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Requesting a nation lock until Monday April 28th - Bear Islands' Nation of the Bear  

(Starting right as moment of post's edit)

Not unknown I've had an issue recently


That problem has been resolved now.

I'm putting something together now although such effort will require a few days for coalescence.

Edited by Generalissimo
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1-70 Success

71-100 Failure


10, 1; Both successes

Note: I obviously made a typo with the success-chances. Because I copypasted them from Shammy's post.

Luckily, it does not change the result, because I always roll -before- writing the actual post and so things within the post do not influence the roll's randomness.

Just a short PSA.


As for your lock, Generalissimo, they don't protect from the 25-day thingamajig. Just fyi.

Edited by Lynneth
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As for your lock, Generalissimo, they don't protect from the 25-day thingamajig. Just fyi.

I've updated since then and somehow nobody actually noticed enough to roll through me.

In character it really wasn't addressed. 

Right now I just am needing until Monday.

Edited by Generalissimo
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I noticed, but I didn't care enough about some crappy islands, where MGL would just come and make a fuss.

Your people skills could really use some work. You'd have an easier time getting along with people if you just chose your words more carefully.

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I noticed, but I didn't care enough about some crappy islands, where MGL would just come and make a fuss.



Your people skills could really use some work. You'd have an easier time getting along with people if you just chose your words more carefully.


Keep it in the OOC thread.

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i spy with my little eye the location of Ikrolms submarines near afrika.

1-50 Success

51-100 Failure

99, 54

Two failures, I'm afraid.


Requesting two rolls to find faraway fuel and supply depots.

1-70 Success

71-100 Failure

22, 95. Fuel can be found, supply was missed.

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Are the submarines even there, they'd be running the Tianxia fleet to get there and its a long way, the wars only a few hours old IC.

I got the impression Draka forces weren't Blitzkrieging their way into the Cape, but it is still 5-7 days travel time from normal patrols in the east Indian Ocean area. Edited by iKrolm
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It's been 4 days by my count (Today being the 29th, your post being on the 25th). Wait three more days, please.

Edit: To clarify, the 7-day limit is from your last post, not Mogar's. Meaning he has 7 days from your post to make one himself.

Edited by Lynneth
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I'm talking with Lysergide in irc at the moment. He's reporting to me he is in the hospital. It sounds most unpleasant for him at this exact moment. Neither does he seem to have access to a computer, he's chatting with me on his phone.


I think you all might want to consider giving him some time to recover from his stay in the loving embrace of the 'Murican Medical Monstrosity. 


Eva and MGL can fight it out in Kanadario and ignore Lysergide for the time being.


And everyone can figure the Lysergide part out later.


Not up to me mind you, entirely rest in MGL and Eva's hands. 

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MGL and I have been informed by Lysergide some couple days ago and are working on how to proceed. As I was informed by MGL that Lyser might work something out (I would hope he doesn't push himself too much), I'm waiting till tomorrow, though if that's not the case, I might ask for Shammy as GM to help in working out an appropriate autoadvance. I hope such will however not be needed, nor any further requests from the GMs in this conflict. And hopefully Lyser gets better soon.

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