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Everything posted by Yates

  1. I expect you to have a set of bunker gear waiting for me at all times. Orange suspenders, please. Also, the house is looking nice: [img]http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2451/3551206127_840f7c8a41.jpg[/img] But what's with the weird "Ecto-Containment Unit" thingy in the basement? In unrelated news, some dude named Walter Peck stopped by looking for a Chief. I guess he'll stop by later.
  2. [IMG]http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e353/y498yates/cybernations/beer_banner.jpg[/IMG]
  3. Sounds like a scenario I can identify with... Happy to have you as dance partners...
  4. I remember you guys from Karma... Sorry to be on opposite sides of the fence again. Enjoy round 2!
  5. I know I for one enjoyed the late night pow wow with Marcus and Zekarde after update. o7 DF
  6. Dear Shilo, [image removed] Love, Yates PS. Am I doin it right? PPS. o/
  7. IMHO, you guys could use a better photoshop artist for your declaration graphic. Good luck and may we all get what we deserve. o7 Yates
  8. While the CB may be highly questionable, there's no doubt TOP and IRON have been looking for a reason to attack the ODN for quite some time now so it looks like we are in it. I know I, for one, am looking forward to a good fight! Thanks for breathing some life back into the game. Hopefully we can all conduct ourselves with honor and integrity and move on afterwards. o7 Yates
  9. So let me get this straight... Government XXX went to Greenland Republic and "coincidentally" this agreement was born? I approve.
  10. FWIW - anyone else notice how consistently FOK graphics are rated among the best in CN? I have to admit... I'm a fan. B)
  11. I, for one, continue to be a fan of MCXA. We've seen quite a few people come and go between our alliances and I think those members can be the catalyst for a renewed relationship in the future if that's what is meant to be. I wish the best of luck to the MCXA and have a feeling we'll be talking again in the not too distant future. o7 Yates
  12. Also, one more huzzah for Cata! "You got Orange in my Chocolate..." "You got Chocolate on my Orange..." "MMMMMMM!"
  13. I'm happy with ODN's score based on the number of nations. That shows our commitment to quality over quantity [while retaining a respectable number ] is paying off. Also, congrats to Sparta and to TOP. It will be fun watching the tango for the top spot! o7 Yates
  14. Don't burn yourselves! Congrats Government xXx!
  15. Just out of curiosity, when does the NPO plan on updating their web page? I was just here and saw that there are still prominent references and links to the Moldavi Doctrine. With apologies, I just found it odd to see this declaration but that nothing had changed on your site yet. Thanks and good luck in your peace process!
  16. Mazal tov! May your first child be a masculine one... wut?
  17. Hai Canik. I spent DAYS revamping that flag to clean it up. And just when I started to have a huge man-crush on you...
  18. What happened? I was distracted by a lesbian kiss scene involving Jessica Biel. In unrelated news, I think I have carpel tunnel causing me to misclick a lot now.
  19. If you're done, then the rest of us can continue being respectful. The bottom line is that we each had our own angles/agendas and need to come to terms with that. I personally could care less at this point. If all parties are happy with the resolution of this matter, the ends justify the means and the means have no need being re-imagined. Granted, I'm still a little pissed at certain alliances for having wicked cool pips that most people seem to like better than the ODN one but that's my own demon to fight.
  20. I need to change this emoticon into a smiley eating caek.... and slowly getting larger.
  21. These really look great. I'm pretty floored by Farkistan's. That is a GREAT graphic! You need to use a larger and more readable version in some official capacity.
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