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Everything posted by memoryproblems

  1. With, as you call it, "Eggball", at least we can build stadiums for more the 29,000 spectators There are Basketball arenas over here that seat pretty close to 29,000 people.
  2. *in a typical, smug American way of saying things* never heard of it.
  3. [quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1301555925' post='2681286'] I haven't had the time to sign up and such on the MK boards; is HoT still in the running? [img]http://meru.xfury.net/images/aeris/aerisdisL3.jpg[/img] [/quote] Here is the recap of the first two days action, [b]HoT Region[/b] (1) HeroofTime55 [i]def.[/i] (16) King Death II ([i]119-12[/i]) (8) memoryproblems [i]def.[/i] (9) Mogar ([i]66-54[/i]) (4) Teddyyo [i]def.[/i] (13) Voytek ([i]83-42[/i]) (5) Supercoolyellow [i]def.[/i] (12) Baden-Württemberg ([i]99-24[/i]) (2) TheMVP [i]def.[/i] (15) potato ([i]103-28[/i]) (10) Hadrian [i]def.[/i] (7) nippy ([i]67-48[/i]) (3) Dochartaigh [i]def.[/i] (14) pezstar ([i]101-27[/i]) (6) Judge X [i]def.[/i] (11) Ivan Moldavi ([i]80-51[/i]) [b]Haflinger Region[/b] (1) Haflinger [i]def.[/i] (16) Batallion ([i]111-13[/i]) (8) WickedJ [i]def.[/i] (9) Antonio Salovega VI ([i]83-33[/i]) (4) TheBigBad [i]def.[/i] (13) Learz ([i]98-17[/i]) (5) Michael Von Prussia [i]def.[/i] (12) Vol Navy ([i]92-21[/i]) (2) Maelstrom Vortex [i]def.[/i] (15) Shahenshah ([i]88-32[/i]) (10) Arrnea [i]def.[/i] (7) Vladimir ([i]67-55[/i]) (3) Schattenmann [i]def.[/i] (14) magicninja ([i]68-65[/i]) (6) AlmightyGrub [i]def.[/i] (11) SirPaul ([i]90-37[/i])
  4. [quote name='King Charge' timestamp='1301521270' post='2680883'] I'm sorry I even attempted to explain something you couldn't possibly comprehend. I was trying to show you responsibility. Responsibility involves not destroying people who trust you, regardless of the fact that they know how wreckless you are, and picking allies that wouldn't put you in the position NPO is putting you in right now. I love the polarization going on by the way. I'm an infra hugging coward because I wouldn't get my alliance rolled for no reason. You fail to realize that there is a middle ground. You can defend your allies in a responsible manner. I don't have to worry about RIA putting me in the position NPO is putting you in, because I know RIA would handle this situation differently. Now continue the polarization that I would only join the winning side of a fight. Ask Colossus about how I would only join the winning side of a coalition if you're curious.[/quote] You seem to be under the illusion that this war was of NPO's doing. Perhaps you should do some research and tell me exactly what they did wrong that led to this war. The answer is pretty much just existing. They didn't put me in a bad situation, the people who attacked them for no reason did. Your post made it very clear how much you value your infrastructure, and what you need to understand is that sometimes you get in bad situations, and that is when you have to make tough decisions. How do you defend your allies in a responsible manner by ignoring whats going on and just acting like nothing is happening? I entered into an agreement with TPF willingly, I knew that someday a situation such as this may arise, but seemingly unlike yourself, I sign treaties not to ensure my place on a "winning side", but to those who I have a genuine friendship with. So RIA wouldn't put you in the same situation my allies put me in, what does that mean? That they won't put you on the losing side? I signed my treaties knowing what it meant, and I stuck by it. Somebody has to when there are so many cowards like yourself permeating this place. [quote name='King Charge' timestamp='1301521270' post='2680883']Your wall of text, and all the effort you felt the need to put in it, falls on deaf ears. Nothing you can say or do will ever have any influence on me nor anyone/anything I care about precisely because you are Memory Problems. Nobody I'm concerned with would ever care about a single word you said, and if they did, I want no part of them anyways. Like I said you have zero credibility. You are what you made yourself. In summary, you are completely useless. So congrats on one year of the bad joke that is Sanitarium and their clown leader. [/quote] Your really starting to sound like a broken record, repeating the same thing over and over. Why exactly do I have no credibility? Generally when people say things like these, they provide some evidence to back it up, something you have neglected to do. I'm pretty sure that there are a lot of people who find me credible, even if they aren't anywhere close to you politically. You can't even manage to say my name right, and you come in here not knowing me and say I have no credibility. I'm amused, particularly over it coming from somebody that I'd never heard of. I really think you should just shut the $%&@ up and stop yourself before you further illustrate what a joke that you (and potentially your alliance) are, as well as the less then honorable way in which you have shown that you will handle your foreign affairs. So please, I look forward to the type of adolescent comments you have next. I'm sure it will amount to another text wall of "i didn't read it, it falls on deaf ears, you have no credibility, no you!" I'm going to go out on a limb and say you must be doing an amazing job for your alliance with those great skills of yours. As I said earlier, I stand by my allies and my members stand by me. We will continue to stand until the war is over, regardless of the childish things you'd like to say. While I do have an responsibility to respect the best interests of my members, doing the right thing in regards to the bonds that we have formed with other alliances poses no less of an obligation. My members were more then aware what to expect when they entered the alliance, and they have lost anything that I will not be able to help them regain. For the record though, my all
  5. Its more !@#$%^&* that you get banned.

  6. [quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1301509811' post='2680772'] It should be noted that we've gotten 90m from [i][b]a single person[/b][/i] on more than one occasion. 16.6 is also payable in one round of aid if your people have DRAs. It would only set you back 10 days. That hardly seems unreasonable. [img]http://meru.xfury.net/images/aeris/aeris-_-L3.jpg[/img] [/quote] Well, other then myself, the others for the most part do not have DRAs, and most of our nations are now under 10k NSand at any rate, upon the conclusion of this war, I plan to pay the full sum of Sanitarium's reparations by myself, which should take something like 6 cycles, provided that GOONS allowed for maximum efficiency of my slots. My comments were less at the amount but at the amount in comparison to the others and RV's claims that we aren't cared about. We might not be a primary concern, but somebody must care about us at least a little, even if negatively.
  7. [quote name='King Charge' timestamp='1301506077' post='2680723'] So according to your logic, you feel that fair terms for Sanitarium should be around 7.2 million based on your pathetic number of members? The reason people get annoyed by people like you, [s]Methrage[/s], and HoT is because you love to tell other alliances how they should be running things, yet you have no credibility. None of you have ANYTHING to lose and your apparent attitude of not giving a crap about the members of your alliance demonstrates how worthless you really are. Part of the reason of establishing alliances is to help members of said alliance grow and prosper. All of you would rather utalize them as a tool for your own agendas, which probably explains your lack of members in the first place. Other responsible leaders, who actually care about their members and have a lot to lose, make decisions that people like yourself cannot and will never comprehend. So yes, congrats on being annoying. It is after all your only goal, given the fact that you, yourself, have stated that you have no illusions of doing any damage to GOONS. It's just a shame that the other five members of your alliance have to be destroyed because of their terrible leader, but go ahead and chalk this up as a moral victory for Sanitarium. EDIT: At least Methrage doesn't drag other people into his destruction. I have no problem with him. [/quote] Please, demonstrate where I've told anybody how to run things? Your argument would be so much more credible if you could back that up. As for doing no damage to GOONS, what i meant is considerable. not a huge threat, etc. But decisions like what, to help out an alliance which is the primary reason why we're able to exist, who has supported us with every oppertunity? You think this is some sort of personal agenda where I just wanted a shot at GOONS? It was not a war I liked, but it was a war the decision to enter made itself. The other five members of Sanitarium knew what to expect when they walked in the door, they have grown accustomed to my style, and they were fully aware how I would respond if such a situation presented itself. Perhaps your unfamiliar with the idea of how one votes with their feet, but the idea is pretty much applicable in this situation. But for what its worth, when this war presented itself, some 36 or 48 hours ahead of when we entered, I sent a very clear message to all my members, saying that if they weren't prepared to fight for an extended duration, they should enter peace mode. I made arrangements for those who had RL conflicts to spend the duration elsewhere while making it clear that they would be welcome back upon the conclusion of this war, should they so choose. They had the oppertunity to make arrangements, and they had my support and assistance should they have desired to do so. What have I lost, what have we lost? Strength? that'll come back, and it was never an important piece of who we were, and it will never be an important piece of who we are. What exactly should I have done, ignored the plight of my friends and allies to save some strength? Is that what you would have done, is that what makes you such a great MoFA for your distinguished alliance? You have your values, and I have mine, and for what its worth, I'm damn glad that the values we have aren't mutual. I bet my allies are glad as well Your post made it very clear what you value, and its not things such as honor, loyalty, and integrity. You obviously don't understand that these are not infinite commodities, you either have them or you don't, and once you lose them, they are considerably more difficult to regain then nation strength. So please, come back when you think it through. In the meantime, I understand that your the co-founder of an alliance that has pretty decent numbers and strength. Thats nice and fancy, but I hope your allies know how much you value your infrastructure, and how you'll want to rethink your treaties when the going gets tough.
  8. [quote name='Lord Strider' timestamp='1301494654' post='2680639'] Your Drill instructor should have talked in length with you about not being a complete idiot and the value of shutting the hell up. Stop giving other Marines a bad name and learn to post with out a picture. [/quote] I tend to agree with Judge X that your comments are rather foolish, to say that they are only foolish is to be rather lenient. To continue to accuse Judge X of giving Marines a bad name is simply foolish, childish and is a great way [u]not[/u] to win an argument. I personally found his image pretty relevant to the situation at hand, and if you can make a point with an image, theres nothing wrong with it, pure and simple.
  9. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1301462654' post='2680482'] [color="#0000FF"]If you think this microalliance is bothering GOONS then you really are mistaken.[/color] [/quote] I have no illusions about us doing very much damage to GOONS, but never the less, they do seem upset about something. There are no less then 11 negative comments in this thread by GOONS members (13 if we count you), and GOONS has presently sent 12% of their WRC-possessing nations to attack my nation. They continue to want more money reparations from Sanitarium per member then they want from any other alliance. (100 million, per 6 members, or 16.6 million per member, compared to the 1.2 million per number that NSO took, or even the 3.5 million per member that was offered to them without the provision involving you.) Why they are so upset, I'm not sure if they don't like me personally, if they are upset because we haven't caved and surrendered while allies and friends remain on the battlefield as some other alliances have or something completely different. At any rate, while we are certainly not much of a threat to GOONS, they are noticeably upset with us anyway. I'm flattered, to be honest.
  10. If an alliance is created with a name that utilizes such a rare character, then they deserve to have their name spelled wrong repetitively.
  11. [quote name='Deki' timestamp='1301432159' post='2680129'] You can nuke in peace mode now? [/quote] You've got to ask yourself, when staggering somebody is a pretty common war tactic when you have the means to do it, why have I been able to get into peace mode not once, but twice?
  12. [quote name='Van Hoo III' timestamp='1301431442' post='2680118'] Irrelevant alliances will always claim that they never intended to be. What are they supposed to claim? "Yeah, we wanted to be relevant but failed. Oh well." Congrats either way though ... Also: I love watching horrid posters slapfight. New Frontier vs. Judge X and memoryproblems should make for at least three more pages of amusement. [/quote] I don't know, I think if you want to say that somebody has failed, you would need to look at what they've attempted. We haven't recruited in an effort to boost our numbers (although we didn't set out intending not to recruit, and I'm not saying we won't someday, our stance from the onset was that we wouldn't recruit until we put the basic internal infrastructure in place to provide new members with the kind of services, support and dedication that they need. I don't believe in bringing members in to boost our power and then failing them by not giving them the tools they need to succeed. There are alot of alliances out there that DoE, recruit right off the bat and then really fail to give their members anything, whats admirable about that? And it just took alot longer to get to that point then I had anticipated. I'll admit that I procrastinated alot, but it happens. Past that, contrary to the actions of some alliances, we haven't posted a million announcements, aside from a few minor treaties, the only things we have ever posted were the DoE, an announcement when we moved to the white team, and now this thread. At any rate, it wouldn't be a "horrid poster slapfight" without Van Hoo stopping by to add his scrambled and unintelligible insight. Whats that saying, oh yeah, "Now its a party".
  13. [quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1301426812' post='2680060'] This is one of the most terrible arguments you could possibly make. "You're talking about us so we obviously matter!" I'm not sure if you've noticed, but this game doesn't have a lot to it. There's forums, IRC and a random number generator. The fact that we don't have much else to do coupled with the fact that we expend so little energy calling you terrible really nullifies this argument. Also, the fact that you don't care if you're terrible doesn't change the fact that you are. [/quote] Your really not all that great yourself. [img]http://farm1.static.flickr.com/98/206636171_0021c26a2e.jpg[/img]
  14. [quote name='Lamuella' timestamp='1301387571' post='2679792'] and yet you care enough what he thinks to post his initial opinion in your thread title. Your thread is bad. Your alliance is bad. You should feel bad. [/quote] Your right, I probably should feel bad if somebody of such high importance who is a member of an alliance that RV claims has made such a large influence to the game (although, for the life of me, I can't figure out exactly what GOONS has done other then lead a resurgence of tech raiding and serving as low-range meatshields) says I should. Not sure why, but I don't. Edit, you mean the OP, not the thread title right? Just wanted to distinguish that, the thread title (much like the thread title of every thing I've posted on behalf of the alliance) is a lyric from a Metallica song.
  15. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1301382051' post='2679766'] [color="#0000FF"]I see you feel the need to call me out over some comment I said a year ago. A comment so insignificant for me that it is pretty much standard, but you seem to have taken it to heart. So, what are we celebrating here? That you have existing for a year? Well, la de da. Countless alliances have done that. It really isn't much of an accomplishment existing for a year. Now, actually accomplishing something in that year is something that is a little more difficult. GOONS has existed for a year (two actually, but that's irrelevant). In their first year they made a huge impact, and were highly relevant. NSO, also existing for two years, made an impact in its first year. You can debate how successful NSO has been (we've been rolled several times), but like GOONS, NSO is a memorable alliance. It is a well known alliance, and it being around has mattered. But let's move past that. Let's thing something more simple. Has your alliance grown? At all? You have eight members, none of whom have a real presense in the world. I know you don't recruit, but neither does CoJ. Yet CoJ (also two years old now) in its first year still made more of an impact than your alliance has. CoJ has initiated things. I know they aren't popular, but they're a great example of how a micro cannot be a terrible alliance. Let's look at Asgaard (also older than a year, I know), who did nothing but grow for this first few years. They've become a large alliance, and although quiet, are fairly relevant. Bah. Enough with examples. I'll just say it now. Your alliance has done nothing in a year and adds nothing to the world. It is a waste of space. So what if you have managed to keep going? All that you are celebrating is your determination to continue your failure to launch. Most, after seeing absolutely no success in a year, would figure it is time to give up and try something different. But you, you celebrate the fact you've done nothing. I have no idea what I'm saying, it's late after all and I should be sleeping, but it is all true. You're another 64Digits. That is nothing to be proud of. I'd say you'd disband, but I'm not sure you're smart enough to. Also, I never said you'd disband. I just said I hope you did. I still do.[/color] [/quote] RV, your entire posts hinges on one thing - that having a lasting impact or being big and relevant, or being preceived as not sucking is important to me. Anymore, so many people are worried about their legacies, and quite frankly, it doesn't matter to me. I started Sanitarium to have a good time. I had no grandiose plans to become big or relevant. I didn't start it by telling myself that I was going to be the next great thing or was going to radically change things, not because I doubted my abilities, but because I simply didn't care about that. Over the past year, I've had fun doing my own thing, talking to alot of people that I wouldn't have talked to otherwise, and helping out my friends where I could. Those are things that may not be important to you as you focus on your legacy and "being memorable", but they are important to me. I could explain in depth why we are the size we are, but its really not relevant. I'm happy with what we are and where we are in our progression. I'm not in it to please you, so I'm not going to lose any sleep because I'm crying over "RV doesn't like me". As for the comment, I didn't mean it as an attack on you, more of as a joke. I recently went back to read the DoE thread and got a good chuckle out of that and thought I'd quote it. I'm sorry if its past your capabilities to distinguish between jesting in good faith and a poor-spirited jab at somebody, but I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.
  16. [quote name='commander thrawn' timestamp='1301375256' post='2679702'] Congrats on a year, but perhaps mere survival isn't the most impressive goal. [/quote] Survival was never a goal, it just kind of happened. Our goals have been from the start to have a good time and enjoy where we are and who we're around.
  17. [quote name='MechRabbit' timestamp='1301375525' post='2679708'] Looks gay, suits you guys. [/quote] Listen, I'm sorry that your mustache came in all patchy and trashy looking. But a mustache is not something we just joke about, it is a way of life and it adds meaning to our life. Don't be going and disrespecting that.
  18. [center][img]http://img845.imageshack.us/img845/8992/tcamustache.png[/img] [size="6"]An official announcement[/size] [size="4"]From[/size] [size="7"]The Carlos Accords®[/size][/center] By a consensus decision, the midgets of Carlos have decided to adopt [url=http://www.weebls-stuff.com/songs/Moustaches/]this[/url] as the official The Carlos Accords®. With this anthem playing as we promote mustaches all throughout the world, we cannot fail! As always, have a mustachey day. [u]Signed[/u] [i]The Midgets[/i]
  19. [center][img]http://i916.photobucket.com/albums/ad10/cnsanitarium/Sanitarium%20Imagery/announcement.png[/img] [img]http://i916.photobucket.com/albums/ad10/cnsanitarium/Sanitarium%20Imagery/sanitariumflag-1.png[/img] [size="6"][b]Sanitarium celebrates a birthday[/b][/size][/center] Today marks one year since the formation of Sanitarium. Our one year may seem like nothing in a time when alliances are celebrating five years of existence, however we feel that it is an important milestone none the less. When I look back to this time a year ago, the first year has not been anything close to what I expected, but thats certainly not a bad thing. We've had our share of ups and downs, of success and failure, and of joy and despair. We may not be large or influential, but we never intended to, and undoubtedly we've had fun. I'd like to give a special thanks our members, current (ryankliber, Evelance, mggreg, The MVP and StarAdder) and past (My Name is Romance, Medix, Razorade, markuskus, karmaimps, caseyb and Herr Schmidt) who took a bold stand to join such a small alliance and ride out my numerous ups and downs. I'd also like to thank TPF (and specifically Judge X, chaz9055, and TCK). While everybody in TPF may be old, your friendship is worth having to repeat everything twice. I'd also like to thank our other friends and allies, this past year wouldn't have been nearly as friendly without such great people to work with. Finally, I'd like to give a special shout out to Rebel Virginia, who in our DoE had the pleasure to say: [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1269888060' post='2240152'] [color="#0000FF"]You're the same as every other newly formed alliance. I look forward to your disbanding.[/color] [/quote] Not quite yet, I suppose. And so, as we celebrate our first year, I look forward to what the future may bring us. o/ Sanitarium o/ Metallica [u]Signed[/u] memoryproblems, [i]Premier[/i]
  20. Everybody got their land from somebody else, nobody has controlled a particular piece of land since the inception of the universe. Whining to the government to get land back is pointless. Men would take what they want by force, those with the force has the power, and those who are weaker are welcome to fight back until they decide not to. (But the minute you give up the fight, you've got zero right to complain. That is how our world was shaped, and it didn't do a bad job. Certainly more efficient then filing a request with the government or whining to the government and waiting for years while your forms had long since been disposed of.
  21. If you hear somebody in the bathroom crying, thats me. #$!%. #$#!%^. $%#@. %#$!#. Something to that effect sums up my thoughts on that game.
  22. [quote name='scytale' timestamp='1301236770' post='2678232'] Due to the change this round, there’s an explosion of MP’s this round and with so many nukes, all other types of fighting are becoming nearly non-existent even in low NS levels. If the next round stays exactly the same, I predict there will be enough nuke enabled nations that all wars will be nothing but nuke wars even among the freshly re-rolled nation levels. In fact, some nations now seem they are configured only to throw nukes and nothing else. How about two possibilities for next round? 1. Increase the cost of MP to $10mil 2. Remove MP wonder for a round Leave everything else as is as it pertains to war and building and see how that works. (That change in prize Thaisport mentioned would be nice) [/quote] There are presently 54 manhattan projects over a total of 1509 total nations, which comes out to 3.5% of the game, adding on the top 5%, only 8.5% of the game are nuclear capable right now. That number will rise, but I doubt it tops 15% over the course of the round. Thats not horrible. A few more then that have nuclear weapons (something like 10% of the game), but alot of people move in and out of the top 5%. Its an added dynamic to warfare, one which we'll have to adjust to, but its not necessarily a bad thing.
  23. Rock Chalk Jayhawk all the way to Houston. Well, only one more game for them to get there, everything just keeps falling into place, the thought of reaching a championship without facing anybody seeded better then 8th... But then again, if they make it this far, they are obviously seeded wrong.
  24. RV never had any credibility, so no, he has not lost it.
  25. Please, 2 posts counteract a broad body of work? Be realistic, and besides, I thought it was pretty obvious from the onset that Judge X's post was pretty much in jest from the get-go, although his style is certainly unique and I suppose I can't expect a bunch of simpletons to fully appreciate it
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