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Everything posted by memoryproblems

  1. The terms you agreed to were !@#$ and RnR was !@#$ to tell you how you HAD to do stuff and have *eternal* terms. You should feel embarrassed that you had to change the charter like this, but RnR should be embarrassed that they made you change is like this. If an alliance wants to fail, you should let it, and not be a bunch of imperialistic asses who parade under the banner of virtue but walk under the banner of imperialism and the inaccurate sense of superiority. Good job, you all suck. Edit: Keve for Emperor!
  2. Nippy, you seem to be under the impression that GOONS did win that war, when in reality, you simply didn't lose, but certianly not on the merits of the performance of your own alliance. Losing 66% of your NS and having almost 1/2 of those who were GOONS members at the start of the war either delete or leave are obviously a sign of a crushing military victory where you dominated your opposition. But frankly, I think you need to stop telling yourself that anybody else gives a $%&@ about your drivel. You talk about being insignificant and worthless, and perhaps Sanitarium was, but I'm not losing sleep over it, because I don't need worthless accomplishments to feel good about myself as a person. Sanitarium gave me oppertunities that I hadn't yet experienced, and I enjoyed that, but at the same time, one must know when it is time to move on to new oppertunities. I don't consider that to be a recognition of defeat or weakness, but it doesn't bother me if you do. At the same time, so that we're on the same page, why don't you what has GOONS accomplished, other then screwing up a ton of raids, being unable to handle raiders without sanctions (not saying its wrong to sanction them, just saying you don't seem to be able to handle it otherwise), and acting as meatshields to MK and Umbrella. The 1st GOONS did something of value, the present GOONS is nothing more then a trainwreck of ineptitude and futility that adds little to the community then entertainment. By all means, be proud of that if you must. I can't say I expect much more from AoO, as they've chosen a protector who won't be able to tender any assistance to them with problems above 15k NS. But I guess if GOONS shares their building guides with AoO, they'll never need to worry about having 15k NS+ nations.
  3. [quote name='janax' timestamp='1307713451' post='2728590'] I know NPO's 2nd favorite hand puppet didn't just try and call us out... The irony is strong with this one. [/quote] The difference is that we defend them when they are attacked (as a good ally does), instead of fighting the people they ghost declare after their masters tell them to. At any rate, congrats on the new government. Seems capable enough.
  4. [quote name='denkimon' timestamp='1307710188' post='2728575'] And yet we defeated you on the field of battle. Memoryproblems indeed. [/quote] Aside from the fact that from the start of the war to the end of the war, we lost a lower percentage of our original NS. [quote name='nippy' timestamp='1307717968' post='2728622'] Oh, look....someone that doesn't know what the word "recruitment" means....what with your failed alliance of 8 members that had to be absorbed by a successful alliance due to lack of leadership that gave a $%&@. You're (note the spelling, it might make a difference in your life someday) a sad, sorry little man that pounds his little fists in anger anytime superiority demonstrates superiority. Hello, we're superior to you. You're insignificant, especially now that you've become content with allowing your alliance dissolve as result of your own ineptitude and complacency. Have fun down there...perhaps we'll toss you some scraps once in a while. Doubt it, though...GOONS are healthy eaters. [/quote] You seem to be under the impression that everybody should want what you want. We didn't recruit, and there was reasons for that. But since your on that line, let me say a few things about the alliance that I merged into, TPF, compared to GOONS. Our ANS is over 4x what yours is, We have 3.1 times the manhattan projects per members that your alliance does, 450% more SDIs per member, and our nuclear capacity is 81% larger then your own, despite you having 83% more members then we do. You are insignificant, you are pathetic, and no amount of recruitment will change that. I can't imagine what else you've got going for you if your proud of... [i]GOONs[/i]. But Nippy, I didn't start Sanitarium to be big or powerful, I had fun doing it, and I knew when it was time to move on. I have no doubt that Sanitarium was far better then whoever this alliance your protecting could ever hope to be. I'm sure you'll say they'll be way better, but time will tell, and I'm not going to hold my breath.
  5. [quote name='nippy' timestamp='1307682364' post='2728445'] I was GOONS Strategos for more than a year and assisted in getting GOONS to where it is now. Our alliance is still around and is thriving, as opposed to folding like a deck of cards and being absorbed into another alliance due to ineptitude. [/quote] Yeah, what with your 7k ANS, 22.3% of members with MPs and 11.15% of members with SDIs. You know the interesting part, Sanitarium, at the time we merged, had a better ANS, more MPs and SDIs per member then GOONS have. I'd hardly consider your work there to be an accomplishment, and your member retention rate is nothing short of laughable. That ineptitude you speak of, that's called knowing when its time to see new sights. Obviously your content where you are, in an alliance with just 31 SDIs. Your like a dwarf among midgets in your own alliance of ineptitude.
  6. Different government you say? Looks like the same old brainless Umbrella meatsheilds.
  7. [quote name='nippy' timestamp='1307616011' post='2727822'] You're probably a pretty good poster, as long as your text color matches the background color. Welcome to the family, AoO. Don't let [s]mammary[/s] memoryproblems fool you...he's just bitter because he's a failure. [/quote] Oh god, aren't I just terrible, that my posting style doesn't consist of crying to my mother everytime somebody says something mean to me? I'm nothing compared to you, what with your [i]great accomplishments[/i], but er, what exactly were they?
  8. [quote name='Mathias' timestamp='1307596838' post='2727661'] And I know the logic behind protectorate blocs; they're still a stupid idea. [/quote] There have been a few relatively successful protectorate blocs. But only a few.
  9. [quote name='PMoses' timestamp='1307597746' post='2727682'] Oh you mean the war that MOO ordered Bigwoody to send TORN in on, and then 11 hours later tried leaving all of The Continuum out to dry and getting secret peace for only NPO? Yeah.. That is the war your referring too, but do you have your facts straight? I am just wondering. I wasn't around then.. My cn history could be flawed by the stories I have been told, and the lessons I was givin about cn history. But I have heard the story the way I just posted it about 200 times from all different sources. I heard your version 1 time, and that was this one. So I am tending to believe the masses, of course unless you can prove them flawed. [/quote] I wouldn't consider the kind of trash you associate with to be valid representations of what did or did not happen, although I've never particularly cared with what happened to know what did or did not happen or who is and who isn't right. [quote name='Steve Buscemi' timestamp='1307602060' post='2727729'] [img]http://i998.photobucket.com/albums/af104/RedNPO/grrrx2.png[/img] You should have put "screw you STA" on the ribbon. That would have made more sense. [/quote] No, that wouldn't make much sense at all. On the other hand, perhaps your idea of "making sense" is not making sense. If you want to mention TPF's relationship with STA (I imagine thats what your alluding to), perhaps you'd like to tell us all about iFOK's relationship with NEW. They are pretty different situations, particularly since STA seemingly (you can never be sure though) were ok with what TPF did, witnessed by the fact that that treaty is still around, but still, I'm sure you'd like to tell us all about that?
  10. I suppose GOONs are probably pretty good protectors. So long as you don't have any problems over 15k NS.
  11. I'd feel so special if only my words weren't being butchered by that... wonderful voice of yours.
  12. So it took being attacked to do this? After you cast a blind eye to say, badgering an alliance over accepting the application of a former member and planting spies in other alliances? UINE's leadership crisis goes far past Keve, which is supported by the fact that it took you this long to get anything done.
  13. As much as I'm not a fan of any SF alliance (although RnR is arguably the best of the bunch), AiD is a group of great guys and they don't deserve to be bullied because of the perception that they can't do anything about it. UINE's behavior has been leading to this for a long time. Its rather ignorant to think that you can do whatever you'd like because you believe other people are idiots.
  14. [quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1307322501' post='2724698'] Pacifica would like to gather today to thank their lapdogs [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/ph34r.gif[/img] [/quote] Your just jealous that Polaris hasn't thanked their lapdogs yet.
  15. We didn't do it for the recognition, we did it because we knew it was right, something special in an age where people would rather attack people who have done nothing wrong then to do what is right rather then what is wrong. Thats their discretion, but the rest of the world watches, the rest of the world judges, and the rest of the world doesn't forget. Thanks Pacifica, it means alot. I'll see you when we must do it again.
  16. My nation turns 5 today. Rather then being some whiny kid who makes a stupid pointless forum topic, I figured I'd make a stupid pointless blog entry. Individuality helps. 5 years is alot of time, and I could have done alot with the time I've spent on CN, but I haven't, and I'm not crying over it. I've enjoyed my time here, and I plan to enjoy my time here into the forseeable future. I've made a reasonable number of friends, and perhaps an unreasonable number of enemies. It seemed that up until about a year ago, nobody knew who I was, and even now, I'm not sure how many of you recognize my username when you see it. Its neither here or there, and it doesn't bother me whether people like me, hate me, or don't know who I am. I'm still around after 5 years with a single nation. Not many can say they are even close to that. Whether its an achievement or a failure for not getting out while I could, I don't know. I know you don't care about the shout-outs, but frankly, I don't care that you don't care. Below are some of the people who have influenced me and been good friends over the past 5 years. I doubt many of them will even read this, as 5 years is a long time, you talk with various people, and some move on and you've got nothing but the memories. The times change, the people change, but the roles don't. Starcraftmazter, Solidus117, Ruggerdawg, Socom, Neo Anglia, Razorade, Medix, Judge X, TCK, KOwens06, R3nowned, Husker, Ezequiel, and LittleRena. These individuals are the key on how I've moved from what I was to what I am. I am the product of my circumstances, I am the company I keep. I'm sure I've forgotten some, but these ones that were on the top of my mind. I didn't expect here to be here for 5 years when I started playing, I had no idea what to expect. How long I'll be here into the future (or any of us will be here) is unknown. Whether it'll be another year, another two, three, or even another 5, the details are insignificant so long as you make the most out of every day you have. So I guess that is that. Screw you guys.
  17. Congratulations, you've had a fine first year, and I'm confident you'll have an even better second.
  18. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1306943845' post='2722028'] You are correct, I don't like you. [/quote] Oh come on man, I'm such a cool guy, are you sure?
  19. [quote name='nippy' timestamp='1306916352' post='2721914'] Smart move. You weren't fit to lead an alliance, anyway. [/quote] Why, because I didn't recruit hundreds of people from [OOC]off-site communities[/OOC] to keep my alliance afloat? [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1306919172' post='2721927'] My second toe in on my left foot is larger than my big toe on my left foot What else really is there new to tell you about Sanatation. [s]They are !@#$[/s]/were !@#$. They will not be missed as they made zero impact on this world. I really cant think of anything more useful to say because there just isn't anything more useful to say.......................no, they have done 1 thing correct and that is disband. [/quote] If I didn't know better, I'd think you didn't like us. I'm not sure what it is with you GOONs. You bash us in this thread, you bashed us in our one year anniversary, you wanted the highest monetary reps per member of any alliance on our side in this past war from us. Is this what you GOONs call "pubbie tears"? It certainly seems like it. I didn't start Sanitarium, lead it the way I did, or even merge into TPF to please anybody, least of all you. Your just not that important to me, sorry.
  20. [quote name='Melancholy Culkin' timestamp='1306894224' post='2721699'] "...although you haven't yet decided to throw in the towel like I have". [/quote] Wasn't there that Gondor alliance? Didn't it merge with a larger alliance to form whatever your alliance is named? Tell me, whats the size of that alliance compared with the larger of the two alliances that merged to form it, out of curiosity?
  21. [quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1306892226' post='2721666'] The end of an era. We'll never forget your many accomplishments. [/quote] Your not such a big deal yourself.
  22. [center][IMG]http://i916.photobucket.com/albums/ad10/cnsanitarium/Sanitarium%20Imagery/announcement.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i916.photobucket.com/albums/ad10/cnsanitarium/Sanitarium%20Imagery/sanitarium-400.jpg[/IMG][/center] After a great deal of deliberation and evaluating our goals, our values, and our future, Sanitarium has decided to merge into our amazing protector (who are even better friends), The Phoenix Federation. Its been an interesting fourteen months for Sanitarium. It started off as an alliance of myself and nobody else. We gradually grew, with numerous individuals coming aboard and helping push Sanitarium along. We may have never been many in numbers, large in strength, or highly influential, but we had friends who supported us in everything we did and we had fun. I can't imagine any way we should have done it but the way we did it. We've had a great time doing our own thing, Sanitarium has had the pleasure of having some amazing members and some amazing allies. But today, as we depart our long-time home, we recognise that the future holds many opportunities for us, and there exists a great deal out there for us to experience. As individuals, our greatest moments lie ahead of us, not behind us. To everybody who has assisted us along this voyage, thank-you, it means more to me then words can describe. Welcome to where time stands still, no one leaves and no one will. Kill is such a friendly word, seems the only way for reaching out again. [u]Signed for Sanitarium,[/u] memoryproblems, [i]Premier[/i] ryankliber, apolicus, Evelance, and mggreg, [i]The members of Sanitarium[/i] And as an aside, The Phoenix Federation has agreed to protect Sanitarium over the next two weeks to help the process move along smoothly.
  23. [quote name='LittleRena' timestamp='1306448717' post='2718627'] memoryproblems is a cool guy. [/quote] this. [quote name='Bill Wallace' timestamp='1306532209' post='2719148'] That's right. Deflect with spin. The Carlos Accords is nothing more than a personal attack and it's pathetic. Instead of wasting energy overcompensating for various shortcomings, you guys should actually make an attempt at success. All of this Mickey Mouse stuff is just wasting time and does nothing to advance your side. [/quote] y u so mad bro? If you want to discuss what is and is not pathetic, maybe go take a look at your own alliance. For whatever the Carlos Accords may have began as, it has undoubtedly evolved, although our mindset remains the same. Don't like that? Tough, go on and do something about it. Perhaps something about a thousand suns or whatever. [quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1306756276' post='2720534'] Hint: It's not VE. Never found this particularly funny, even after I found out what it was about. The derp thing just seems stupid too. [b]I've never really understood some people's obsession with acting stupid.[/b] [/quote] Coming from you, it is so ironic it hurts. [b]IT HURTS.[/b].
  24. [quote name='SADeki' timestamp='1306783410' post='2720754'] Didn't CoJ lose a significant amount of members this last war? I wouldn't call that "Lasting" per se. Here's to two more years of CoJ being a toothless Demagogue! [/quote] I seem to remember that at one point in time, GOONS had a few hundred members more then it does now.
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