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[quote name='bcortell' timestamp='1301318470' post='2679049']
I really wonder if TPC wants to be included in that seeing as how many people and AA's seem to dislike RE and G-6. I mean that in all seriousness with having people from other AA's speak for them, so to speak.

I cannot speak for RE regarding them being mentioned. I can speak for TPC though, and we respectfully ask that we are not brought up in this thread. We have friends in all of the fighting alliances and we do not want to have anything to do with this current conflict (hence the neutrality announcement). If anyone from TPC other than a King Cobra speaks about this conflict, they are speaking only in their personal capacity and it is not representative of our current policy.

[quote name='paul711' timestamp='1301324450' post='2679086']
Also, I think someone posted something about G6 merging with TPC next round, does TPC know this?

I have been keeping up with the thread to the best of my ability (since 3-4 pages are added every so often lol) and saw that. I'm pretty sure it was a joke ;)

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1301321137' post='2679065']
hahahahahaha. I love how Confusion is hated for carrying grudges while it is apparent that many others do the same. So glad that hypocrisy and double standards continue to reign in TE as well.

We have been attacked 3 or 4 rounds in a row by your running mates in RE. When something happens every single round it sorta makes you raise an eyebrow about who is carrying things over. This round they finally figured out that they should declare on several people but focus all their energy upon THP. I will give them kudos for that, they finally managed a destructive war against us even though it took them pretty much fighting us with double our NS.

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[quote name='Schad' timestamp='1301345093' post='2679313']
I thought it to be something of a rhetorical question, given the obviousness of the answer.[/quote]

Well other than gaining members, what i got from you was a war in which at least half of your nations needed to reroll, most of your nations had no money to build up towards the end, and that GR was fighting basically all your nations. It is not that obvious of an answer given what you were stating previously. Had you explained that some of your nations had money to build up and some managed to be out of range during the second week, then it would have been obvious. but nowhere in all your explanations was this said and in fact, the opposite was implied.

[quote]...for a week.[/quote]

Do you have proof that he knew for a week? And if he did, then the most he should have been involved is telling RE/Syn to choose other targets since PS was just getting out of a war. Not sure on OP though i know the OP/TPC war was sometime around there.

[quote]Or, y'know, seek out wars that wouldn't be grossly mismatched curbstomps. The option existed here, but you didn't take it. As a result, and given Confusion's statements about teaching OP a lesson for something or other, it's hard not to conclude that you waited until you held all the cards, and then made your move.[/quote]

With who exactly when most of the alliances are already at war and the ones remaining have either just gotten out of a war or even combined would be grossly outmatched by G-6? Seriously, this is the what the 3rd if not 4th time i have stated this. How could we possibly have constructed shortly after our first war that would fit the requirements above since anything short of fitting all those requirements would have the usual suspects all up in arms and crying?

[quote]You could only sit back and wait if your ultimate goal was to hit OP, PS or LE, or some combination thereof. It's fairly clear that we weren't exactly drawn out of a hat here.[/quote]

Or we could only sit back given the much needed requirements for G-6 to be able to go to war without the usual suspects bawwwing up our DoW thread. As for why ya'll were chosen, i have already stated that i do not like this war given and would rather have hit at least 10-12 more alliances alongside you 4 in order to even up the upper tier more as well as the nuke count.

[quote]While I appreciate the Calvinist strain that apparently governs G-6 military doctrine, the notion that you had no option but to wait until we'd spent the bulk of the last month fighting before swooping in a week later is silly.

And again it appears you fail to answer my questions. such as "With who exactly when most of the alliances are already at war and the ones remaining have either just gotten out of a war or even combined would be grossly outmatched by G-6?"

maybe if you would be so kind as to answer that question, i may be able to respond better. but until you answer those questions, i am unable to answer yours since i honestly have no clue who would have been left that fit within those parameters for G-6 to hit.

[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1301345287' post='2679318']
We have been attacked 3 or 4 rounds in a row by your running mates in RE. When something happens every single round it sorta makes you raise an eyebrow about who is carrying things over. This round they finally figured out that they should declare on several people but focus all their energy upon THP. I will give them kudos for that, they finally managed a destructive war against us even though it took them pretty much fighting us with double our NS.

RE is not G-6, nor do i particularly care what they do. I have already stated i do not like the fact that grudges are carried over round after round by all parties including Confusion.

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1301344236' post='2679302']
I would love if many of those alliances declared on G-6 to be frank. I may be getting stomped on by my OP opponents but more nations would still be quite fun and having a real war (from the nuke count now, if all those alliances joined it would be 288 for G-6 and 228 for ya'll). Plus several more upper tier nations. Not sure exactly how many as i am too lazy to count but at least 1 19k, 1 18k, and several 10-15k NS nations.

I am glad that you finally realize how much of a down declare G-6 initiated. It took you long enough.

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I think it's been stated before, but have I not made it clear enough?

G-6 Declared war on those who were or could've been (At the time) a viable threat to us. Was it something you would've won in? Maybe, no one knows. The thing is, we don't regret declaring on who we did.

Also, I agree, OP are scum and they deserve to burn- Every round if possible (Not saying I'm going to be Declaring on them or conspiring (If I have at all) again every round. But overall, Burn OP, Burn.

LE and PS are great fighters and those capable of thinking know PS would've declared on us at some point in time, there's no need to deny it. Guess what? G-6 doesn't mind fighting for the whole round- This gives us good practice for future rounds to come.

Swing At Me, Bro.

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[quote name='Thomasj_tx' timestamp='1301349264' post='2679360']
I am glad that you finally realize how much of a down declare G-6 initiated. It took you long enough.

what? i never stated whether i was for or against this war. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=100322&view=findpost&p=2677016

"Heh, not the war I thought it was gonna be. Was hoping to hit more alliances but ohs well. Frankly, if people are upset about the amount of nukes, then just DoW G-6 and bring your nuke counts to the battlefield. Otherwise, good luck to PS/OP/LE/WAPA."

heh, well lookie there. my first post in this thread and it was disappoint that G-6 did not hit more alliances. Yes i did go on to start chastising people for whining about the war instead of doing something about it to even it up. Then i wished my opponents luck.

Looks like i pretty much realized it from the beginning but got tired of the crying and !@#$%*ing going on. So no, it did not take me this long to realize a damn thing. Good try though. Me !@#$%*ing about ya'll !@#$%*ing is not the same as me thinking this war was okay and that G-6 should have not declared on between 14-16 alliances at least to cover the major nuke discrepancy (well at least as well as we possibly could. hell i even through in hitting Cit since they have one of the highest nuke counts outside of G-6, i do remember that) as well as the upper tier discrepancy. I stated it in my first post and then again when directly asked.

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[quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1301349500' post='2679366']

I think it's been stated before, but have I not made it clear enough?

G-6 Declared war on those who were or could've been (At the time) a viable threat to us. Was it something you would've won in? Maybe, no one knows. The thing is, we don't regret declaring on who we did.

Also, I agree, OP are scum and they deserve to burn- Every round if possible (Not saying I'm going to be Declaring on them or conspiring (If I have at all) again every round. But overall, Burn OP, Burn.

LE and PS are great fighters and those capable of thinking know PS would've declared on us at some point in time, there's no need to deny it. Guess what? G-6 doesn't mind fighting for the whole round- This gives us good practice for future rounds to come.

Swing At Me, Bro.

Why all this talk about next round when this one isn't over.

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[quote name='paul711' timestamp='1301349944' post='2679371']
Why all this talk about next round when this one isn't over.

That's how dealing with OP usually works. Or have you forgotten the LE-OP feuds?


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[quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1301349500' post='2679366']

I think it's been stated before, but have I not made it clear enough?

G-6 Declared war on those who were or could've been (At the time) a viable threat to us. Was it something you would've won in? Maybe, no one knows. The thing is, we don't regret declaring on who we did.

Also, I agree, OP are scum and they deserve to burn- Every round if possible (Not saying I'm going to be Declaring on them or conspiring (If I have at all) again every round. But overall, Burn OP, Burn.

LE and PS are great fighters and those capable of thinking know PS would've declared on us at some point in time, there's no need to deny it. Guess what? G-6 doesn't mind fighting for the whole round- This gives us good practice for future rounds to come.

Swing At Me, Bro.


Don't say we please. I don't mind hitting the 4 that we did but again, it should have been done with at least 10 more alliances alongside them. So yes, frankly, i am disgusted at this war. from our talks on IRC and the list i gave you as well as revised and what not, i thought that would be the list or something at least remotely close to it. I will defend G-6's name and i have even defended yours but this reasoning you give here is just pathetic. Viable threat? how the $%&@ so? in no way can any of these 4 be considered a viable threat at this time even put together. A viable threat is an alliance or coalition that is capable of coming much closer to matching G-6 in our stats. These 4 do not at all.


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[quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1301350076' post='2679373']
That's how dealing with OP usually works. Or have you forgotten the LE-OP feuds?

I remember them well and I am glad you do.

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1301350118' post='2679375']
Don't say we please. I don't mind hitting the 4 that we did but again, it should have been done with at least 10 more alliances alongside them. So yes, frankly, i am disgusted at this war. from our talks on IRC and the list i gave you as well as revised and what not, i thought that would be the list or something at least remotely close to it. I will defend G-6's name and i have even defended yours but this reasoning you give here is just pathetic. Viable threat? how the $%&@ so? in no way can any of these 4 be considered a viable threat at this time even put together. A viable threat is an alliance or coalition that is capable of coming much closer to matching G-6 in our stats. These 4 do not at all.


I meant G-6 Leaders, but yes, you're right. We were going to Declare on that list aswell as a few others, which was going to be roughly 200 nukes to our 270 (At the time) and our 700k NS to their 1.14kk NS. That same night when we were going to Declare war, the targets changed, though. As explained above.

If you come on IRC, I'll give you original targets, the spreadsheet for them, aswell as what went down :)

One more thing Doch, PS has *attempted* to get a Coalition on us, but as you can see, have miserably failed (Or atleast some among PS). About a week before this war, if i recall correctly.


Edited by Confusion
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[quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1301349500' post='2679366']

Burn OP, Burn.


3) -59,939 Strength Change - G-6

4) -57,879 Strength Change - Ordo Paradoxia



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Confusion, I have 2 aggressive slots filled with turtling nations and 1 defensive slot filled with a nation whose best work so far has been to down declare (He was 2x my NS) and purely lob nukes at me.

Is this the best you guys can muster, or do you mind finding someone who will actually fight for 5 days with me that didn't sit out the whole round growing?

I'm 10/10 on the ground with G-6 nations, and GR/RE nations I was 45/86, at this rate I'm almost tempted to consider RE better fighters. Although GR did the best so far out of each war and I did get lucky to be engaged with an active opponent who has decided to take a piece of G-6 with him.

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[quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1301350385' post='2679380']

One more thing Doch, PS has *attempted* to get a Coalition on us, but as you can see, have miserably failed (Or atleast some among PS). About a week before this war, if i recall correctly.


A couple of our members asked around to find out whether there would be alliances who would intervene during the RE/Synergy war if, as you'd threatened, you decided to throw G-6 into the fray. That's a touch different than getting together a coalition to take you down, and post-war we were in no sort of position to spearhead a coalition.

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[quote name='Schad' timestamp='1301352123' post='2679406']
A couple of our members asked around to find out whether there would be alliances who would intervene during the RE/Synergy war if, as you'd threatened, you decided to throw G-6 into the fray. That's a touch different than getting together a coalition to take you down, and post-war we were in no sort of position to spearhead a coalition.
That is the truth.

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[quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1301351115' post='2679391']
You do realize we're not JUST fighting OP, correct?


Did I say OP did that alone?

I was just pointing out what I thought a funny observation.

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[quote name='Schad' timestamp='1301352123' post='2679406']
A couple of our members asked around to find out whether there would be alliances who would intervene during the RE/Synergy war if, as you'd threatened, you decided to throw G-6 into the fray. That's a touch different than getting together a coalition to take you down, and post-war we were in no sort of position to spearhead a coalition.

Atienza (LW) went to Destructor Fleets as well as Blood For Friends. He asked DF to attack us, and for BFF to go a bit later, whenever they felt like it.


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[quote name='lonewolfe2015' timestamp='1301352101' post='2679404']
Confusion, I have 2 aggressive slots filled with turtling nations and 1 defensive slot filled with a nation whose best work so far has been to down declare (He was 2x my NS) and purely lob nukes at me.

Is this the best you guys can muster, or do you mind finding someone who will actually fight for 5 days with me that didn't sit out the whole round growing?

I'm 10/10 on the ground with G-6 nations, and GR/RE nations I was 45/86, at this rate I'm almost tempted to consider RE better fighters. Although GR did the best so far out of each war and I did get lucky to be engaged with an active opponent who has decided to take a piece of G-6 with him.

Go try to set up another coalition or something.

Also, you're so good at clicking buttons, and it's only taken you what, 2 years to master it? Good Admin...


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[quote name='grandmonarch' timestamp='1301352292' post='2679409']
Did I say OP did that alone?

I was just pointing out what I thought a funny observation.

You know what I find funny?

OP has taken almost the same amount as damages as G-6 (As per your graph), and you're only one of the targets.


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[quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1301352455' post='2679416']
You know what I find funny?

OP has taken almost the same amount as damages as G-6 (As per your graph), and you're only one of the targets.

Nukes FTW, you know as well as everyone else, that you guys would get beat like government mules without them. Oh well, it is what it is. We'll fight as well as your guys with nukes will, but the ones without will just turtle and die; as is starting to happen.

I just hope that this will get it all out of our systems and everyone can move forward with a clean slate.

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[quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1301352455' post='2679416']
You know what I find funny?

OP has taken almost the same amount as damages as G-6 (As per your graph), and you're only one of the targets.


Same to you, I wish you the best of luck with your 390NS.

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