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Johnny Apocalypse

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Everything posted by Johnny Apocalypse

  1. Cheers for that btw, me and the gang were real glad that we got to dance on their faces for a week after they botched the use of the intel- but that part isn't really on you. Me and Stewie must've averaged about 10 hours sleep between us that week but I can say the end (if only relatively brief) result was a very happy COBRA at least
  2. Even I don't know anymore if I'm being honest. I'd guess it has something to do with those mushrooms we ate about a decade ago, then after that I read more useless pieces of literature than one person should in a lifetime. Which made me an overly-cryptic nut who is constantly shifting personas and won't stop babbling on about seeing creatures that aren't really there (apparently). There's probably some other stuff to unpack that you missed along the way, but let's not and just say we did.
  3. Nice to viddy the Droognish remnants still being good droogies to one another as always. Right right?
  4. @masterhakai whats a boognish? how often would you say you think about rad, on a scale of "your not my dad" and "rad is pretty radical imo"?
  5. This world will be a far duller place without you. Ideally you would not depart but that is a selfish ideal on my part, I understand why you choose to leave this world with its mind-numbing inertia the tedious predictability of how battles will be pitched. We are beset on all sides by slumbering monoliths who occasionally jolt awake as if falling in a dream, then fall asleep once again Waking only to alleviate the boredom of such prolonged sleep to jump on the heads of the small fish. There is a Creature; that has to feed, It stops at nothing; to fill its need. The people live in gruesome squalor, So that the Creature may grow taller. It was easy to get away with jumping on the small fish, it remains relatively consequence free with no imagination required to cook up any reason or justification. All the while, the giants with their piles of money (unsatisfied with only that and their piles of tech) would 'fund' the growth of smaller nations by converting as many upstart groups into Tech Farms and 'benevolently' imparting a fraction of the cost it would take develop that same amount of tech in their own house. Relying on networks of alliances to never exceed a certain level of their own growth, encouraging them to remain as balls of fragile infra if they ever had a hope of out-banking nearly any conceivable opponent that happened to be older than them. Those with nothing have to bleed, To help the Creature spread its seed. They learn to dine on fecal matter, So that the Creature may grow fatter. Putting a frame job on people like us for all the wrongs of the world was once an easy narrative to peddle, something we did what we could to pushback against but those narratives have outlived us with their sheer loudness in volume alone. While it remained a sketchy period for an opponent who knew only victory to be achieved with brute force and a reliance on the old 'might makes right' mantra? Their methods only went so far, eventually any small fish had to be presented as larger and more spiked devils- a menace. If we weren't, then how could 'might' be truly considered 'right' if it was seen to only step on the small. The Creature tells of evil gnomes, Coming to destroy our homes. And trolls who come with gun and knife, To threaten our way of life. Eventually this overfishing (made easier with the various schools splitting from one another to never again re-unite) will be what drives the larger alliances on a path to war, maybe. With no easy targets left to monsterise in order to deflect from their own culture of abhorrence and truly unscrupulous means of pursuing victory, or alternatively those with their superiority complex, assimilation strategies and over-reliance on order? Most independents who remain lack the strength to wield slingshots once more against their Goliath. The respective increasing states of boredom between the giants could force a close to this inertia, it has happened before and it could happen again- or we could have already seen the last. Though I doubt I'll be patient enough to wait around and find out, so I really don't blame you for departing as a day will come when I will do the same. We prospered at a time when it was possible for smaller tribes to deviate from choosing either of the two binaries available but that day is long gone. It brings no joy to know I played my part in planting a dagger in the spirit of that once prosperous microverse, a world you nurtured into being long before I returned to this planet. You did everything you could to breath fresh life into the political climate and are one of few people who deserve some well earned rest for your efforts- rest that is so far unearned by the majority of leaders who seem to do nothing but. When we've been sucked completely dry The Creature needs its food supply. It has amassed such awesome wealth Maybe it can eat itself? Godspeed Lucius. it's been quite the ride and not always a good one, but all the same I'm glad to have had you as my ally and my friend. o/
  6. I'm already holding about 10,000 RIPcoin and 69 GRAVE hmu if you need a wallet and/or exchange recommendations after I pay out the mandated peace tokens for UCR (and the rest of us) so we don't end up at war again. If they don't feel up to it? Remember I'm always around if you need opposition or some light rabble rousing, just slide into my DMs if you need me yeah?
  7. Yep, then I am all yours! Hopefully you don't have everything built out of adamantium and diamonds or whatever just like Lord Darrin. He blocked pretty much every GA, CM, AC and Spy op. Only the occasional nuke actually landed or that damage ratio would be even more embarrassing for me.... Maybe replace your infra with some paper and empty toilet roll tubes, instead of tech use an endless amount of potato clocks.
  8. No; only collect taxes and paid bills ready for THE BIG FIGHT coming next Smarch. In all seriousness though I agree, I wouldn't have really decided to get involved with politics here if there was nothing happening to get involved with. I can make my own ventures and have done plenty of times before, but it's also refreshing to see other people make an effort- even if it failed by the close of the campaign. Better to try than to collect taxes, as if you'll some day be able to collect more money than the people with the most money- or something along those lines. I had fun fighting Doom Squad and they're a nice bunch to shoot the !@#$ with when you shoot each other's !@#$, they certainly have their co-ordination skills down and gave me a constant run for my money (admittedly I was outnumbered 6 to 1. but four of those were wars I started myself. so I can't really bemoan being outnumbered after doing it to myself) I look forward to being able to properly dance with Bundy when I'm not fending off 5 other people. I know he expected a decent show from me afterall. But yeah, do more things even if they turn out to be bad moves afterwards. Take risks, don't pick the easy fights so often. Most importantly; Be excellent to one another.
  9. Look at all that unspent energy coursing through my veins! I will be offering free ringside seats and a complimentary buffet at my Moon Colosseum for the final bouts for our Doom vs. Doom Slayer closing rounds as compensation for people who paid full ticket price for the show. Don't look at me pal. It's taken some time but I can actually spell Non Grata now. Check it out: Should be good to go around the same time as everyone else will be; roughly half past never.
  10. You're welcome lads, now if you'll excuse me I'm off to represent the entire Voluntary wing of the Red Army at a buffet, need to get me energy back up for another dance with Doom. The rest of you girls enjoy yourselves o7
  11. Thank you thank you. I will be here for the rest of the week because I have no where else to be and have long lost any sense of where I am after having 6 people jump on my head in a very rhythmic fashion. Were those men part of your marching bands by any chance? See you at graduation nerds!
  12. Victory to the Blessed Brain-thieves! At least they let me keep a piece they cut out Seriously though, solid fighting from Doom Squad, gg wp guys, Some of this was fun and some of it really was not fun. Thanks UCR for the diplomatic and military assistance throughout.
  13. Oh I don't disagree with the sentence; fits the crime accordingly, you guys got all that pent up anger outta your system and you aren't being forced to leave this planet. We need to keep our active leaders and encourage more of them, not create circumstances that result in less (even if they can be a massive pain in the butt, make you want to scream into the abyss and eat your own lips off- not that I'm referring to you old friend ) Apologies I misread the terms, I thought he had to remain below 70m for the foreseeable future. Which would of course be a logistical nightmare of a term to enforce, so I don't know why I didn't clock that sooner. My bad
  14. The nation of Anubia is committed to clean, renewable Nuclear Warfare. If you happen to find any plutonium isotopes amidst the shredded infrastructure of your nation which you would like to see recycled for a greener more radiant future? Please return them to the following address:
  15. Let it not warm your heart but instead your silos, Thrash
  16. I'm glad to see this. The sentencing may seem harsh but given the abuse of the senate in this instance, the sentencing fits the crime. Placing a cap on Kap's growth potential does seem a tad excessive however (I mean it's not like you can't all out-compete him if he were to accumulate greater wealth or breach these terms in the future) But it seems you're all being good sports about it all and have burnt off any residual bad feelings, here's to a brighter future and warmer relations between you all o/
  17. If I am seen as too reasonable it is because nobody is being at all reasonable (and that is saying a lot considering how unreasonable I can be too) They can only do what they want and not face consequences when people fail to be reasonable enough to do something about it. As I've said, this isn't a moralist stance for me. This is a question of picking a fight where there's actually some risk involved, instead of multiple people jumping on someone's head with the people passing by remarking "Well that's what you get for having principles and trying to act on them!" They only get to the moral high ground if no attempt is made to counter the narrative used to get there. If the main consequence is simply "bickering on the OWF" which doesn't translate into effective military action to stop it? Then Smitty is right. I appreciate the kudos for putting my money where my mouth is but we both know meaningful consequences will take more than me, my soapbox and my technology. Doom can raid as they please without consequences that are damaging in the long-term because of what I outlined above in my response to Smitty. Sanctions are a reasonable first-measure against a raider who appears to be a rogue when no clarification is made about their status. While they are indeed an act of war, they are an act of war that can be rapidly reversed after an appropriate diplomatic approach. In my honest opinion; the entirety of Doom should be considered as rogue entities, Al got off lightly and only got off in the first place because of his friends in higher places (who presumably used their clout to pressure their 'friends' into backing off and letting him do whatever he wants) As for the moral high ground? If I can get in the way of do-nothings like yourself from holding it, then you bet I'll keep trying. Valar morghulis, Mad King.
  18. Yeah they should've picked someone they were definitely gonna lose against to achieve their goals. a) They didn't 'pick an easy target' - for starters, they knew it was Bundy they were going up against. Anyone can tell you who has fought him; he knows his stuff b) They were also aware that there would likely be counters from Doom allies, so this idea that they thought they were just going to have to fight DW is a fantasy. Any alliance with "Doom" in their name can essentially be considered as allies c) The Dark Templar's involvement is what came as a surprise as there was no indication of a formal tie there- this was clarified to me by Hershey earlier on that it came to fruition within the past month, prior to this conflict. If UCR just wanted to pick an easy target they could've simply asked Bundy for pointers Also I'd like to point out the absurd hypocrisy of the people claiming how UCR were just looking for an easy target to pick on and it's their fault for it backfiring. Literally every single one of you has opted to pick an easy target throughout history to get away with a raid or an all-out war (or cheerleaded your alliance doing so). The only reason you don't have to worry about it so much now is because now you have a decade worth of gold stashed away and like back then; every single one of you is still allied in some fashion, thereby guaranteeing your safety.
  19. This is the OWF, everything needs spelling out- even the stuff you spell out
  20. It's only "stupid" because the opponent has the weight of the web on their side. You'd be cheering if it were the other way around.
  21. So don't be a senator? You could be one of the 2/5 votes making it 3/5, if you were active enough to vote and influence things. At least be active if you're gonna hold a seat, takes a whole minute to login and check my dude.
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