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The GM's Court


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Why did I have to make the choice if it was your roll? You decide. It's just a matter of finding a way in.


It doesn't matter, it still happened.


You changed governments swiftly and declared several areas in martial law because a large minority of your civilians didn't like the new government... It looks like a coup.


We did not establish diplomatic relations. I tried making them with you and you said no. Diplomatic relations go past waving and trying to make a deal - it means actually having an agreement on paper.


I'd say that's even worse... A massive line of troops close to the border, ready to all move at once that could launch a surprise attack.... No yeah that isn't something to be cautious about.



And I understand that they'd use their own IDs and passports but the problem is my government doesn't want to allow civilians from a seemingly hostile nation into it's borders. So there's that.




And if you'd like me to do that then it'll take me a day or two to go through everything.


Actually it is more of the other way around, using real life standards before there is any kind of high level diplomatic meeting hundreds, if not thousands, of civil servants have interacted beforehand and enormous coordination has occurred. Coordination on a level not possible without previously existing relations. Using this as your standard this would also mean that you bar services and goods from nearly every state in the world as such if you want to go by this I expect to see a third world country rp'd. If however you wish any semblance of advancement such policies will not work. It is common procedure for states to establish military infrastructure near their international borders and as such it is not out of the ordinary.


Finally the policies and actions of previous states have no relevance on your current state, the ruling stands unless you show the roleplay of your current state.

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I understand that Zoot won the roll to bring spies into my country and that is perfectly fine because I don't think he'll really find much except some military facilities that are obviously there and highly guarded that he couldn't get into anyway - but he still has to RP how they properly get in and trying to use VISAs under his nation's name with his civilians trying to cross his border with me in this situation (and in compliance with my current law in MidAmerica and the member states) is a virtual impossibility.


The spy rolls don't ensure victory for him if he conducts rp as an idiot, however, I think Cent brings up a reasonable point with demanding the rp to substantiate your claims. Whatever you did in the USI has no bearing on the current situation and a total freeze on immigration and tourism due to being leery of a foreign nation for whatever reason at least needs a mention before zoot started making rolls. 


At least that's my opinion, I'm not a gm anymore, so take it with a pinch of salt. 

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2 spy rolls


1) Sats for sussing out the location of troop formations

2) Intelligence analysis using radio traffic, satellite photography, and all open source information (whatever there is, I suspect it wouldn't be much) to hone in on Command control and communication centers. 

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1-X: Failure

X+1-100: Success where x is the chance of failure.



2 spy rolls


1) Sats for sussing out the location of troop formations

2) Intelligence analysis using radio traffic, satellite photography, and all open source information (whatever there is, I suspect it wouldn't be much) to hone in on Command control and communication centers. 


100 and 54, both successes. 



Do I need prior RP for getting a spyroll on PD to intercept the message MGL sent to him regarding the Peace Conference? If so, I'm going to RP that out, otherwise, I'll RP the SIGINT operations of the Secret Service afterwards.


SIGINT if using already existing facilities is a clear example of passive espionage as such the rp may follow the roll. 48. Success.



Requesting spyrolls to determine locations of German SAM sites.

31 and 5, two failures.

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2 spy rolls


1) to determine which transportation hubs and routes are supplying Kev's forces facing me in Eastern Paraguay. 


2) A detailed analysis of Kev's radar and air defense network by examining electronic emissions and satellite photos. 

Are these actions using passive measures like satellites?

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Yeah, sats and passive intelligence collections via EWACs planes based inside of chile and other passive measures. I added in a small post acknowledging the last roll and showing I'm moving onto focus on gathering information for the new roll. 

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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2 spy rolls


1) to determine which transportation hubs and routes are supplying Kev's forces facing me in Eastern Paraguay. 


2) A detailed analysis of Kev's radar and air defense network by examining electronic emissions and satellite photos. 

With the same division as before


54 and 15, two wins.

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"and thirdly we have gained photographs of Imperio Republica equipment and weapons from their forces arrayed against our borders."




I take some issue with this, if he had RPed some spies taking pictures and did a spy roll here I might be fine with it, but he kind of just said they got pictures because I had troops lined up on the border.

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See, that's why I park my stuff 20 kilometers from the border. I'd say it's possible on Kev's part, but highly detailed photos, not very.. neither would photos alone give him a good idea of what exactly your equipment can do.


If he starts posting detailed schematics and specs of your gear based on those photos, I'd holler shens, but now I wouldn't bother.

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Indeed the photos won't be super detailed but still decent enough to identify the looks and shapes of equipment and weapons. 

Barely.  Maybe you could see some big-ass artillery pieces, but you can't see anything man-sized or anything like that.  Flying in an airplane, you're about half the distance (~10 km or 7 miles) from the ground that you're talking about.  Additionally, unless you're on a highly elevated platform, you can only see around 14 miles with the naked eye due to the curvature of the Earth.  I learned that one from the US NAVY.

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two rolls on paraguay


1) continued satellite observation for troop locations and which specific transportation routes they are moving  around on.


2) An intrusion attempt on Paraguay's central government computer network to gain a list of all members of government and military officers of the rank Major and above. 





Not sure how these hacking things work, but if my botnet thingie or whatever is a bad idea, let me know. I'll modify the outcome accordingly regardless of the role outcome.

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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Barely.  Maybe you could see some big-ass artillery pieces, but you can't see anything man-sized or anything like that.  Flying in an airplane, you're about half the distance (~10 km or 7 miles) from the ground that you're talking about.  Additionally, unless you're on a highly elevated platform, you can only see around 14 miles with the naked eye due to the curvature of the Earth.  I learned that one from the US NAVY.





200,000 Republica Army Troops readied themselves at the southern end of the country along with a supplement of 2,000 armored vehicles. 20,000 Troops would be directly deployed along Paraguay's border with the IR along with 200 armored units.


The above is part of what was posted and as you can see a total of 20,000 troops and 200 armoured vehicles were moved up to the actual border itself. Whilst I have not mentioned it in writing I do have regular border patrols from civilian authorities a lot like the American border patrol service which is common sense for any nation to do. These would have noticed 20,000 soldiers and 200 vehicles and would have gathered at least some photos or camera footage before reporting back.


Now I am not saying I can use the photos to work out the specifications of the equipment used or to have the ability to make said equipment myself but what it would give is the knowledge of what the basic looks are like so they would be identified more easily if seen again. Again it would be sort of like Imperio battle tank rather than say Type XX battle tank.  


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two rolls on paraguay


1) continued satellite observation for troop locations and which specific transportation routes they are moving  around on.


2) An intrusion attempt on Paraguay's central government computer network to gain a list of all members of government and military officers of the rank Major and above. 





Not sure how these hacking things work, but if my botnet thingie or whatever is a bad idea, let me know. I'll modify the outcome accordingly regardless of the role outcome.

1-90= Win

91-100= Lose


Roll 1= 57

Roll 2= 79


Two wins

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Two rolls please


First roll to pinpoint defences on TBM's island off the coast of Cuba

Second roll to locate TBM's fleet carriers

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Counter rolls for attempting to pick up TBM's hacking attempt. If the first fails then please use my second roll to do the same thank you. Odds are 10% just couldn't get them to show up due to paint problems. 

Edited by Kevin Kingswell
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Counter rolls for attempting to pick up TBM's hacking attempt. If the first fails then please use my second roll to do the same thank you. Odds are 10% just couldn't get them to show up due to paint problems. 

That's not how the spy roll system works, a succesful roll with proper rp means the attempt succeeded and can't be picked up.

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That's not how the spy roll system works, a succesful roll with proper rp means the attempt succeeded and can't be picked up.



Ah ok no problem then.



Well, it could be, theoretically, if TBM RPed it out in an incompetent manner.


Yes, I also thought the rule was if the RP has any loop holes or chances of being discovered, you could "catch" them but it still succeeds?

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