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A Wolfpack Declaration

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[quote name='memoryproblems' timestamp='1322718308' post='2857750']
Unfunny jokes like this are exactly why I'm disappointed to see your alliance on the same team as me.

That's the /only/ reason?

Also, I knew about this weeks ago. No, seriously, didn't you announce this already? I've had you guys onnthe white team page for weeks.

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[quote name='JonathanB' timestamp='1322752933' post='2858198']
1. see A _______ declaration
2. assume its a dow and go in expecting that
3. ???????
4. you mad?

Just as a point of interest I'd like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation for the application of the ordered list in this context. It's by far one of the most appropriate vehicles for expressing complex thoughts, and you've just treated us to a banner demonstration.

Also, Wolfpack, I don't know you, and I certainly don't like you or your corny wolf-themed alliance, but this is a great announcement, and I congratulate you not only on your decision to move to a horrible trading sphere, but also on the timing you've selected to announce it.

edit: I'm feeling compelled to say that we should all be grateful for this announcement, and I hope everyone takes a lesson from this.

Edited by porksaber
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[quote name='porksaber' timestamp='1322798181' post='2858897']
Just as a point of interest I'd like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation for the application of the ordered list in this context. It's by far one of the most appropriate vehicles for expressing complex thoughts, and you've just treated us to a banner demonstration.

Also, Wolfpack, I don't know you, and I certainly don't like you or your corny wolf-themed alliance, but this is a great announcement, and I congratulate you not only on your decision to move to a horrible trading sphere, but also on the timing you've selected to announce it.

edit: I'm feeling compelled to say that we should all be grateful for this announcement, and I hope everyone takes a lesson from this.
I originally intended to follow it up with a no u to add the the excellent retort that I had created to all the people who had expressed outrage over the original post in this excellent announcement. However, as I am certain people can see it would not have fit very well into the context i was using the previous message and as such I decided to leave it out. I am however, pleased that you enjoyed my previous post good sir as I might have been slightly disappointed if people had not enjoyed it.

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[quote name='Timberland' timestamp='1322847242' post='2859450']
So your allies are being stomped and the only thing your side can do is post fake declaration threads. By the time someone on your side grows enough balls to actually enter this conflict the alliances in here presently will be grounded to dust and be no help to you.
uuuuuuu their only treaty is with bff which as of right now, is not even in the war.

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[quote name='Timberland' timestamp='1322847242' post='2859450']
So your allies are being stomped and the only thing your side can do is post fake declaration threads. By the time someone on your side grows enough balls to actually enter this conflict the alliances in here presently will be grounded to dust and be no help to you.

You need to catch up with the modern world.

I'm sure when we enter the fight, or any other BFF alliance, Wolfpack will be right there with us.

Currently, BFF has one ally in this war and they aren't fighting for NpO.

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[quote name='Timberland' timestamp='1322851386' post='2859477']
I wasn't talking to wolfpack directly, but to the alliances posting the fake dows before update

Nice back peddle.

"Hey I know, i'll rage and insult an alliance about leaving their allies to burn"
"Erm they don't have any allies burning, learn the treaty web"
"Oh guys I wasn't talking directly to them when I posted in their thread"

Normaly I don't insult GOONS because you are allied to Europa, but you sir are a &$%$*&% idiot.

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[quote name='Timberland' timestamp='1322847242' post='2859450']
[b]So your allies are being stomped and the only thing your side can do is post fake declaration threads. By the time someone on your side grows enough balls to actually enter this conflict the alliances in here presently will be grounded to dust and be no help to you.[/b]

Isn't that what TOP and CO done when TPF got stomped on? Yea that's right, that's exactly what happened.

Edited by Hiro Nakara
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[quote name='JonathanB' timestamp='1322848899' post='2859463']
uuuuuuu their only treaty is with bff which as of right now, is not even in the war.

[quote name='O-Dog' timestamp='1322850014' post='2859469']
You need to catch up with the modern world.

I'm sure when we enter the fight, or any other BFF alliance, Wolfpack will be right there with us.

Currently, BFF has one ally in this war and they aren't fighting for NpO.

What these guys said. Our BFFs are our allies, and we'll stick with them til we die.

o/ BFF

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