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Everything posted by DragonsPhyre

  1. Judging from the messages Auctor posted, TSC was trying diplomacy and needed a vote. Sengoku attacked what was then an accepted member of TSC barely five hours after the last message. Regardless of the nation's history, Sengoku fired the first actual shots here. TSC escalated when Alex countered, but er.... Sengoku is not the victim here. You couldn't have waited one more day?
  2. OsRavan is actually not the Secretary General of the Orange Defense Network. He's the Secretary of State. Small difference.
  3. Being 100% committed to defending another alliance means that you, as an alliance not just the government, need to be 100% sure that other alliance will never make a choice entering a war that you disagree with vehemently. It also means having the kind of relationship between alliances that survives when that inevitably happens. Ideally, a MDoAP is a sign of that kind of relationship and built trust, a public statement that your two alliances have enough shared values and goals that you can't see each other operating at their best without the other one behind their back. Reality is, of course, very different. Treaties are political tools, same as wars. And similar to wars, they've become heavily leaned on and somewhat devalued over the years as the treaty web expands, contracts, and splits according to whatever winds the various governments and active members feel blowing. Right now, those winds are highly in favor of Oculus so the treaty web is centered around them and they are the instigators of major alliance wars. Some alliances are just far more able and willing to put their values and plans into motion and so those become the norm around which most of the rest operate. Could it change? Yes, sure, but it requires a deep cultural shift. That takes time and risks on behalf of alliances both big and small. Not everyone is willing to commit to that for different reasons. It's about playing it safe and comfortable vs risky and potentially very volatile.
  4. This is really all it's about. You can't force your allies to only ally people you like and so on, even as small as the game is now. Non-chaining MDPs also allow for containment of wars before they go global, which means less ridiculous amount of bloodletting because someone got bored and hit the right part of the treaty web to make some drama.
  5. We've had only brief contacts starting with my decision to try to use GATO's boards as a safe space to hammer out peace between SNX and LPCN. Everything I saw from Doom Kingdom in those interactions showed me an alliance that valued peace, diplomacy, and professionalism. I was left with a very good impression of the alliance. It's sad to see the tag go. I'm envious of any alliance that you and yours choose to go to.
  6. I'm almost positive NG could barely give a single half-!@#$ about Sigrun and his micro. It's more a happy coincidence than anything else, seems like.
  7. That's a pretty good start. For a good recruitment message, you want to stress what makes you different and how joining ADDS helps new nations. Other than just building up the alliance, what do you want to accomplish? Do you have any grand dreams, faraway goals that drove you to create ADDS rather than join an existing alliance?
  8. It is very clear you violated peace by deliberately sending defeat alerts. Once is forgivable, since you are engaged in multiple wars and it can be confusing. Kingneptune's response of doing it anyways after that is not. You brought this on yourselves and you've yet to actually own up to your own stupidity, instead making up excuses and concocting conspiracy theories. Have fun with that.
  9. Would it be more active? Are you sure? There's always an uptick in activity after a new war starts, but then nations start dropping at flies. This is not a world crafted well for battle - at least not with soldiers, tanks, and nuclear missiles - and that shows itself best when alliances are engaged in constant war. There are many better outlets for that, really, and that's not what attracted me here. This goes for many others I know. Last night I had a talk with another member of my alliance and we were musing over the old days during our usual discussion of current events. You know what he told me? He told me what got him interested in doing anything politically was arguing with me several years ago over whether or not we should aid the New Sith Order after the $6 mil War. You wanna know what got me interested? It was reading the forums between GW1 and 2 and seeing all of the charged language, the propaganda, the speeches - [i]politics[/i] at play, not toy soldiers. It was joining the Global Alliance and seeing members being passionate about what they wanted from the alliance, how they could help the alliance, how they and the alliance could shape the political landscape of Planet Bob. It was being offered a shot at making a difference between clicking a few buttons on a computer screen, a way to satisfy ambition beyond the numbers I scroll past endlessly. Casualties? Any fool can send a soldier to their deaths. Infrastructure? Technology? Land? Warchest? Easy come, easy go. Useful for measuring and gaining strength so that when push comes to shove, you can do what you need to do. War is simply the most tool available to a political leader and it has become cheapened, enshrined in some semiannual bloodletting we mindlessly prepare for and participate in because so many people lack vision beyond the numbers so easily seen and accumulated. Where is the passion? Where are the crusades for the ideals that matter most to you? Where are the leaders that seek to bring something to Planet Bob beyond a hellish landscape of craters filled with blood and guts and misbegotten honor? Where are those who are willing not simply to fight, but to reach beyond their myopic fields of vision into something far more glorious than placing top ten in a list of fools? What do you stand for, Lord Hitchcock? Are you no more than a mindless pawn in another's game, gnashing and snarling at anyone who'll give you the bloodbath you seek? Is Monsters Inc nothing more than a rabid pack of starving dogs left out too long in the streets? If that is all you strive for, then I am glad to have no part in it. May you feast well on your garbage scraps. Myself, I will continue seeking a purpose better fit for me and mine.
  10. Because casualties are the true sign of greatness. Somehow.
  11. I can only assume this is sarcasm because I'm seeing very differently.
  12. Is Monster Inc's official position really "we're lazy vindictive assholes"?
  13. It's a shame, too. MInc was one of the reasonable alliances at the negotiating table when we were hosting peace talks between them, LPCN, and SNX. I was hoping that was a solid peek at who they really were, not the very different behavior I'm seeing from them here. Sending defeat alerts after peace is very clearly an act of aggression and a violation of peace. Have fun with them, Alpha Wolves.
  14. To be fair, you kind of brought it on yourself by declaring war on him.
  15. FYI, far more to Brown than SNX or "Libertarian" Party of CyberNations.
  16. This game was never really meant to be a wargame anyways. I've always considered it a political game first and foremost and to that end, war is a tool, not a goal. If there's been no global war, that just means there's no reason for one. It's not like we're required to have one every year like some sort of ritual mass blood letting. There are plenty of games out there that are much better at simulating war, both on an individual, national, and global basis.
  17. Congratulations, Emperor Frawley. Enjoy your retirement, Letum! Honestly figured you would be long retired by now anyways.
  18. I'm a little surprised GPA is still around. Congratulations on your elections and my condolences for the loss of a valuable member of your alliance. May his retirement home be full of music and the sweet scents of spring.
  19. Look, the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization has been on Brown since its inception more than ten years ago before anyone else. We will be here long after everyone else has left the sphere. This is our home. We've reached our peak and terrible lows on Brown. We've weathered storms that have broken other alliances. Our flag is brown. Our colors are brown and white. We basically bleed brown. GATO is Brown, not in the sense that we control it or anything like that, but we are tied to the Brown sphere in a very fundamental way. We are not the most powerful or the most numerous, but we are enduring and I'm working to recall the passion that we once held. We are more than happy to share the sphere with other alliances since diversity is a core component of a healthy economic and political sphere. Differences of opinion is a time-honored GATO tradition. You should've seen the arguments we had in our heyday and that was with each other, not even our enemies at the time. I do not really want to entangle the Global Alliance into matters that most adults should be able to handle amongst themselves, particularly since one of our core tenets is that every nation, every alliance, has the right to self-determination and the protection of its own sovereignty. This mess with SNX and LPCN is not something I'd usually even think about getting involved in except that it's lasting far longer than any brawl should and it's affecting us more than it should. Since both Tywin and Methrage are already getting in touch with us, I or another government will continue any discussion of GATO's involvement, however little or large it is, with them and Atlas in private. I consider this chiefly a Brown matter considering the source of the issue and I am a little concerned that alliances of other colors are getting materially involved. Let's be leaders, shall we, and not children?
  20. After a length discussion and much drinking, the alliances of Atlas, GATO, and TSC have decided to prove to the world once and for all that Brown is a super stable and loving color sphere with the optional signing of a treaty that will surely shake up Planet Bob's politics for generations to come, particularly as GATO recently celebrated (very quietly) 10 years of unbroken existence. Behold:
  21. I don't disagree, really! Thanks. Corvisa looks intriguing, but I'm nearly deaf. I look forward to seeing your posts!
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