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[quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1301352294' post='2679410']
Atienza (LW) went to Destructor Fleets as well as Blood For Friends. He asked DF to attack us, and for BFF to go a bit later, whenever they felt like it.


Not only are you just a wee bit wrong, but you've actually undermined your argument because of the timeline involved. You were previously wrong about this very subject [i]during the RE/Synergy war[/i], which puts the lie to the notion that we were assembling a coalition against you 'last week'; you've misconstrued something that happened 20 days ago, and relocated it two weeks into the future to make it appear to be something currently happening. This supposed coalition -- which was simply a means to see whether we'd have backup if you went full-bore-idiot and declared on PS/OP/THP while we were still fighting as you'd threatened -- ceased to be a topic of conversation the minute we no longer expected G-6 to insert themselves into that fight.

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[quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1301352294' post='2679410']
Atienza (LW) went to Destructor Fleets as well as Blood For Friends. He asked DF to attack us, and for BFF to go a bit later, whenever they felt like it.


Funny thing is, I actually told them they should attack [u]before[/u] you guys attacked. Being the good friends I am with members in both, I gave them the warning, and then PM'd one of the two to talk to the other two and set something up together and to back us up if yall went crazy. But whatever floats your boat.

Don't get your panties in a twist buddy, a little banter back and forth isn't going to kill you.

Edited by lonewolfe2015
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[quote name='grandmonarch' timestamp='1301352851' post='2679420']
Same to you, I wish you the best of luck with your 390NS.

If I cared atleast a little about my nation this round, I guaranteeing you I'd be 'up' there in the rankings.


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[quote name='lonewolfe2015' timestamp='1301352992' post='2679422']
Funny thing is, I actually told them they should attack [u]before[/u] you guys attacked. Being the good friends I am with members in both, I gave them the warning, and then PM'd one of the two to talk to the other two and set something up together and to back us up if yall went crazy. But whatever floats your boat.

Don't get your panties in a twist buddy, a little banter back and forth isn't going to kill you.

I'm aware of what occured, and that is indeed setting something up.

With this, I (hopefully) depart from this thread completely as we'll get nowhere- It's just pointless like in (OOC: SE).

Good Luck to everyone, except OP.


Edited by Confusion
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[quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1301353164' post='2679426']
I'm aware of what occured, and that is indeed setting something up.

Oh please, don't give me that double standard crap. You did the same exact thing with RE/Synergy.

Grow up Confusion, I can't believe I have to say that again to you after those years you constantly asked my leadership advice. Remember when not a single soul in this game liked you because of all the crap you pulled? You should be thanking Thai, Hisk and I that we let you into Harmful back in those days where you salvaged your credibility to some degree.

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[quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1301352455' post='2679416']
You know what I find funny?

OP has taken almost the same amount as damages as G-6 (As per your graph), and you're only one of the targets.


Actually, what is funny is that PLOW has 67 anarchies and G6 has 67. With the HUGE nuke advantage, the blitz advantage, much bigger WC's and all of the 50%ish down declares, that is all you could muster.

In fact, you have launched more nukes than the number of anarchies you have achieved.

Now that is funny.

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[quote name='lonewolfe2015' timestamp='1301353390' post='2679428']
Oh please, don't give me that double standard crap. You did the same exact thing with RE/Synergy.

Grow up Confusion, I can't believe I have to say that again to you after those years you constantly asked my leadership advice. Remember when not a single soul in this game liked you because of all the crap you pulled? You should be thanking Thai, Hisk and I that we let you into Harmful back in those days where you salvaged your credibility to some degree.

I am thankful to them, Especially thaisport, hisk, and you- You were all great and helped me a lot, that isn't the topic at hand, though.

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[quote name='commander thrawn' timestamp='1301353826' post='2679433']
So I guess G6 needed help?


Its ok I hurt him when he tried coordinating with Informatist, or are 3pm air attacks normal?

Wait, a 1 Day Old nation with the !@#$%^ improvements ever, barely any infrastructure, and more than likely no warchest, and G-6 needed help? You got to be kidding me. You'd think you would know the difference between a rogue, a ghost, and a member.


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[quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1301349500' post='2679366']

G-6 Declared war on those who were or could've been (At the time) a viable threat to us. Was it something you would've won in? Maybe, no one knows. The thing is, we don't regret declaring on who we did.

Also, I agree, OP are scum and they deserve to burn- Every round if possible (Not saying I'm going to be Declaring on them or conspiring (If I have at all) again every round. But overall, Burn OP, Burn.


Honestly, I am flattered that you think enough of OP to wait until the odds were so stacked against us to make your move.

I can't say for sure, but I would imagine LE and PS would feel the same way.

If this is what it took for you to feel comfortable that you could make OP 'burn', I'm taking it as a compliment.

Further - if OP's actions are what makes us 'scum' then expect continued scum-like action. We're not going anywhere or changing a thing...certainly not for you.

Thanks also for setting up some new 'opportunities' for OP. It's quite an honor finally fighting [i]along side[/i] LE and PS.

Even though we may not have 'liked' each other at times in the past, I feel there was always and continues to be a [u]respect[/u] between our AA's.

Maybe someday G6 will understand that concept.

Edited by the wompus
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1) Made some popcorn ([color="#00FF00"]check[/color]) :popcorn:
2) Spewed some words of wisdom ([color="#00FF00"]check[/color])
3) Loaded the popcorn with extra butter ([color="#00FF00"]check[/color])
4) Found a cushy seat with a great view ([color="#00FF00"]check[/color])
5) Enjoys the show ([color="#00FF00"]check[/color])

:lol1: This thread is 100% amusing and much more exciting that most TV shows! :facepalm:

Eats Nukes like real men... with extra [color="#FF0000"]Sriracha Hot Sauce[/color] :war: on top!
Ate 2 this war and counting![/b]

Edited by thaisport
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[quote name='thaisport' timestamp='1301354205' post='2679441']
1) Made some popcorn ([color="#00FF00"]check[/color])
2) Spewed some words of wisdom ([color="#00FF00"]check[/color])
3) Loaded the popcorn with extra butter ([color="#00FF00"]check[/color])
4) Found a cushy seat with a great view ([color="#00FF00"]check[/color])
5) Enjoys the show ([color="#00FF00"]check[/color])

:lol1: This thread is 100% amusing and much more exciting that most TV shows!

Eats Nukes like real men... with extra [color="#FF0000"]Sriracha Hot Sauce[/color] on top!
Ate 2 this war and counting![/b]

You always in a good mood, thaisport. It's good to see, something different than the usual butthurt member :P


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[quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1301353985' post='2679436']
Wait, a 1 Day Old nation with the !@#$%^ improvements ever, barely any infrastructure, and more than likely no warchest, and G-6 needed help? You got to be kidding me. You'd think you would know the difference between a rogue, a ghost, and a member.


I know it is pathetic, but the fact that his attacks followed right after one of your members(who wiped out my airforce with lvl 4s, so that he could hit me with lvl 2s) in the middle of the day has me a bit intrigued.

Oh and he changed to G-6 for about half an hour after he attacked but then realized TPC still showed up as his AA.

Edited by commander thrawn
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[quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1301353903' post='2679435']
I am thankful to them, Especially thaisport, hisk, and you- You were all great and helped me a lot, that isn't the topic at hand, though.

It might as well be, you act like you know the answer to everything yet you have so much learning still to do. Realize when you're in over your head and be a respectable opponent, unless you're intentionally playing the bad guy card (which it is obvious you aren't) then it's not advantageous to you to continue acting all high and mighty and making claims people tried to wrong you, when all you've done this round is that which you fault your enemy's for.

You claim OP takes on easy opponents? What do you claim you did this round? LE was outmatched and outgunned because you focused your fire on them (don't even mention the others you added to even the numbers, I had a few friends in those alliances tell me they didn't even get hit by G-6).

You claim I tried to put a coalition on G-6? What do you claim sicking RE/Synergy on PS this round is? Don't get me wrong, we're flattered you're so concerned about us ruining your precious flag run, but it's becoming old that you don't even try to stop us yourself, you send your friends into the fire for you. Because you [i]knew[/i] if you messed with PS at any point earlier in this round we would have wrecked your flag run.

So yes, this IS the topic at hand. You stick your hands into whatever you want in TE, and eventually one way or the other, the topic involves you. I learned this lesson, Tiberius learned this lesson, as did others before and after our time.

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[quote name='the wompus' timestamp='1301354085' post='2679439']
Honestly, I am flattered that you think enough of OP to wait until the odds were so stacked against us to make your move.

I can't say for sure, but I would imagine LE and PS would feel the same way.[/quote]

Seriously, to have been able to shed (at the time) the #2, #2 and #3 alliances and still be considered an existential threat to the #1 alliance and their 375 nukes is certainly flattering.

Thanks also for setting up some new 'opportunities' for OP. It's quite an honor finally fighting [i]along side[/i] LE and PS.

Even though we may not have 'liked' each other at times in the past, I feel there was always and continues to be a [u]respect[/u] between our AA's.

Likewise. It's been great fighting alongside LE, OP, WAPA and THP over the past couple weeks; I look forward to the opportunity to do it again sometime, though we might get sick of each other after another month of this. :ehm:

Edited by Schad
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[quote name='lonewolfe2015' timestamp='1301354558' post='2679451']
It might as well be, you act like you know the answer to everything yet you have so much learning still to do. Realize when you're in over your head and be a respectable opponent, unless you're intentionally playing the bad guy card (which it is obvious you aren't) then it's not advantageous to you to continue acting all high and mighty and making claims people tried to wrong you, when all you've done this round is that which you fault your enemy's for.

You claim OP takes on easy opponents? What do you claim you did this round? LE was outmatched and outgunned because you focused your fire on them (don't even mention the others you added to even the numbers, I had a few friends in those alliances tell me they didn't even get hit by G-6).

You claim I tried to put a coalition on G-6? What do you claim sicking RE/Synergy on PS this round is? Don't get me wrong, we're flattered you're so concerned about us ruining your precious flag run, but it's becoming old that you don't even try to stop us yourself, you send your friends into the fire for you. Because you [i]knew[/i] if you messed with PS at any point earlier in this round we would have wrecked your flag run.

So yes, this IS the topic at hand. You stick your hands into whatever you want in TE, and eventually one way or the other, the topic involves you. I learned this lesson, Tiberius learned this lesson, as did others before and after our time.

I agree I still have much to learn, but I'll get there. This round is something different, something that is likely not to ever occur again. I do have intentions of setting things straight, atleast with PS who we always end up on the wrong side of the bed with. I also agree with you that I should be more respectable towards my opponents. I hate OP, though :P

Anyways, I've said it before, and I'll say it again - PS are great fighters, probably the best, atm, since LE lost their mojo- And a lot of those who helped me are there.

Just give it time :)


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[quote name='the wompus' timestamp='1301354085' post='2679439']
Thanks also for setting up some new 'opportunities' for OP. It's quite an honor finally fighting [i]along side[/i] LE and PS.

Even though we may not have 'liked' each other at times in the past, I feel there was always and continues to be a [u]respect[/u] between our AA's.

Just noticed this. It's been a pleasure to coordinate with you guys this round.

Though I won't lie, I was the first to suggest an early round war with you guys would be highly entertaining :P

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[quote name='Schad' timestamp='1301354680' post='2679452']
Seriously, to have been able to shed (at the time) the #2, #2 and #3 alliances and still be considered an existential threat to the #1 alliance and their 375 nukes is certainly flattering.

Likewise. It's been great fighting alongside LE, OP, WAPA and THP over the past couple weeks; I look forward to the opportunity to do it again sometime, though we might get sick of each other after another month of this. :ehm:

You weren't a threat to our destruction or anything of the likes, but we knew we aren't fond of each other.


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[quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1301354860' post='2679456']
I hate OP, though :P


Something strikes me as interesting.

Most of the elite, mature alliance, after fighting hard fought wars, normally show congratulatory respect, both their members and their leadership. And this has been a hallmark in TE for round after round.

I do not recall seeing that level of maturity and gamesmanship from Confusion, ever.

Is it just me, or do others have similar observations.

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[quote name='Thomasj_tx' timestamp='1301355680' post='2679466']

Something strikes me as interesting.

Most of the elite, mature alliance, after fighting hard fought wars, normally show congratulatory respect, both their members and their leadership. And this has been a hallmark in TE for round after round.

I do not recall seeing that level of maturity and gamesmanship from Confusion, ever.

Is it just me, or do others have similar observations.

Thing is, when I don't like an AA, I say it. Cowboy/Thomas, You and I both know OP/G-6 relations were never 'good', and it'll probably take a few rounds for us to atleast feel neutral towards each other.


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If this were a playground 'pick up' kickball game, which team would you rather be on?




hmmm.....I'll take our team any round you like.

It makes you wonder what the 'captain' of the G-6 team was thinking?

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[quote name='the wompus' timestamp='1301356082' post='2679470']

If this were a playground 'pick up' kickball game, which team would you rather be on?




hmmm.....I'll take our team any round you like.

It makes you wonder what the 'captain' of the G-6 team was thinking?

I don't see how our war with THP is included in this, well unless you consider them to be bloc mates or something.

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Confusion, you have repeatedly called OP "scum" and said that you "hate" OP.

I have asked you why on a number of occasions.

And you have yet to explain why.


Many AA's have helped you out and taken you under their wing at one time or another. Yet you disrespect many of them and seem to never learn from their help.

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1301326108' post='2679106']
So yes, the fact that you continue to cry over the lack of wars by G-6, while ya'll sat back and did absolutely nothing to change that, is still crying. So please stop.

Okay, I admit I'm not totally neutral in this matter. However, I've read a number of these messages back and forth between you and schad, and regardless of how anyone else is acting, you are far from unemotional on the matter. If you really want people to stop "crying" - stop screaming and swearing. It's giving me a head ache.

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