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Everything posted by Thrash

  1. Makes sense since you both carried all the weight in the last go around.
  2. More to see. Grats NATO and CCC. edit: wow I made a rhyme.
  3. Good luck, JA. We had some great chats.
  4. Fake apps would give us something to do though and be amusing.
  5. I see the 14 and I shall raise it to 16.
  6. Prob some of them in Invicta too.
  7. Doesn't seem to be enough inspiration.
  8. This is the go-to move.
  9. I sure love when people try to tell us what our thoughts are/were.
  10. Gotta admire our determination though.
  11. Your bloc that's crumbling was a threat to Oculus, but you instead choose to suck at the teet.
  12. Exactly. I'll put it in less words: "It's dumb."
  13. He won't have an answer to that. If he's so insisting on dwelling on the sins of the past, he's got quite a lot to learn.
  14. I'd appreciate your words more if you applied them across the board.
  15. Oh !@#$. That really brings back memories.
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