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Open Invitation from the NPO


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[quote name='Letum' timestamp='1311022895' post='2758674']
If you think that saying that this game works on a "might makes right" principle is xenophobia, you need to get out of whatever rock you've been living under and look around you a bit more.

Franco style might makes right is why you got squashed twice. Franco style might makes right is why people are unwilling to trust you even today. The reason people dont get dogpiled 10 to 1 or more anymore and the reason there isnt some poor alliance getting isolated and bashed every couple of months for next to nothing is might makes right was proven to be a stupid way to run you're foreign affairs. I said its xenophobia because your ideology sees anyone outside youre alliance as something to be used or dominated, something inferior to NPO. I think its you living under a rock and it looks like youve learned nothing from the last two kickings. Perhaps it will be third time lucky.

Edited by Alterego
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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1311028866' post='2758744']
people dont get dogpiled 10 to 1 or more anymore and the reason there isnt some poor alliance getting isolated and bashed every couple of months for next to nothing

Did you drop in from parallel dimension CN?

I said its xenophobia because your ideology sees anyone outside youre alliance as something to be used or dominated, something inferior to NPO.

No, it doesn't. Your blathering is precisely the type of fearmongering that we call "foaming at the mouth", and a brilliant illustration of how, rather than trying to back up your statements with some kind of logic, you simply repeat an endless stream of "BAD BAD BAD", hoping that it will stick hard enough to ignore the weakness of your argument.

For the benefit of our audience, I'm going to have to de-construct all this.

First off, there is no "franco style might makes right". That's just a lie. It is a wilful and petty twisting of our ideology in order to serve your propaganda purpose of displaying us as aggressive brutes. Do you know what that little snippet you quoted says? Quite simply, that "chaos" is how games like these function. The strongest person gets to do what they want until they hit the limit of that strength. That is not an endorsement, merely an observation of fact.

Do you know why that observation exists? Precisely because this is a game. It is incredibly hard to assign the real life labels of "evil" to changing the value of pixels, saying mean things and social shunning. In the presence of a game environment, the moral and material "costs" of actions are reduced to such minuscule amounts that they become almost insignificant. And as such, everyone goes trigger-happy with what power they have. Community standards do emerge, but they are artificial and fluid, and the very same people who will sing their praises one day are often perfectly happy to decry them the next - and vice versa. I've seen that cycle several times. Again, this is not "francoist ideology", it is merely a very simple observation of how this environment works. Call it cynical if you want, but trying to use this observation to argue that we are "bad" is illogical, because there is not kind of call for the actions you decry.

Indeed, our "ideology" is rarely a call to any form of action. Most of it serves as a treatise, an observation of world forces - the parts which do "suggest" how an alliance is run focus on traits rather than actions - focusing on the strength of a community, on discipline, loyalty and merit. There is certainly no part which calls to view all others as tools for exploitation - that is simply your own petty grudges and biases inserting some propaganda line. If anything, it is pretty damn disturbing that you would try and twist an emphasis on adaptability and self-reflection - very good traits that several people in the world could use a damn lot more of - into something wicked. It's as if you're trying to create a circular argument of "your ideology is bad because it is bad". Give me a break.

Of course, if you want to "teach me another lesson", bring it on. At least you have the honesty not to hide your hostility and hatred.

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[quote name='Letum' timestamp='1311030893' post='2758777']
Did you drop in from parallel dimension CN?

No, it doesn't. Your blathering is precisely the type of fearmongering that we call "foaming at the mouth", and a brilliant illustration of how, rather than trying to back up your statements with some kind of logic, you simply repeat an endless stream of "BAD BAD BAD", hoping that it will stick hard enough to ignore the weakness of your argument.

For the benefit of our audience, I'm going to have to de-construct all this.

First off, there is no "franco style might makes right". That's just a lie. It is a wilful and petty twisting of our ideology in order to serve your propaganda purpose of displaying us as aggressive brutes. Do you know what that little snippet you quoted says? Quite simply, that "chaos" is how games like these function. The strongest person gets to do what they want until they hit the limit of that strength. That is not an endorsement, merely an observation of fact.

Do you know why that observation exists? Precisely because this is a game. It is incredibly hard to assign the real life labels of "evil" to changing the value of pixels, saying mean things and social shunning. In the presence of a game environment, the moral and material "costs" of actions are reduced to such minuscule amounts that they become almost insignificant. And as such, everyone goes trigger-happy with what power they have. Community standards do emerge, but they are artificial and fluid, and the very same people who will sing their praises one day are often perfectly happy to decry them the next - and vice versa. I've seen that cycle several times. Again, this is not "francoist ideology", it is merely a very simple observation of how this environment works. Call it cynical if you want, but trying to use this observation to argue that we are "bad" is illogical, because there is not kind of call for the actions you decry.

Indeed, our "ideology" is rarely a call to any form of action. Most of it serves as a treatise, an observation of world forces - the parts which do "suggest" how an alliance is run focus on traits rather than actions - focusing on the strength of a community, on discipline, loyalty and merit. There is certainly no part which calls to view all others as tools for exploitation - that is simply your own petty grudges and biases inserting some propaganda line. If anything, it is pretty damn disturbing that you would try and twist an emphasis on adaptability and self-reflection - very good traits that several people in the world could use a damn lot more of - into something wicked. It's as if you're trying to create a circular argument of "your ideology is bad because it is bad". Give me a break.

Of course, if you want to "teach me another lesson", bring it on. At least you have the honesty not to hide your hostility and hatred.

I made considerably more posts in defence of NPO during each of the last two wars than I have opposing NPO during the whole life of my nation. What you did just now is akin to calling me an anti-Semite for saying something negative about the past actions and policies of Israel. Not every critical comment is part of some anti-NPO agenda. I don’t hate NPO, if you want to know what my hatred looks like ask someone in MK. I spent the best part of 2 years verbally attacking them almost every day. FYI I dont hide my hatred and hostility. If I dislike something or someone I make my point in as blunt and rude manner as possible. Not sweet and mild mannered like these comments.

Edited by Alterego
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[quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1310881026' post='2757637']
You might want to adjust your sarcasm detector ;)

Judging by Steve's posts in any thread remotely related to NPO and most that aren't, I doubt that he was being anything less than serious.

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1311028866' post='2758744']
Franco style might makes right is why you got squashed twice. Franco style might makes right is why people are unwilling to trust you even today. The reason people dont get dogpiled 10 to 1 or more anymore and the reason there isnt some poor alliance getting isolated and bashed every couple of months for next to nothing is might makes right was proven to be a stupid way to run you're foreign affairs. I said its xenophobia because your ideology sees anyone outside youre alliance as something to be used or dominated, something inferior to NPO. I think its you living under a rock and it looks like youve learned nothing from the last two kickings. Perhaps it will be third time lucky.

Wow??? What Planet Bob have you been living on??

People got dogpiled like crazy the last big war, the war before that, the one before that, Karma etc. That hasn't changed one iota. Have you been reading the forums?? Right now Legion, Polaris, and NPO all get isolated and bashed constantly. So do several others to some extent, both large and small.

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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1311063458' post='2759133']
Wow??? What Planet Bob have you been living on??

People got dogpiled like crazy the last big war, the war before that, the one before that, Karma etc. That hasn't changed one iota. Have you been reading the forums?? Right now Legion, Polaris, and NPO all get isolated and bashed constantly. So do several others to some extent, both large and small.

I’m not talking about people being overmatched in one corner of a global war. I’m talking about wars where one alliance ends up being isolated in peace time followed by being dog piled by up to 14 or 15 alliances while everyone else watches or acts as cheerleaders. Anyone who was outside Q knows what I mean. Polar shafted themselves by switching sides in the middle of a global war and were nowhere near being isolated. NPO wasnt isolated about 10 alliances jumped in for them in the last war.

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1311058985' post='2759110']
I made considerably more posts in defence of NPO during each of the last two wars than I have opposing NPO during the whole life of my nation. What you did just now is akin to calling me an anti-Semite for saying something negative about the past actions and policies of Israel. Not every critical comment is part of some anti-NPO agenda.

You called our [b]entire ideology[/b] as being one based on aggression and exploitation. Don't try and hide it behind some plain "it's just criticism of what you've done". You went far beyond that, outright stating that the very fabric of our community is one that makes dangerous and vile - not simply that we have done wrong in the past.

It is quite fitting that you try and use an anti-semitism analogy here, but perhaps you didn't think it through enough. What you just did was call the beliefs of an entire community evil, rather than just their past actions. If we apply that to your example, you'd have to go beyond saying something about past actions and policies, and find something "bad" in the belief system - Judaism as a whole. Combine that with your statements implying that someone may "need another lesson", and you don't particularly sound like something very attractive.

I mean, seriously. If you said something like "Judaism sees anyone outside youre [nation] as something to be used or dominated, something inferior", what do you think people's reaction would be? Yeah. You should be able to see then why putting "Your Ideology" in there instead makes you sound pretty hateful.

[quote]NPO wasnt isolated[/quote]


You're just...I have no words that can describe how out-of-this-world your views seem to be.

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[quote name='Letum' timestamp='1311089971' post='2759249']
You're just...I have no words that can describe how out-of-this-world your views seem to be.

Up until you ditched Legion you had 6 MDP and higher treaties. You have been well and truely isolated, yeah sure.

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1311091549' post='2759265']
Up until you ditched Legion you had 6 MDP and higher treaties. You have been well and truely isolated, yeah sure.
There's more to isolating people than reducing treaty counts, though cutting numbers can help.

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1311028866' post='2758744']
Franco style might makes right is why you got squashed twice. Franco style might makes right is why people are unwilling to trust you even today. The reason people dont get dogpiled 10 to 1 or more anymore and the reason there isnt some poor alliance getting isolated and bashed every couple of months for next to nothing is might makes right was proven to be a stupid way to run you're foreign affairs. I said its xenophobia because your ideology sees anyone outside youre alliance as something to be used or dominated, something inferior to NPO. I think its you living under a rock and it looks like youve learned nothing from the last two kickings. Perhaps it will be third time lucky.

[b]Off rail thread needs to get back on track. This thread is about a graphic competition, not NPO's past. Warn bars in danger of being increased if this path continues. [/b]

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1310892485' post='2757679']
They have a long history(years) of tracking IP addresses for the reason he mentioned. NPO dont do community they never have and never will. They see all other alliances as something to be used or something to destroy. Even being a neutral alliance wasnt enogh to keep someone off their use/kill radar. Go and learn your own history kid.

I don't think anyone has been EZI'd or attacked after being tracked across re-rolls in literally years, since Karma at least. It would be politically untenable. It's a very big stretch to suggest that they might do it again as it would be so clearly suicidal.

The only people who really have room to complain are those who are banned from NPO forums.

If I was any good at graphics I would consider participating.

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