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Big Z

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Everything posted by Big Z

  1. I believe that jam thief has changed good sir! The jam thief has repented his ways and punishing him would be evil!
  2. Yes, we're supposed to be very pleased when certain parties: 1) negotiate peace terms on our behalf without informing us 2) Threaten to pull out unless the reparations were capped at a maximum set number 3) attempt to strong arm my allies into getting their way 4) slander and attack RoK about an imaginary reparations demand that never existed nor was requested by RoK .gov Please Blue Lightning, throw us another dog bone!
  3. Except, as I recall, OMFG went nuclear first strike on TOP first, no?
  4. We're having a jolly good time here.
  5. That's not the only front Chill told certain alliances they'd be receiving white peace without consulting anyone else.
  6. Both numbers are very reasonable for IRON to pay off, especially the real number of 3 billion and 50K tech. That is a paltry sum for IRON to pay out, one they could easily accomplish in easily 1 month tops. If RoK were requesting say, 300K tech, that'd be an exorbitant sum.
  7. Good show to our SuperFriends at RoK and my thanks to LM for helping clear up these rumors. LM deserves praise for stepping forward and admitting his error. That's a sign of a great person, LM
  8. Unjustified? That's pretty funny. As Srqt noted earlier, the original reps demands were neither crippling nor humiliating. Calling them unjustified is stretching it pretty far, at best.
  9. Archon is indeed wise and his words are those that all should consider.
  10. Congratulations to Tromp and the rest of the FOKers who got elected. A great lineup for sure. Also, HAI AVENGERNL!
  11. Meh, it's RyanGDI. It's more insulting than anything.
  12. Oh snap, he actually surrendered. How many days are you making RyanGDI be a cupcakery POW, EW?
  13. I'd actually be very impressed if TPF stays in until NPO gets peace. They'd be one of the few who stayed until their ally received peace, something that's worthy of respect, regardless of how TPF conducted itself before.
  14. See ya around EW. You know where to find us if you ever want to reroll
  15. Congrats to two great alliances on a fantastic treaty. It's a good thing to see Cameron having so much success here, even as that chapter closes elsewhere (OOC: Goodbye TSCC)
  16. Considering an alliance of IRON's size and the average warchest level of IRON nations, 3 billion and 50K tech is a drop in the bucket. To compare statistical figures, for IRON's terms to be the equivalent of MK terms after the Coalition war, they would have to be paying 250K tech with restrictions on outside aid.
  17. Yes, you caught us. This entire Karma war was one that we manufactured for the lulz. Moo, Dilber, Delta, Doitzel, and Archon thought it up one night and we all agreed it was a brilliant idea. Of course, we laid all the pieces in place. Bigwoody is a cupcakery member, so is BobJanova, and heck, even Doppleganger and Roquentin are all cupcakery members and part of the conspiracy. Really, it turned out well no? We fooled you all and we would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for that darned Sileath!
  18. The newest hit wonder to sweep CN, it's This Week in Cupcakery's Corner or TWiCC! Brought to you by Cupcakery, where we're too good for you all
  19. No but I will go through Tulak's beer safe
  20. GFL is at least 150 years old. Man, if it weren't for the lack of a mandatory retirement age Congrats to the winners.
  21. It exists. Unless, of course, you're denying the existence of the Chestnut Accords by closing your eyes and shouting really loudly.
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