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Everything posted by Denial

  1. You're certainly correct in that obtaining an IRC hostmask is easier than obtaining an IP address. However, in my opinion, the difficulty of obtaining whatever OOC information a group is utilising towards IC oppression is entirely irrelevant. Whether a reroller is identified and subsequently persecuted via common email addresses, photobucket accounts, IRC hostmasks or IP addresses, it is still inherently wrong. It is rather ironic, too; those that employ these OOC tools are also usually the first to have their jowls flapping in righteous indignation over anything that could be construed as an 'OOC attack'.
  2. Perhaps you could stave off such a cancellation with a well-aimed shipment of technology?
  3. I know you neither support nor condone EZI, which you should be commended for, but I disagree with you on whether tracking people's IPs and IRC hostmasks in order to stop them from playing a game constitutes a form of online "stalking". It is a disgusting process and the Cyber Nations community is rather unique in its widespread acceptance of it - or at least its pervasive apathy towards doing anything meaningful towards halting its practice. Never have I been part of an online community where there is such vehement hatred, to the point of making it personal and beyond the boundaries of the game, for former in-game opponents or detractors.
  4. Congratulations to our allies and those elected
  5. Hoo is a seer and has not been sharing his wisdom with the rest of us? Curse that handsome stallion.
  6. What seems less ridiculous: i) People having to hide every aspect of their online identity in order to play a browser game, or ii) People having the ability to freely play any game they wish, without power-tripping griefers telling them that they're never, under any circumstance, going to be able to play in peace.
  7. You've stolen my thoughts. Congratulations, Sparta.
  8. After the logs from the Captain Flinders incident and this ludicrous comment, I am of the belief that a prerequisite to serving in the GRAN government is to be entirely void of tact and intelligence. Tell me, why exactly did you feel it was necessary to pain the rest of the community with your dim-witted vitriol? Particularly in a thread that has been well-received, entertaining and did not contain any material that would provoke a response such as yours except from the most antagonistic and gauche individuals. Edit: Typo.
  9. Congratulations to two admirable alliances.
  10. Word around the watercooler is that IRON recently acquired three precogs and have established their very own Department of Precrime.
  11. You'd be surprised at the lengths those who practice EZI will go to in order to prevent a person from playing this game in any meaningful way. From comparing IP addresses obtained via off-site forums and IRC, to searching through the Photobucket accounts that players host their signatures on, history has shown that the EZI-enforcers of this game are able to make it very difficult for even the most cautious of rerollers.
  12. As much as I like Argent, they are clearly not seaworthy.
  13. Quality work, Paradigm.
  14. Awesome work, Stumpy. This almost makes up for all the damage you've done to Vanguard since you joined. Almost.
  15. Gee, that's funny, I seem to remember Pacifica launching various campaigns on the basis of enforcing their own moral code on others. Someone get this man a promotion. Quality post.
  16. Why, exactly? Has there been some form of pervasive spy hunt within Pacifica during the last week that was more successful than previous attempts? "That's the 146 thousandth unsuccessful Vox agent hunt in a row. But I have a good feeling about tomorrow!" Well, aren't you just as infallible as the ever-changing definition of Francoism!
  17. You're right, you're right. I just got a little caught up in the moment.
  18. You should totally write for Hallmark.
  19. It's always amazing to see the end result of thousands of hours slaving over MS Word Congratulations to two alliances I am very fond of.
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