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Everything posted by Denial

  1. Don't worry, we rig the elections to make sure he never rises to power
  2. You know, Pacifica, if you are struggling to acquire technology sellers, perhaps you could hold up your end of the deal and provide technology buyers for those alliances you are still oppressing with surrender terms?
  3. Destroying treaties. It's what we do This is awesome to see. STA. Except Uhtred.
  4. Ah, there he is, still struggling to understand the situation, and being further off the mark than a one-armed archer with his commentary. You do realise I have only made two contributions to this discussion, right? Perhaps you were intending to target your poorly-crafted criticism at Francesca? I am impressed that I can summon you by one mention of your name now, though. You and Aquaman now have something in common.
  5. I'm just going to keep this gem here for posterity. And hilarity. You see, we must have fairly divergent ideas on just what paraphrasing actually involves. Paraphrasing is the restatement of information in alternative wording - often to clarify or expand on its meaning - while retaining the original facts or ideas. In a stunning display of comprehension and tact, you managed to create an absurb and grotesque caricature of a noteworthy announcement and surrounded it with falsifications and insults. What you did is not paraphrasing, but misrepresenting a body of text to the point where it became your very own strawman, which you attacked with the ferocity and sharp wit of a concrete wall. Oh, that is rich. In the very same section of text where you suggest I should read what you say before replying, you misrepresent what I said to you in my previous comment. Notice that I did not state that you were claiming what Vox is trying to accomplish is boring, I said "If they were boring, they would not have a sizeable portion of the Cyberverse reading their every word, nor would they receive pages and pages of responses." This was in response to your so eloquently-phrased criticism - "Another boring, irrelevant announcement, Doitzel." And while we're here, you may not have directly accused Vox of being irrelevant, but as we can clearly see from the previous quote, you claimed that this announcement - and previous Vox announcements, through use of the word 'another' - was irrelevant. Your claim that Vox has repeatedly released 'irrelevant' announcements, as a continued behaviour, has strong implications and provides insight into your opinion on Vox's relevancy in Cyberverse politics. Take a look at where the vast majority of the Vox criticism is originating from. I am sure your friends and allies are pleased to know that you're just as ready to caricature their responses as you are Vox's announcements. I am sure they are also pleased that Francesca is here to function as the guiding light to some higher form of discourse between political leaders. I cannot wait to see an influx of Francescan-style vitriol and strawmen plastered throughout the forum, as far as the eye can see. Yes, please. I sure hope you do not include any anniversary topics, though! Or any treaty announcements, as you appear to have a low opinion of them, also: "Ok, I'll give you that. Perhaps this is a shade more interesting than the treaty announcements." ... What arguments, points or ideas would they be? The one where you accused Vox of being "attention seeking, drama obsessed morons" or the part where you displayed that you have an over-inflated and delusional sense of self-worth? Further, I am not here to lead by example, for I am not the one that believes they are the long-awaited answer to the supposed slew of 'boring' and 'irrelevant' announcements and making a fool of themselves by going on self-important diatribes.
  6. You demonstrated that how, exactly? By simply saying so, amongst an insult-ridden tirade and an impressively furious and profuse use of caps lock? I just love the irony of the usual suspects entering every Vox thread and taking all opportunities to accuse them of being irrelevant or boring. If they were irrelevant, you would not have checked this announcement. If they were irrelevant, you would not make countless attempts to undermine them. If they were boring, they would not have a sizeable portion of the Cyberverse reading their every word, nor would they receive pages and pages of responses. You claim your goal is to provoke groups and individuals into creating "worthwhile announcements/comments". I must ask, where is your contribution to that goal? To extend it further, where is your alliance's contribution? Though, given that you have about as much grasp on fact and intelligent discourse as HeinousOne, I probably should not expect you to begin leading by example any time soon.
  7. Awesome work. This is very interesting to look over. Vanguard may not be in the top 40 in score, but we rank about #37 in total Wonders and #19 for total military Wonders. I can't be bothered comparing the rest. Nice to see. Wow, you really had to stretch that entirely innocent observation by President Obama to get in your criticism of The Grämlins, didn't you?
  8. Half of the alliances within CDT would fall apart from a firm breeze, let alone an extended conflict where they're both outclassed and outnumbered.
  9. And yet, I still feel I failed to adequately describe the depth of my affection.
  10. Congratulations, STA! This is a pleasure to see.
  11. Awesome. Congratulations to our allies
  12. Oh, I had missed that explanation. Seeing it again makes me all nostalgic.
  13. How did I miss a thread that is so relevant to my interests? Oh, wondrous UPN, you are a beacon of justice and order in a chaotic world. You are the last bastion of honour in a world of perfidy. I long for the day where I am worthy to receive the mark of distinction that is UPN membership. There is no other assemblage more fitting for the righteous individual; the omniscient, masculine hands entwined in the firmest of grips shall serve as the banner for the virtuous and the stalwart. May you guide us all towards prosperity.
  14. Oh, I don't think NPO would be unfriendly towards MHA any time in the foerseeable future. Quite the opposite, really.
  15. Congratulations to our allies in Ordo Verde, and our friends in GOD and VE
  16. Well, I liked this thread. A quality news presentation.
  17. It was a risky move, but we think it paid off.
  18. An admirable Charter. Congratulations to our allies
  19. The Grand Lodge of Freemasons was treaty-bound to defend its ally, and was not a signatory of the Citrus Accords at the time. While Orange on Orange violence should certainly be avoided, two wrongs do not make a right. There are many other ways to handle situations than going straight to war. The invocation of the Citrus Accords in that situation was nothing more than opportunism. Also, if you go back and take a look at the announcement, you will be unpleasantly surprised as to where the inflammatory and insulting comments were coming from. I'll give you a hint to start you off - they certainly were not being thrown around by those who chose diplomacy over military action against a fellow Orange alliance that was obligated to follow the path it did.
  20. Yet it seems to have spurred on quite a large discussion and somehow managed to provoke you into attempting to convince everyone that the announcement is worthless.
  21. Well done, FOK. It's a pleasure to see that some alliances still have the testicular fortitude to stand by their friends and allies. Not all of OUT. The fact that the Grand Lodge of Free Masons was attacked by some Orange alliances by invoking the Citrus Accords was a travesty of Orange Sphere unity.
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