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Everything posted by Jordite

  1. But you weren't the King of TCB when the treaty was signed, so I expect unless you asked to update the signature on it, no one felt the need to change it. It seems a stretch to see this as a malicious act, especially one by King Xander.
  2. What you fail to understand is that Jordite is the one who is immoral, taking over a persona like that. Despicable. However, now that I am Vilien in all but username, I would like to know why you think I should be held accountable for Jordite's horrible crimes.
  3. Jordite is immoral. Put this in your sig if you're down.
  4. I'd be delighted, if only because you seem to have abandoned your 'moralist' standing to partake in this damaging spectacle. Consider your position usurped.
  5. The lack of a 'Corp' option is immoral
  6. This whole affair has already nearly caused two wars and at least one case of mistaken identity. It is time for all of us to take a stand and not allow this immorality to continue.
  7. http://www.cybernations.net/stats_alliance...p?Alliance=None Wipe them out. All of them.
  8. I've seen a lot of people complaining in here that these sort of raiding policies are going to contribute to a reduction in the number of rulers on Bob. Have we considered that this sort of policy might actually help to convince younger leaders to stick around because they know they can do more here than simply collect infrastructure and provide tech to larger nations? Clearly GOONS has not thought of this and it will inevitably lead to their downfall. Rest peacefully GOONS, we hardly knew ye.
  9. Sounds like the artist needs to be whipped. Then once the fun is done, told to hurry up with the sig.
  10. Heh, flak. I ask because I wonder what you hope to accomplish with a set war length, and whether you think that would work as well with strengths reversed.
  11. Question for the NSO: Would you have done this if RAD had more NS than you?
  12. By being in GDI, they are allowing Ryan to represent them on the world stage. GDI's nations implicitly support all of Ryan's actions simply by virtue of being in GDI, regardless of whether or not they have knowledge of one issue or another. Ryan is the one who they have trusted to have knowledge of these things and act on their behalf. Just as they would reap the benefits of Ryan's successes, they pay the consequences of his failings.
  13. You dare to unleash the bears? You will have damned us all.
  14. The best course of action would have been to not join GDI in the first place. This is a good lesson in why.
  15. Why not? The Goon Order of Oppression Negligence and Sadism is alive and well.
  16. <sigh> Every nation which is part of an alliance gives that alliance the power of his nation/ When Ryan spoke to VE on the behalf of his alliance, he was speaking with the power of all of his alliance's nations. He put that power on the line when he dared VE to declare war on him, and oh look! That power is going away! GDI's nations are suffering the consequences of Ryan's actions, but they gave Ryan their nations' voices in the first place.
  17. GDI's members chose RyanGDI to represent them on the international stage. He spoke for all of them. He did a bad job. Now they are suffering the consequences. This is par for the course.
  18. There is no such thing as an unbiased poll, stop lying to us. Also, all of your provided options could be pursued in a single situation and still be considered appropriate.
  19. What a god-awful alliance. I'm sure glad I'm not part of it. Congarts to the appointed electees!
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