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Everything posted by Denial

  1. The New Sith Order is on sale? The New Sith Order! Oh, Revanche, at last you're becoming a crafty consumer. I'll take eight!
  2. This makes me happier than a GGA thread. Congratulations to our allies in Mushroom Kingdom, and friends in The Grämlins.
  3. You certainly did miss my point. That is generally what happens when you select one sentence from amongst a lengthy discussion with another individual on a different topic and, for some nonsensical reason, choose to make a response to it.
  4. I will not comment on the first section of your post, as even if I am correct about the reasons behind MHA's cancellation on Polaris - and I firmly believe I am - I highly doubt it would ever be admitted in public. Subsequently, this debate is a waste of time. I will, however, note that it is both disappointing and amusing that you claim I am only questioning your honesty because of some inherent and nonsensical opposition to Pacifica and your alliance's allegiance to them. Pacifica has nothing to do with this, but now that you have brought them into the fray, I will mention that you should probably avoid using a debate tactic that they themselves only use as a last resort. I have no faith in a peaceful feature, and I am rather comfortable with that. I would much rather a world of dynamic conflict than nauseating peace. As for what I would call you, I would change that to disingenuous and naive. At least in regards to the issues we have discussed.
  5. It is possible - albeit, about as likely as Gonzoczar returning to us upon a lightning bolt and leading OFS to glory - that MHA chose to cancel their agreement with Polaris for reasons other than strategic concerns or choosing a side, and the timing was entirely coincidental, sure. However, when your argument is wholly reliant upon the claim that MHA was entirely unaware of what Polaris was facing in the coming days, weeks, and so on, it only strengthens my belief that MHA was fully aware of what was on the horizon and was preparing itself for it.
  6. Oh, please. I have done this dance more than most. You cannot persuade me that a prominent, well-established alliance such as MHA was entirely ignorant of the political landscape just weeks before the noCB War. Even the least-connected rulers were able to correctly predict many of the developments that led to the canncellation of the Ordinance of Order and the related global war. As for lies and deception, they are the cornerstones of Cyberverse politics. Always have been. The problem plaguing this community is that far too many people are ready and willing to lap up whatever they are told in Alliance Announcements without making their own judgements.
  7. One could argue MA's cancellation on Mushroom Kingdom was exactly that. I am not going to comment on whether such a move was "incompetent" but it could easily be interpreted as an early selection of sides in a war that everyone with their head not in the sand saw coming.
  8. Even if we ignore the fact that this agreement is for individual signatures, rather than alliance signatures, it still translates as "You know what, I'm going to be difficult just for the sake of being difficult." As much as I like TOOL, this may be the silliest statement I've read today. Edit: Typo.
  9. Hello, I would like to introduce you to my alliance, Vanguard. It appears you're not familiar with us. Archon has a tendency to become a Negative Nancy Oh, and to answer the question, the alliance I would most like to see released from subjugation is GATO, closely followed by FAN. Overall, though, I believe all alliances that have been forced to disband or currently exist under foreign control - whether they be NAAC, GOONS, LUE, \m/, Genmay or FAN - should be free to reform or reconstruct, with sovereignty entirely intact.
  10. Come senators, congressmen Please heed the call Don't stand in the doorway Don't block up the hall For he that gets hurt Will be he who has stalled There's a battle outside And it is ragin' It'll soon shake your windows And rattle your walls For the times they are a-changin'. I was always curious as to whether there were legitimate friendships backing either of these treaties. It appears as if I have been given an answer.
  11. What I find amusing is that the very same people that publicly lambaste The Grämlins for allowing their members to "voice their opinions openly and honestly" come out of the woodwork to valiantly defend innocent, gentle Reyne. However, what provokes that warm and fuzzy feeling inside is the fact that Reyne herself has been responsible for much of the aforementioned public lambasting (Grämlins' Codex announcement, anyone?).
  12. Perhaps you should be more concerned with finding the security leak that provides the TWiP staff with these screenshots, rather than making baseless accusations about a person who gained what information they do have (and subsequent distaste for some groups) from being a previous member of Citadel signatories. Start requestioning those vile ex-Mushroom Kingdom Umbrella members, in my opinion Edit: Typo.
  13. It's always pleasing to see two treaty partners become friends. Congratulations to two fine alliances
  14. It's rather difficult not to. I was pleased to once again see that my high level of respect for The Grämlins is not misplaced or unjustified.
  15. So, we're hated by a leader whose gross incompetence and untiring determination to unquestioningly dance to the Pied Piper of Pacifica’s tune has resulted in stunning alliance stagnation? Whose continued leadership relies on systematically purging dissenting members and oppressing free thought to a degree that only the Grand Global Alliance can match? Whose every action and comment perfectly symbolises exactly what is so unacceptable, so wrong, about the current political climate? You know what? I’m comfortable with that.
  16. Congratulations to our friends in Argent and FCC
  17. Eternal ZI will end. Those that continue to employ this heinous practice face the choice of either adapting or mirroring this fall. For the times they are a-changin'.
  18. I am pleased to see the apology towards The International. That entire situation was unnecessary. As for the treaty cancellations; it's about time. Congratulations.
  19. "How dare you accuse someone of making an OOC attack! Now, watch as I do the very same thing in response!" And for the love of all that is good and holy, you people need to develop some thicker skins. This "OOC attack" !@#$%^&* is beyond ridiculous. Always has been.
  20. Keep in mind that the issue of GGA's Triumvir-conducted epsionage and their Charter's distinct prohibition of such heinous acts been raised before. For all those confident that the alliance will learn from their mistakes and improve going forwards, I would point towards this recent revelation of degenerate108's conduct.
  21. There is only one candidate seaworthy enough to gain my vote.
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