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Everything posted by Jordite

  1. I think I love you, but what am I so afraid of? I'm afraid that I'm not sure of a love there is no cure for.
  2. Why? Why GOONS? Why why why? I mean, come on, a kinder, gentler GOONS? That's just not GOONS.
  3. I, for one, welcome our new red, white and blue Sponge overlord.
  4. I usually pronouce it Neh-Meh-Sis. I'm more interested in Zenith, do people say Zee-Nith or Zeh-nith?
  5. TPF has some karma that can't be escaped with a few government changes. Soldier, as far as I know, hasn't done anything except support their ally on the forums. TPF doesn't deserve them as an ally, and I feel sad that Soldier has chosen to be one to them. I do still question whether TPF truly valued Soldier's existence (as implied in the OP) or if it was simply an opportunistic ploy to both stick it to RoK and gain points with Soldier's membership.
  6. Ok, but if they left you out to dry and you did disband, is it fair to assume that you and most others in your alliance would probably have joined a different alliance which opposed TPF? Instead, they kept you together and on their side.
  7. Or maybe they saved you so you wouldn't go running to the other side, like you told them you were going to.
  8. I will be listening, I might even ask to come on.
  9. Why not only calculate down from whatever number is higher? That would eliminate rounding issues.
  10. What makes a good man go neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?
  11. So you're saving other alliances from being killed by stormfront cells... by accusing an alliance of being a stormfront cell and killing it.
  12. Blue, Maroon, Red and Aqua. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=53855
  13. There's always the ability to impose more lenient terms. Hell, at the extreme end of things we could all just forgive every mistake and never impose terms. But if MK wants to discourage people from spying on them, there has to be a severe enough consequence. That means halting their growth, destroying some infrastructure, teaching them a lesson. They could have crushed UBD to dust, or they could have just let them off with a slap on the wrist, but they didn't. This is the lenient side of middle ground.
  14. I was in the old NADC.
  15. NADC from the start of my CN career until March of '08.
  16. Do you really consider CN to be anything important? Really, it's all about the community, as it is here, it is elsewhere. Not NoR, but former NoV here.
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