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Everything posted by Denial

  1. I surround myself with people such as QTUN and Stumpy so I look even better by comparison
  2. Vanguard Edict We've got some sharp-tongue carrying on to do. The Document of Vanguard was first ratified on the 11th of July, 2007. Since that day, only minor amendments have been made in order to reflect the changing nature of the Cyberverse. Today, Vanguard celebrates the first major addition to our founding text; the introduction of a third Grand Architect. As written in The Document, Grand Architects "are the highest positions within Vanguard and are appointed rather than democratically elected. The members occupying these positions have the responsibility of ensuring the member nations of Vanguard enjoy safety, security and prosperity. The Grand Architects are empowered with unparalleled authority and jurisdiction to guarantee the efficiency of Vanguard." It is my honour to formally ratify the latest amendment to our Charter; The Consul. I am also pleased to announce that loyal Vanguardian, Stumpy, shall rise to the rank of The Consul. Stumpy brings with him a wealth of experience, leadership talent, foreign contacts, and a strong desire to see Vanguard prosper. As of the 10th of March, 2009, the Vanguard Architecture stands as: Grand Architects of Vanguard The Sovereign, Revanche The Vizier, QTUN The Consul, Stumpy Architects of Vanguard The Sword, Napoleon The Shield, Rafa Nadal The Hammer, Thaliak The Treasurer, Petrovich The Scholar, Fire Within In other news, Vanguard recently surpassed 800 nuclear weapons and, for the first time, reached a total score of 10. I would like to congratulate my fellow members on their hard work, and I look forward to seeing that nuclear arsenal expand to over 1,000.
  3. Santa's illegitimate love child with a local tribal shaman, I assume.
  4. Is there an approximate timeline specifying when the war with Jarheads will end, if ever?
  5. Why are you attempting to refute hizzy by mentioning Vox, exactly? It couldn't be because you are incapable of countering his arguments without associating him with something entirely unrelated but controversial, could it?
  6. Another glorious issue. I found the IRC logs and the insults towards Polaris particularly amusing. Now watch as Jarheads are subject to perpetual war
  7. In the very same sentence that you admit you are entirely ignorant of the topic at hand and do not know of or cannot guess these supposed rerolls, you accuse me of not knowing the nature of my own member list. Or at least attempting to deceive the public. Now, what would I have to gain from that, considering apparently "everybody" knows the ins and outs of Vanguard better than its Founder and Sovereign of over 18 months? If you would like another visit from reality, Vanguard began with 13 members, and not all of those had previously claimed allegiance to LUEnited Nations, or even any other alliance involved in the CoaLUEtion or The League. And yes, in case there was confusion, a single digit can mean anything from 0 to 9. Oh, I'm certain you will recoup your losses in another self-important diatribe sometime in the near future. Ignoring the fact that I am certain there would be ex-\m/ members that would be uncomfortable with you attempting to speak for them, I guess that is the difference between you and my members. We are happy to leave the past where it belongs and concentrate on new goals, rather than pain the denizens of the Cyberverse with innumerable recounts of past glory; it is only when we are subject to the ignorance of people such as you that we, rather reluctantly, enter into these somewhat pointless debates. This is certainly getting off topic. We're going to need Moderation to come in and clean up a little.
  8. Let me hit you with some knowledge. Not only did you grace us with your sharp wit and discerning commentary through quoting a Vanguard member that has zero connection to LUEnited Nations, but your judgement on the nature of Vanguard's membership clearly displayed your fragile grasp on fact. To clear this up once and for all, the number of Vanguard members that were ever in LUEnited Nations now sits at a single digit. In fact, we likely have more members that were allied to your beloved \m/ - who I am surprised you have not somehow mentioned in the previous two posts - during times long gone. As for hurt feelings, you do not have to concern yourself with that, as you have not hit a nerve. I do not know of any member of my alliance that is ashamed of their history, whether they previously claimed allegiance to LUE, NPO, GPA, GOONS, ONOS, TDSM8, MK or ICP (among many others - we're rather multicultural).
  9. Oh, if only it was that simple. He's a little more like herpes; the gift that keeps on giving.
  10. Enlighten me, then. What joke were you making?
  11. You really have no clue what you're on about.
  12. Congratulations to Athens and Sparta!
  13. Just because the advocates of Francoism have gone on countless haughty diatribes on this subject does not mean they are correct. There is no "slavery" involved with being unaligned; rather, it is the natural state of all nations. Those nations who have surrendered a portion of their sovereignty in order to become involved in an alliance are the abnormal.
  14. Now why would you go and bring that upon yourself? You'll never get rid of him.
  15. While it's nice to gain credit for having such a dramatic impact on someone's playing style, if you're suggesting that I was flaming Bilrow, I will disagree with you. It was an astute observation on his playing style and previous antics. Some would say that Bilrow has brought that upon himself. And as Tygaland so eloquently expressed in the original post, not every critical opinion of a player, character or an alliance can be considered flaming or trolling - there are firm definitions for what constitutes flaming and trolling, and the vast majority of content that gets labelled as such by posters around here simply does not meet the criteria.
  16. If anything, this shows why you need to stop creating topics.
  17. What else is left now that he can no longer place the GGA - the people's champion - at the forefront of moral crusades to rid the Cyberverse of indecency and evildoers?
  18. The signature "Bob" was rather easy to forge
  19. This really doesn't require any explanation.
  20. Congratulations to our allies in STA on their new protectorate! Good lord, this feels all kinds of weird.
  21. Congratulations to our friends in FCC! Don't break anything, Methrage
  22. No one. But there are certainly people whose posts I will scroll past the vast majority of the time.
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