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Johnny Apocalypse

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Everything posted by Johnny Apocalypse

  1. Let's hope this overkill is more of a means to encouraging a swift end to the conflict itself, rather than a gratuitous curbstomp for the sake of it. Less gloating would be nice at the very least as it's clear Doom have the upper-hand militarily (I didn't even know UCR had enough people in range of DBDC/DT to justify their involvement). Kicking the children is an apt description here. If it is diplomacy you all sought in the first place, then I'm sure they will be happy to oblige any sincere approaches from you. If trust is a matter of concern? Then as a fellow Brown team nation I am happy to facilitate this process as a mediator if needs must. I appreciate your desire to "teach a lesson" but attention spans in lessons are short and grudges are entrenched if the lessons extend beyond said attention span.
  2. I wasn't arguing with you, just making an observation.
  3. Quite the turnout too, seems maybe UCR weren't the only ones looking for a fight.
  4. So the answer to my question to firingline "Unless you think Doom Wolves can't handle UCR on their own?" is a resounding no. Talk about overkill eh? Well, you do you I guess.
  5. Oh I assure you they do have an agreement with USN but I'm not one to log dump without consent. There is another option for the safety and security of DS; Don't.
  6. Haha that's a good one. Anyway, you're Doom Squad not Doom Wolves and I'm sure they can handle themselves, besides it'd disrupt your uh, peaceful existence right? Unless you feel they truly aren't capable of dealing with UCR alone.... It's the latter launching the offensives against people who are protected (which includes me btw). UCR aren't coming for Doom Squad because you aren't attacking USN and you now know they are a. Al didn't know I was until after the fact, I've told him I'm happy to throw down with him in this case as it's been a while since I get to push button and he push button good.
  7. My apologies, I thought your remark was insinuating that they were lying about the protectorate agreement. Pictures may be worth a thousand words but a caption with a few more words always helps 😉
  8. Jeez....yeah talk about tasteless. Thanks, I'm quite good I know. However, everything I've said is objectively true and I do agree with the statement by LWW that protectorates do need to be public knowledge as that is ultimately how they function as a protective deterrent to keep away any potential attackers.
  9. It is defensive in the sense that they are defending their protectorate, I would agree it's not necessarily in direct defense of UCR themselves. But that is the spirit of a protectorate treaty, if you attack them you are effectively attacking their protector, but that is why protectorate treaties do need announcing publicly. Mutual Defense treaties are at the discretion of each of the alliances involved because they carry the equal burden of Mutual Defense given to each other. Protectorates are not obligated to defend their protector and that protection is only a viable deterrent if it is public knowledge. To the bolded part; Have you looked around this planet lately? Not a lot going on for a long time now, if you fancy a punch up you gotta take any chance you can get 😄
  10. Yes if surrender or disbandment happens it will be public. Just as all peace agreements are.
  11. And now UCR's tie with USN is public, so you've been briefed. Back at ya.
  12. In fairness to this guy; he thanked me for aiding his opponent so they were better positioned to give him a good fight back. He's been a good sport about it. However the UCR have always considered attacks on other socialist/communist micro alliances as an attack against all alliances with socialist/communist ideologies at their core (because historically speaking when you raid one communist? You're usually raiding another too- speaking from prior experience that is 😛) It is their way of showing solidarity with other like-minded leaders, which is very much in keeping with actual socialist practice. I have it on good authority from someone other than UCR that they do indeed have a protectorate treaty with USN. Why they didn't announce it publicly isn't something that concerns me, I've had paperless allies in the past so I'm not one who can be impartial on this matter. And you may be right, UCR may have indeed wanted a fight and after seeing your alliance-mate attack a fellow Brown team nation like myself, followed by you assaulting their Brown Team protectorate?They are fairly decent grounds to start a fight with someone, as it goes. Not to mention; you being a raider should be able relate to wanting to start a fight, the difference being of course that you and other's in your alliance are the folk who started fights with their friends on Brown team.
  13. Ph'nglui mglw'nafh COBRA R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.
  14. Okey doke: The precedent wherein treaties don't need to be publicly disclosed in order to be considered valid long predates this conflict. We did it in Cobra with Cobralition and the so-called "assets of Doom" or Doomsphere alliances do the same today- as they did when UCR last fought Doom Wolves/Doom Squad and most recently when they all swarmed GPA. Your serve.
  15. Communist bureaucracies eh? 😉
  16. As impatient as ever I see. Might I suggest getting out of your own way? Like I said; maybe they will, maybe they won't 🤷
  17. It's a long established tradition among the socialist/communist alliances that they are all effectively allied and look out for each other. This was precisely the case last time Doom Wolves attacked a UCR ally, it was also the case back when Cobrasphere raided alliances like Libertarian Socialist Front (which lead to the formation of the Red Alert bloc). The concept of The International/Comintern is a pretty well known function and basic principle of socialist ideology. So with Doom Wolves attacking USN (a socialist alliance) that means UCR are defending them with their assault on Doom Wolves. It's better to have a few people who actually goto bat for you than loads of people with a never-ending list of obligations to justify why they can't help. Speaking of not understanding the concept of defensive wars; When was the last time you actually fought a defensive war, or any war for that matter?
  18. Maybe, maybe not. Would be a bit overkill at present though wouldn't it? I believe UCR are primarily acting in the interest of their protectorate USN, it just so happens Ouroboros and UCR are fighting the same alliance and the nations being attacked are on Brown Team so our interests are aligned in the spirit of our BUTT
  19. The Communists on Bob have been here as long as you Christians, if they were going to get wiped off the map it would have happened a long time ago. Remember how you said you envied Cobrasphere for being able to do our own thing? UCR/Red Alert and the wider Comintern alliance network have been doing exactly that too and here you are looking down on them from your ivory tower of nothing. Better to be wiped off the map by going down swinging than to rust away because you lack the testicular fortitude to lead properly. Appreciate the assist UCR, no one messes with Brown Team without receiving a swift headBUTT before they walk away o/
  20. If I might impart some wisdom from the time of Cobralition? You're always going to to alienate someone if you want to have some fun with your friends here, one of the reasons we never bothered connecting to the web was because it was bland and dull. In a logistical sense if we had? Someone would've been upset with us somewhere on a treaty chain whenever we wanted to actually play politics, so it was far easier to operate with only our actual friends- allies that didn't require paperwork to validate that relationship. Stick by your actual friends and have fun with those instead, you've got far more firepower than we ever did afterall. I suppose that also means you stand to lose more from a move backfiring- but if you aren't going to use it because Alliance's x, y and z would be upset then why amass it? At this stage everyone is so entwined on the treaty web that you may as well declare world peace, form a single unifying bloc from that move and destroy anyone who refuses to assimilate into it. At least that'd be a definitive game over in some respect, rather than this undying stasis.
  21. No it doesn't say anything good at all. You could do something to change that, you're connected well enough after all. It would require you to show some initiative though. And yes congrats to Bundy for waking me up before I fell through that inactivity portal. No doubt I'll be headed back that way soon enough when we're done and everyone can go back to bed 🙂
  22. By definition Ouroboros is only a one man alliance with myself as a member and it's mainly confined to myself and Al anyway. Should that change then this can be moved. and yes something is happening! I almost went inactive so figured why not make do thread because this place is a ghost town
  23. From the desk of the Exiled Snake King I must apologise I've been awfully sleepy lately (though that seems to be the case worldwide, are all leaders on Xanax?) but it was brought to my attention that Al Bundy of Doom Wolves initiated an assault on the independent state of Ouroboros. I miss you too Al, so let's dance; Ouroboros hereby recognises a state of hostilities with Doom Wolves. Signed: Me, Undead Snek
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