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I have no problem with that at all TBM.

I still want a hard link to discussion or poll that says exped forces allow them. I do not recall seeing this get passed, as I do not recall digging my heels into the sand and whining like a pansy boy, as thats what I would have done during such a dialogue . I am an avid proponent of 'nuke any group of aspiring invaders on my soil' and it is a given i'd try my best to keep that a feasible option.

If it was voted on, apologies to any faint of heart rpers that believe I am on the attack with my concern. I'll see you at the polls within the week. Unless its a fundamental rule, no one can ever say 'its a rule thats been around forever' anymore and expect it to stick- the epic GM shake up the mods did changed that.

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[quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1343043418' post='3013590']
If it was voted on, apologies to any faint of heart rpers that believe I am on the attack with my concern. I'll see you at the polls within the week. Unless its a fundamental rule, no one can ever say 'its a rule thats been around forever' anymore and expect it to stick- the epic GM shake up the mods did changed that.

I hope it has changed because the "I will extend the SDI to everything, even around the world without prior rp or even in areas where I acknowledge no infrastructure development" is... getting a bit ridiculous. I look forward to see how you put the poll out EM, please word carefully.

Any spectacle that's not to your benefit is truly.. "inexcusable" isn't it Triyun?

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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I'd say let's not get overly dramatic with this Mael, but that should have been said awhile ago. No one here, including Triyun, is asking for coverage of the entire planet. I for one do not mind expeditionary forces having SDI weaponry as I do believe there are irl equivalents of such technology that exist to this day, which makes it sensible that we allow them in CNRP.

If people want to vote on this as a community matter let us do so from a rational stand point rather than a, "OMG GMzzz derp derp." If someone has an objection to this SDI coverage please explain why it won't work and let's put it to rest as a community in a responsible mature manner.

Basically saying, Mael, chill out, go offline, and take a break. You've raised a point, questions will get asked, and those interested will talk about it. If there is even a need for a vote, hopefully one will be made.

However, I refuse to participate in a process that is rammed down our throats by a forum frenzy.

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Mael I don't engineer spectacles. Seriously, if you have a real complaint lay it out in an intelligent manner, show me evidence of a spectacle. All I asked is to have a chance to defend my chars for the RP rather than have them wiped out in a single line. You freaked the $%&@ out rather than even [i]discuss[/i] that in a civil manner. Yes I have regular army reserves, but do I have reserves of a mercenary group I made specifically for this RP? No I don't. So I wanted one measily chance to defend them. I'm such a god damn despotic hegemon. Seriously this drivel is the equivalent of the black helicopters are coming conspiracy theories.

This will be my last post in the argument. I've been going on for several nights about how exciting this RP could be, but after this seriously good riddance and don't let the door hit you on the way out.

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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1343043528' post='3013591']
I hope it has changed because the "I will extend the SDI to everything, even around the world without prior rp or even in areas where I acknowledge no infrastructure development" is... getting a bit ridiculous. I look forward to see how you put the poll out EM, please word carefully.

Any spectacle that's not to your benefit is truly.. "inexcusable" isn't it Triyun?

Umm.... imm talking about exped forces having sdi coverage on someone else's territory enemy or not. I am not disputing protectorate sdi coverage, as I do remember that being voted on.

That being said, maybe ill make a thread for sdi coverage in all applications, maybe I won't or maybe kankou will.

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1343044607' post='3013602']
You sure?

The probability of kankou making a rule thread approaches 1 when the probability of triyun being involved approaches one.

The probability of triyun being involved goes to 1 as t approaches infinity when dealing with a military issue.

Yes kankou I am sure.

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As of now, the "ruling" that enabled SDI's to be deployed and used from protectorate states is wiped, Curristan supports this.

This is to ensure we have a clean slate to work with once the GM poll is concluded and we have a definitive result and ruling on the matter.

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[quote name='Evangeline Anovilis' timestamp='1343124545' post='3014248']
Can we get information by interrogation even without cooperation from the interrogated party? Last time someone tried that, it was RPing of other peoples citizens...

This is actually a good question, one which I'm interested in hearing an answer to. The opposing voice would say something as follows, the sheer number of prisoners indicates that there is the plausibility of me piecing it together through a big picture examination of all the scraps of information. She did confirm there were 20k mercenaries involved, which does lead me to think that I'd be able to figure it out one way or another even if by miracle none of them gave a full detailed confession.

I've no problem sweating them until someone speaks either, so I can redo this same roll later on, not a problem with me if it doesn't pass at this time.

Yet the reasons for against rping another persons citizens are there for a reason and I'm not sure I want to be the one who muddies that line.

So I leave it to the GM team to decide.

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Well I would say an interogation RP would have to be worked out between both parties. However, you could use spy rolls I think. Each question is a spy roll, if you win the roll, they have to answer, if you lose the roll, they hold out until the next roll. Thats the incredibly long winded way to do it though... although very interesting.

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"Who do you work for???" *fires up the cattle prods.. Zaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap...*

I guess, I'm not opposed to doing that, but, I'd point out to you that these are a mass number of interrogations. What I am asking for is the ability to accurately put together a big picture sort of thing from a mass of intelligence gathered in dribs and drabs.

Though I do admit your idea does have some comedic potential.

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I guess my thoughts were...

One roll to suss it out, that being the first roll.

the second to confirm it via some sort of confession.

Meaning if I fail the first one, the person being grilled can feed me a line of baloney and I'd either accept it or do another round of interrogations to confirm the intelligence. Confirming intelligence taken through enhanced interrogation is a norm so double checking it wouldn't be out of the question.

I mean there are 20k less casualties and I'm not even touching the issue regarding documents. I recognize she apparently shredded them all but that's implying word got out to all 20k men before they surrendered. I find that highly unlikely.

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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1343136290' post='3014291']
"Who do you work for???" *fires up the cattle prods.. Zaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap...*

I guess, I'm not opposed to doing that, but, I'd point out to you that these are a mass number of interrogations. What I am asking for is the ability to accurately put together a big picture sort of thing from a mass of intelligence gathered in dribs and drabs.

Though I do admit your idea does have some comedic potential.

In that case, the only viable way to do it would have to be talking it out with Mara. Its inconcevable that all of the prisoners you have are trained to deal with intense interrogation techniques, so she would HAVE to give you something to work with through the laws of common sense IMO.

Its not soemthing im willing to rule on, but I would advise planning what information you can gain from interrogating the prisoners with Mara herself.

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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1343135067' post='3014277']
This is actually a good question, one which I'm interested in hearing an answer to. The opposing voice would say something as follows, the sheer number of prisoners indicates that there is the plausibility of me piecing it together through a big picture examination of all the scraps of information. She did confirm there were 20k mercenaries involved, which does lead me to think that I'd be able to figure it out one way or another even if by miracle none of them gave a full detailed confession.

I've no problem sweating them until someone speaks either, so I can redo this same roll later on, not a problem with me if it doesn't pass at this time.

Yet the reasons for against rping another persons citizens are there for a reason and I'm not sure I want to be the one who muddies that line.

So I leave it to the GM team to decide.
I brought it up, as an attempt of "interrogation" sparked a debate on it last time.

[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=105517&view=findpost&p=2902591"]I'll never forget that ruling...[/url]

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Yeah, no.. that's not at all what I'm looking to do. I'm asking that I be allowed to assemble a mass of intelligence from several different sources and be allowed to have a spy roll to determine the key points that mostly come under the identity of the attackers and possibly who hired them.

Any direct questioning would have to be conducted via rp.

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