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A Joint Announcement from the New Sakura Order and Tetris

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[quote name='Elrich von Richt' timestamp='1312912701' post='2775970']
I like the amount of logic and thought that go into your replies, Hiro.

If you honestly knew anything about how many knives got planted in my back by the SOS Brigade, the amount of people that betrayed me and the rest of this alliance, and the amount of knives I left in one person's back in return on the way out, you probably would know better. I guess it hurts for people in GOONs to know anything about 'weeaboo alliances', regardless.

Then again, arguing with you is like trying to talk sense into a senile old man.

Then do something about it.

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[quote name='Kellory' timestamp='1312899232' post='2775821']
If you actually knew NsO, you'd know how incorrect that is. There is a reason that Anime is not included in their charter or government names. Yes, some members do like Anime, but I'm sure there are those in GOONS that do as well. I do not know if you would be willing to admit that, but hey I'm willing to play the odds.
There are. I at least saw one.

[quote name='Daedwartin' timestamp='1313005107' post='2776839']
Maybe when Arrnea is no longer influencing the SOS brigade gov we might someday think about it.

Well, Bern is Brigade Chief. Can't say he's any better though.

And of course:

Congratulations on the treaty! ^_^

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[quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1313096540' post='2777848']
Nigro Nigronious? Joined 02 August, 2011?

Sounds good to me. :awesome:

I guess it would explain why he's acting like us going out of our way to roll SOS isn't common knowledge.

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[quote name='janax' timestamp='1312916524' post='2776037']
I had it right the first time.

Tetris is ok. NsO is not. Had they let the Tentacle Grape war expand, I might overlook their weeaboo roots. They didn't and thus allowed SoS to escape without a brutal curbstomping, so I shall not forgive them.
This irritates me to no end. People from alliances who made no effort to contact me and offer their support and willingness to chain in, are complaining about the fact that I "didn't" escalate it. We activated all of our treaties, and every single one of the treaty partners of [i]Sakura[/i] were involved, along with a number of other alliances.

The fact is, SOS Brigade unexpectedly backed down from their initial unreasonable demands, apparently under some type of pressure, I took the opinions of the alliances that had actually pledged their support to us into account, and diplomacy happened. If you or anyone else wanted me to take your opinion into account, you should have actually talked to me while the incident occurred instead of taking shots at me from the peanut gallery after the fact.

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