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Justinian the Mighty

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Everything posted by Justinian the Mighty

  1. I think the world map we have now is fine. Most of the people here don't want to rp in their rl locations, so its not an issue.
  2. the TEC protectorate is now part of the Slavorussian Empire. Also if you could rename my country "The Slavorussian Empire" on the map, then I'll give you a cookie. Edit: Also the CSSR's west border isn't right in relation to Belarus and Poland http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/comm...e_map_blank.png
  3. With the blessing of Mariehamm, ADI and Proxia, Slavorussian troops gear up to re-occupy east Slavorussia. An airborne division and two tank divisions are flying into major cities and military bases in Vologodskaya, Arkhangelskaya, Sverdlovskaya, Komi Respublika and Permsky kray. Military officials say the troops are meant only for defensive purposes and they don’t expect there to be much fighting or social disorder in the east. Military officials have however planned to deploy an additional 20,000 soldiers to the region in the off chance things do get out of hand. The Slavorussian government says former Slavic Empire officials and former Slavorussian officials will have equal input in future administration decisions, but all new elections for both municipal and provincial leaders will be held as soon as possible. Former provincial delegates to the Slavorussian Parliament will be fully reinstated, but the Slavic Empire Parliament will hold the status of a semi-autonomous legislature until midterm elections next year. Premier Medvedev told reporters, “Today is a great day for all Slavorussians, we‘ve worked so hard for a long time to get to where we were, and though we may not be back at our peak in western Russia, I‘m confident that with some hard work and effort we will reach those heights again.” Premier Medvedev is expecting to meet with regional leaders later on this week. Reporting for Channel One news, from outside the Kremlin, I’m Edward Nikitin. Back to you Peter. [cut to news anchor] Thanks Edward, I’m sure thing will start to return to normal soon. In other news a chimp steals a mans toupee at the Moscow zoo…
  4. We feel TEC may still have a job to do enforcing the surrender terms as some former GNR constituent states have not fully lived up to their commitments. However if the countries of Europe can work together to make sure the terms are fulfilled then we agree TEC has achieved it’s goal, and disband.
  5. It's always nice to make new friends. Signed for the Empire of Slavorussia Dowager Regent Maria Romanov Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev
  6. I think everyone here has proved that, if there are people who start drama just so they can rule over their home country, its a very small number of people. The assertion that it "too often bleeds over into rp" seems to be false, based on what the majority of people here have commented. I myself can't think of any instances where the op is even remotely true. I live in Pennsylvania, I have no desire to rp in North America. I’m quite content where I am.
  7. With a 2/3 vote in favor of the motion on the table Deputy Premier Putin is confident the protectorate will be returned to Slavorussia. 5,000 soldiers are ready to police the whole region if the motion passes. ooc: I'm not sure if an issue like this needs a unanimous vote, but for what it's worth, before the vote was started Uber said he would support me. Since the rest seems like a formality I'll begin the rp of Slavorussian troops reoccupying eastern Slavorussia.
  8. A reporter from the Moscow Star “Mr. Milanović and Mr. Đapić, there have been some concerns raised in Slavorussia about Croatia shifting to an isolationist policy. Do you think that it‘s a good idea to take Croatia in that direction, and what do you have to say to those who disagree with you in regard to an isolated Greater Croatia?” ooc: an wut dew yew tink of mah countrie?
  9. One of the Imperial Family’s favorite homes is Peterhof But they when they’re in Moscow they spend most of their time at the Imperial Palace at Moscow, a replica of the Catherine Palace. Slavorussia’s Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has a two story apartment in the Grand Kremlin Palace. Then there's Slavorussia's Parliament building, sometimes called the "White House."
  10. Taeunas appears to have withdrawn from the TEC.
  11. In that case gentlemen I'd like to call the issue to a vote. The motion on the table is to: Transfer the TEC protectorate to the Slavorussia Empire Yes - 1 No - Abstain - To vote: Republic of Mariehamm, ADI, Proxian Empire, Taeunas
  12. Since I brought it up, Premier Medvedev would like me to ask a favor of the TEC. He and many Slavorussians would like to see the Slavorussian Empire restored. I would like to ask TEC if you would restore the TEC protectorate to Slavorussian hands?
  13. We sympathize with you on this issue, since we are also trying to regain our ancient lands after the fall of the Slavic Empire. I think it would be in the best interests of the people there to be united under one government, as long as that government complies with the terms of surrender and cooperates in the international investigation, which Croatia is doing. We support this request.
  14. Slavorussia annexed Germany's land in Russia before Germany collapsed. The area labled as a Prussian protectorate is the land I'm talking about. Also I sent you a pm about the Slavic Empire's land, and the Baltic States are still disputed by Nordheim and Slavorussia. I don't really want the Baltic States I'm more concerned with owning what I once owned in Russia
  15. Premier Medvedev told a reporter in Moscow, "For once in our recent history, I think its best if we just stay neutral."
  16. The Federal Republic of Grøenlandia and the True European Coalition.
  17. Slavorussia has always thought highly of Prussia. After the first collapse of Nordland Prussia was virtually the only nation striving to make peace between European nations. We plead with you to do that very same thing again.
  18. Slavorussia recognizes Bavaria's independence from Greater Germany. In this new Europe there's a huge potential for you to do great things. We hope Slavorussia and Bavaria will have a close and strong relationship in the future.
  19. ooc: I'm a TEC observer, can I come? If not then ignore the fallowing ic: ic: Slavorussia's Prime Minister will attend the meeting.
  20. ooc: What the crap? I don't think you can kill another person's character without their permission, Not only that this is going to make rp in Europe worse. ic: Deputy Premier Putin stands up. Ladies and Gentlemen I believe the Slavic Empire, which was formerly part of Slavorussia should be returned to the Slavorussian government. The Baltic States clearly mean a lot to the people of Nordheim, and the Slavic Empire means a lot of Slavorussia. I believe it would be a good move toward peace between Russian and Nordic nations of Slavorussia be given the Slavic Empire, and Nordheim be given the Baltic States. late edit: we are willing to meet with TEC and FGR, and offer compensation for returning the Slavic Empire to the arms of the Slavorussian government.
  21. Slavorussia is an empire, yes, but Slavorussia is not imperialist. Although we have over the years added several territories to Slavorussia we ultimately left the decision to the people. When Villarus's government asked for our help putting down a coup we went in with the intention of defeating the rebel military groups and policing the country for as long as they wanted us to. As we entered the country friendly soldiers in Villarus, unexpectedly, declared allegiance to the Slavorussian Empire and to the Tsar. Even though we had no intention of holding them to their declarations the citizens voted to join Slavorussia, while those who didn't retained their independence becoming Estovakia. After Nordland broke up the first time the Baltic States were entrusted to us as a protectorate, since it had been part of Slavorussia decades ago before communism spread through eastern Europe. All three states seemed very interested in becoming part of Slavorussia in the weeks after their independence from Nordland, again we let the people vote. North India, this is an interesting situation. Burma had been a Slavorussia colony, and later a protectorate. The independent government of Burma later acquired territory in Northern India and after their collapse we deployed soldiers to keep the peace. Although there was talk of North India becoming a province of Slavorussia the people ultimately voted against it and two independent countries were born there. We've never persecuted you or your people, but you have some grudge against us. If giving people a choice in their fate makes us imperialist swine, then we're guilty. We are at the world's mercy to stop our unchecked choice driven imperialism across the world. /sarcasm ooc: Also was that an attempt at a flame? I'm very grateful to the people that "saved Slavorussia in the first place." People like Cent, Lynneth, Jed, MV, Uberstein and all of CommIntern, the Dragon Bloc and the TEC and Sarah. If they didn't include me when they offered terms to prevent the last war then im 100% sure nobody who defeated me in the war would have given me back any land so that I could rp Slavorussia. And who did I backstab Sumer? KM? BR? Merger? Maltose? Triyun? Vince? I didn't stab any of these guys in the back. IC none of their countries were ever officially my allies, but even if they were they invaded ME. Who else could I have backstabbed Cent? Uberstein? Vaule? Mykep? Sarah? Please let me know when I've guessed their name. I think you need to apologize for calling me a backstabber, and reevaluate your ability to separate ic from ooc. It looks like, for some reason, you have something against me ooc, but you've never been courteous enough to send a pm and tell me what I did, so i try doing that, then you can continue calling me names on the forums.
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