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Everything posted by mhawk

  1. There is a difference between hearing a rumor mill and demanding information as an ally. I would wager the ally info is alittle bit more valuable.
  2. Peacemode would likely do more damage to their alliance than any force on Bob could.
  3. You'd have to be our MDP partner to get that
  4. I'm a bit taken aback here. First you guys come querying me demanding to know as our MDP partner any situations going on. So I tell you we are in talks with PC about a protectorate issue. You ask for a dow time, I tell you the answer. You guys ask for more ally information, I tell you. Minutes later you tell me you're canceling, 5 mins later I see the owf post. [20:44]<jawayku> and that you're asking on behalf of LOSS <jawayku> in accordance with our current MDP are you DOWing PC tonight or tommorow You suspend all your treaties, due to restructuring.... then minutes later sign a treaty with nemesis? Honorable indeed.
  5. I was notified about 5 mins before this post, not sure of the others though.
  6. Blast from the past. I think the folks my quote was about know how we felt about it.
  7. Occasionally with IO's and enjienenejijeineijiejnienijejjaaarrhhs
  8. Oh really, you're gonna try to spin our monopoly skype games into something. ...
  9. I'll talk, it's too bad you didn't quote me about complacency though.
  10. I know it far better than any of those that "label" us. I would be more than willing to defend those actions at the time, however that is not the point of this thread and highly subjective. I'd like to stick with what was posted in the op.
  11. Well put my various statements together. The first strictly states this is a policy for IC actions only. I also stated that we have no OOC policy as that is a whole can of worms and most of which are for moderates for irl authorities to solve. If someone does talks trash about us, they can go ahead and do that and show their true character, we already get called every horrible name for nearly no reason anyways, we can handle it. If they do something severely ooc, that is an issue for moderation or someone to handle via ooc authorities which is not my place to state a policy on.
  12. Deathcat was the best deal i ever made. He wanted 300,000$ in aid
  13. I believe that is roughly what I said, with less symbol dohickys.
  14. [ooc] I'm afraid you're also mistaken. An example would be when our forums, database, and applications were hacked and deleted last year. In those instances addressing our policy would not be the decision of the alliance leader, or mods, but rather the forum owner as that would likely involve irl ramifications. [/ooc] Because the range of "ooc attacks" is so broad we have no set policy, but I don't feel it is our place to enforce those situations.
  15. The policy is hardly more ambiguous than stating "no pzi/ezi" it is a statement of intent and spirit. If you are looking for "for the crime of x, player will be attacked x times" you wont get that from us or probably anyone.
  16. He does have a knack for that, however we stopped barking up that tree long ago.
  17. It's quite the honor to share a stage with such a figure
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