is that the above post is why people don't really have any faith in the average member of the community:

Random commentators who confuse an inability to read with jadedness/wisdom and then make pre-packaged comments without bothering to check if they actually apply to what they're talking about.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you can't be bothered to read something, why comment on it? All you're doing is broadcasting your own lack of reading comprehension. I just can't understand why someone would want to do that.

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[quote name='Ameris' timestamp='1324755697' post='2885733']
So, yeah, leaders who have been so for a long time, come back down to the lower levels. You may actually enjoy it more like I do.[/quote]

If that happend en masse with most alliances it could help change the dynamics of politics as too many long time leaders and high government members are set in their ways, no new ideas through no new blood...

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[quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1324773417' post='2885902']
If that happend en masse with most alliances it could help change the dynamics of politics as too many long time leaders and high government members are set in their ways, no new ideas through no new blood...
This comes down to a lack of motivation, moreso than a lack of ambition or too many old fogies in positions of power or something like that, I believe.

People need to care about what's going on, and that just isn't happening.

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[quote name='TehChron' timestamp='1324773565' post='2885903']
This comes down to a lack of motivation, moreso than a lack of ambition or too many old fogies in positions of power or something like that, I believe.

People need to care about what's going on, and that just isn't happening.[/quote]

If it's lack of motivation then surely it would be time to retire and pass the baton, because whats the point in keeping hold of the power if you're just content with watching the world spin while signing treaties?

People caring about what is going on is a very individual thing and not a one size fits all answer.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1324720935' post='2885543']
FCC's first MDP outside of Citadel was with MK, it was signed while MaineGOP was Director. It was in effect during the noCB war, but the FCC stayed neutral for Citadel. Later MK asked for the treaty to be cancelled and it was with no announcement, but the treaty existed for a while. The treaty with Argent, ODP with OMFG and ODP with Fark were all signed while I was King though. All the treaties that lasted were signed by me.

Then I'm wrong. Apologies.

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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1324626693' post='2884719']
Yea guys be more like Aloha. You could...ummm well....you could....ummm.....Have you guys ever done anything besides lose your entire alliance membership except for one person?

To be fair, I think Aloha had more infra than we did before this war.

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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1324785511' post='2885994']
I'm not sure what I'm more amazed at that a one man alliance has more infra than TPF, or that the NATO guy above me thought that was a great thing.

   [johk] Show IPA noun, verb, joked, jok·ing.

something said or done to provoke laughter or cause amusement, as a witticism, a short and amusing anecdote, or a prankish act: He tells very funny jokes. She played a joke on him.

something that is amusing or ridiculous, especially because of being ludicrously inadequate or a sham; a thing, situation, or person laughed at rather than taken seriously; farce: Their pretense of generosity is a joke. An officer with no ability to command is a joke.

a matter that need not be taken very seriously; trifling matter: The loss was no joke.

something that does not present the expected challenge; something very easy: The test was a joke for the whole class.

practical joke.

You see, he was making light of the fact that the one nation in Aloha had 24k infra and very little tech. It was quite amusing and a fitting end to this thread.

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[quote name='berbers' timestamp='1324786188' post='2886006']
You see, he was making light of the fact that the one nation in Aloha had 24k infra and very little tech. It was quite amusing and a fitting end to this thread.
Eh, I disagree that it's a fitting end to the thread, since this is probably one of the more fruitful discussions of this subject that there has been in awhile, since it didn't revolve around pointless bellyaching about game mechanics and wishing people would go easy on them politically.

But, hey, I guess some people really like agreeing with ChairmanHal, so I can't really complain there.

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[quote name='TehChron' timestamp='1324773565' post='2885903']
This comes down to a lack of motivation, moreso than a lack of ambition or too many old fogies in positions of power or something like that, I believe.

People need to care about what's going on, and that just isn't happening.

I'd say it's a lack of ambition combined with a lack of creativity. Some people are legitimately stagnant and see that as successful (i.e. if your alliance doesn't get rolled, you're doing your job), while others are plenty ambitious but lack the situational awareness to make politically advisable moves (see SuperFriends)

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[quote name='Stonewall Jaxon' timestamp='1324825907' post='2886174']
I'd say it's a lack of ambition combined with a lack of creativity. Some people are legitimately stagnant and see that as successful (i.e. if your alliance doesn't get rolled, you're doing your job), while others are plenty ambitious but lack the situational awareness to make politically advisable moves (see SuperFriends)
The problem is that the common rule of what a politically advisable move is tends to trend towards encouraging stagnation. So that's more an issue of competence than creativity, I think.

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The last hope I had to see something interesting was the resurface of NPO but since MK and Co. like to Pre-NO CB and beat the heck out of NPO, they killed the game.

Pacifica has bend over to MK and Co., and the rest of the alliances really do nothing, so many alliances and not one single leader comes up with something to spice up the world.

After this TOP-Polaris war is over then what is left? Having NO CB wars are are good but having a CB war is much better, I hope some alliance leaders take actions in this war and make things interesting again.

Edited by Aquiles
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