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Big Z

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Everything posted by Big Z

  1. Yet, the terms I quoted are the actual terms and those that were conveyed to NPO leadership as well. Considering I have the Karma forums up as I'm typing this, I would care to say that the terms I posted are more up to date than yours.
  2. Your analysis is flawed. Your 30 nations figure is very inaccurate, especially if you care to read the terms: That means all 178 nations over 1K tech can pay off the terms, rather than the 30 you suggest. That would mean NPO can pay 133,500 technology at maximum slot efficiency, not including the usage of DRAs, per month. Those at zero tech (or close to it) after the two weeks of war can use their warchests to purchase tech to send it out.
  3. @Rsox: If you had to spend 3 weeks on a deserted island with either Shamedmonkey or Potato, who would you choose?
  4. Why does Rsox still have a position of power in Athens? WHY?! On a scale of 1-10, where would you describe your hatred of Shamedmonkey to be?
  5. NoWai as Deputy FA? Dear god, GFL must have been really wasted. I feel sorry for the poor suckers who have to clean up after him. o/ R&R
  6. Turtling =/= not fighting. Not by far.
  7. Cable, in a position of power again? God help us all. Also, o/ Firefly.
  8. Ah, alright. Thanks for clearing up my confusion.
  9. I'm slightly confused by the wording of Article 4. You're saying it's a PIAT but Article 4 reads like an MDP, since there is no "optional" qualification within the actual clause. It basically states that if aid is requested, both parties agree to offer it, as long as it's requested. The only qualifier is that military aid is not directly stated, only implied.
  10. He's pretty much on the dot actually. It can cost as little as 112 mil to rebuild from straight ZI to banking range.
  11. I echo what Doitzel has said. All in all, this is just a silly situation blown completely out of proportion.
  12. This really could have been worded better.
  13. So what does that say about those who surrendered?
  14. Revanche is again, like usual, dead on. It was suggested to us by certain parties to let OV get hit and wait for a better time. We refused. At that point, it looked as if we would be getting stomped.
  15. I for one support my Eperor Delta1212 in his campaign for Nemesis Tri! \o\ Eperor Delta1212 On a different note, since Hoo has been de-intersected, I'd like to apply for the position of Head of the Nemesis Intersect Project. It's my duty as the SF human intersect to offer my assistance/services wherever needed after all
  16. See Moo? That's why you should eat the beef burgers I airdrop to you instead of settling for substitutes OOC: Get well soon Moo.
  17. I'll vote Eperor Delta-Mrs Hoo, if you put me in charge of the Intersect, cupcake.
  18. Big Z

    Chapter 1

    Lee, you know where to find me if you ever need anything. Best of luck my friend.
  19. My spy reports would care to disagree.
  20. Bye Hoo. Stop by #cupcakery so we can continue to mention Tyson Jackson to you But in all seriousness, it sucks to see you go. We had some great times together, both in cupcakery and in the SF chans. It was a pleasure. Though, will you still be participating in the SF Fantasy Football league next year? Edit: Don't worry Cupcake, you're on my shoutout list whenever I retire
  21. Not very surprising but a tough choice nonetheless. I want to wish the rest of Citadel the best of luck, especially Cameron ( Cameron)
  22. I didn't want to clog up my post with extraneous numbers. However, if you want them, I can give them too. Karma had only a 200 SDI wonder advantage. 170 WRCs. 219 FAFBs. With the exception of the the 800 MP advantage by Karma, the advantages weren't too large nor impossible to be made up, especially when you consider the fact that they include TOP+MHA on the side of Karma, which prior to the war buildup, was impossible to ascertain, as Bob Janova can confirm. Taking their combined stats away from the previously aforementioned, that leaves the advantages -20 SDIs, +42 WRCs, +557 MPs, +68 FAFBs. So once again, I state, it wasn't as lopsided as you're claiming, by far, unless you're considering absolute worst case scenario. Karma had a 3.911 Infra:Tech ratio. Hegemony had a 4.198 Infra:Tech ratio. Take out MHA+TOP with Karma and you get Karma's ratio of 4.034 Infra:Tech ratio. Edit: Forgot to remove TSO from the scenario as well. Their impact switch would further level the numbers even further. removing another 40 SDIs, 25 WRCs, 30 MPs, and 14 FAFBs. That would bring the total to -60 SDIs, +17 WRCs, +527 MPs, +54 FAFBs. Karma's Infra:Tech ratio would increase to 4.071 Infra:Tech
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