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Everything posted by magicninja

  1. We're whalers on the moon We carry a harpoon but there ain't no whales so we tell tall tales and sing our whaling tune Also yes space. Very good.
  2. If you move to Brown GATO will abuse you and then let the Sith have what's left. I wouldn't do it if I were you. /reversepsychology
  3. Well done 64digits. Best of luck in the future.
  4. No use lying. You know it's 1. Somebody got more than they should've and if you posted the numbers everyone would know exactly who the greedy ones of your group were. We'll all find out anyway.
  5. I just wanna know who is getting what so I can join up for some free blood-tech.
  6. You're right. Athens can't really prove they were recruited unless they turn states evidence and rat out the ones who recruited them but neither can you say with any certainty that they weren't recruited. I don't want to go to war over something like this. I really don't but GATO owes IAA a lot and there's no way that if something happens and IAA finds themselves at war that we aren't gonna help.
  7. Yeah he's a RL friend. I have him holding on to the money I gave him as long as possible. He has the cash he's just waiting. Also sorry Aromy but Nash has spices and beat you to it.
  8. Haha of course they heard about it Bama. The question is how did they hear about it? I've let Athens and our common allies know how I feel about it.
  9. No applesauce in the poll? Null vote. Interesting situation to say the least. Hopefully a peaceful resolution can be reached if not maybe a less violent solution and if not maybe just some mediocre violence and then maybe some mid level violence and If all else fails we'll just burn this mother down.
  10. Posting for a friend Aluminum- snowowlxo Water- snowowlxo Marble- Spices- Nash160 Fish- Razorade Lumber- Politician Iron- Wheat- Nash160 Cattle- Politician Pigs- Razorade Sugar- Coal/Uranium- Preferring Coal since he's still a small nation and could use the steel. This will be on brown so if your interested in the best set available you gotta switch. Snowowl's slots are free so you can send him a trade offer right away if you are already on brown.
  11. We'll take a hit tomorrow though. Maybe we can make up for it with a few gains here and there but it'll be a doozy. Tried everything to get the guy to collect.
  12. Mighty kind of you to even go this far.
  13. Guilty by association Droston. All too common in this game. I can't really blame you for what VE did but still you guys seem to be supporting it which if I recall KArma's ideaology is the same as if you did it yourself.
  14. Hmmmmm.... Usually when you sanction a nation with 5 trades there's a very good chance that not only one but 5 random nations will lose a trade but my math could be off. I'll need a supercomputer to figure it out.
  15. The "we do it because we can" attitude didn't work out well for the last alliances to use it.
  16. I have to disagree Revanche. In the other tools of war you only affect the person you are attacking (excluding GRL ). In this case the sanctions may not have only affected the 3 NPO nations but also up to 14 other nations who may in no other way be involved in the Karma war.
  17. Mary and tipsy I can understand, more Mary than tipsy because at least she is in war mode, but why the 90 day old tiny nation in peacemode that barely has an improvement to his name? Just seems like spite and not at all tactics to me. I also agree with Sponge that Sanctioning affects other people who may not even be in the war or else who may even be on the person doing the deeds side.
  18. I can agree I guess. Still doesn't take away the fact that they are sanctioning NPO nations outside Red. Even tiny nations in PM. That's what I think is sad but it doesn't surprise me. Not much left that they can do to harm NPO at this point. Might as well sanction them I guess.
  19. I heard Karma is so desperate they are trying to get all the NPO nations outside Red sanctioned.
  20. That is not ironic....only the truth...What you thought I meant 1 mil NS and a few nukes? lol
  21. I really can't say that I don't like this. Sooooo.... I will say that I love it.
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