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Everything posted by mhawk

  1. One would hope, however I don't see things happening that fast. We will do our best of course.
  2. I thought my statement was pretty clear. For any IC offense EZI/PZI is not an option. I like how i worded it better, but there ya go.
  3. To behonest the plan was to upgrade prior to this announcement. However when it came down to it, there were issues and concerns between our friends and their allies regarding TPF, notably several treaty cancelations, particularly with allies of theirs. The op is true and the treaty is canceled, but we remain friends, and along with our new policies will hopefully resolve the issues that stood in the way of our originally intended upgrade.
  4. Then the score will stand TPF 2: STA 0
  5. okay good, because I was really lost for a moment.
  6. I'm not sure what you're saying here.
  7. I'm wondering if you recall the inaccuracy of sponge's last screens of our forum.
  8. Quite similar to our internal issues between slayer, tbb, and I. That was exposed as well.
  9. I find each of your ramblings more amusing daggarz.
  10. Every portion of my op is true. Our statement regarding enemy combatants as well as our treaty cancellation.
  11. What I find amusing is why you think my post in the lowest security level part of our forum, would be thought of as safe from your spies. You erased the time stamp but have forgot some of our other tricks. Getting complacent sponge.
  12. Now all you have to do is wait for the treaty then huh? might be a long wait.
  13. My interpretation was specific names of punishments is less conducive to the overall objectives we wished to reach (preventing player loss) than stating our intent and spirit of behavior towards enemies.
  14. I prefer not to use the terminology listed, however a mandate prohibiting destruction of rulers or attempting to indirectly could be viewed as an outlaw on both.
  15. Official statement from the Overlord, The Phoenix Federation By executive order, the Phoenix Federation will exercise the following policy in regards to enemy combatants. “For all in-character actions taken against The Phoenix Federation, reasonable terms in relation to the crime will be presented to the offending ruler. These terms shall be designed to uphold the highest values and traditions of the Federation and under no condition will mandate or indirectly attempt to force the destruction of a ruler. “ I understand that there are those whom this policy would have preserved, but perished under former reigns. I understand the history of this proud, great, and often voracious alliance, and that in the end we can not wash our hands of the past. Sooner or later, the day comes when you can't hide from the things that you've done anymore. Until that day, I will continue to lead this alliance on my terms, to the standards our membership expects. Mhawk, The Hard Six We have also activated article IV of our Valhalla treaty. We remain on very friendly terms with all of Valhalla and will of course work closely with them via Q. ARTICLE IV Upon ratification by their respective alliance's legislative process this treaty is enacted for a period of one hundred and eighty (180) days, at which time it shall be subject to renewal, or until it is terminated by either signatory. Should either party decide it is not in their interests to retain this treaty, be it during the renewal period or at any other time; the signatories shall still be subject to the terms of the treaty for a period of fifteen (15) days. Violations of this agreement are grounds for dissolution of this agreement without prior notice.
  16. We need a leadership room to facepalm and drink in.
  17. If you still want to fight boogey, I can decom some stuff.
  18. Wingwhiper is [ooc]in a deployment[/ooc] away. You should chill out jones, you talk quite a bit of trash about us, yet know so little about us.
  19. Honestly, if my member was goading on and on in irc, pm's, and owf for a duel and one occurred. Given the timing and what twisted said, had my member said those things I'd tell them to fight it out.
  20. You need to chill out jones, twisted challenged her both on irc and then posted here on the owf, hours later she was large enough to hit and did. Worst case scenario is he loses one more battle, and then he wins the rest with his sizable advantages. If he wants to back out of the fight after calling her out, we'll pay the reps to heal his flesh wounds.
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