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Justinian the Mighty

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Everything posted by Justinian the Mighty

  1. ooc: We could do that, I'll just have to cut off Russia from Ukraine before polish troops get too far east. There had been a change of plans for the Slavorussian military. It seems that the Polish had saved Slavorussian commanders from having to send troops into the actual CSSR. Let them protect Ukraine, it was a hellhole ripe with communist and fascist revolutionaries anyway. If the Poles want the responsibility then why should they be denied?
  2. ooc: I can't believe you beat me to this by 4 minutes... Edit: Because of the two fallowing threads I'm still annexing southwestern Russia. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...c=62222&hl= http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...c=61513&hl=
  3. In the months since the end of the last war in Europe, Slavorussia’s government had been working diligently around the clock, to reunite their country. They had made sure to stress that part of the aggressor’s surrender terms was the return of all Slavorussian territory taken during their unjust conquests. The government was very proud that, unlike Germany, the CSSR and their allies, Slavorussia was able to use diplomacy, not war to revive the empire. Unfortunately negotiations with the CSSR were failing, and by now most of the world knew that Slavorussia’s patients with the CSSR was wearing thin. Premier Medvedev had tried and tried to negotiate with the Crimean government, but they panned him off or wasted his time. A few days ago, after the last meeting with CSSR diplomats, Slavorussia’s Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev ordered the army begin preparing to move in and take back the CSSR’s occupation zone. They hoped the CSSR wouldn’t struggle, instead realizing the error of their ways, but just incase they chose to hold on to their ill-gotten land Slavorussia’s military was ready to take action. “Treat your enemies better than they treated you. Do that and you will always be the better man, and the better man always wins.” a phrase Dmitry had been told by his father and grandfather his whole life. It was a phrase that he remembered when he first became a politician, but enough was enough. Dmitry handed a statement he and the cabinet had drafted earlier that morning concerning the situation to the Kremlin Chief of Staff. To: CSSR and national governments of the world From: Slavorussian Office of the Prime Minister, Imperial Cabinet and His Most Imperial Majesty Greetings, The CSSR’s has gone silent in the past few days. All attempts to contact any official in the CSSR have failed. This means that as of midnight tonight the Slavorussian Empire will be occupying the CSSR occupation zone in southwestern Russia, regardless of their communication status. Additionally if intelligence shows the CSSR has fallen into anarchy Slavorussian soldiers are prepared to move in and restore order, and defend the citizens if necessary. The Chief of Staff immediately has the note faxed to major news stations in Slavorussia, as well as every foreign embassy in Moscow, and every Slavorussian embassy abroad. The note is also e-mailed directly to CSSR’s government. ooc: Triyun is 20 days inactive today, The CSSR goes back to being just Ukraine (and Moldova I think.) and if he stays inactive that becomes a Slavorussian protectorate. Just so everyone knows there will be cake at the Kremlin tomorrow, please stop by for a slice. <3 imperialism
  4. "Dude, what are you talking about? Maybe you should chill with the roids, dude." Chad looks down into his flask and notices it's already empty. He quickly turns around and walks over to the bar. “What taste good over here?”
  5. “Stingy? Nah dude, I'm just picky. Expensive taste runs in my family.”
  6. Chad chuckles while he reaches into his pocket and takes out a small metal flask. “I agree with you dude, alcohol is really bad for you. Liquor is good for you though right?”
  7. That's getting old, you can drop it now please. Thanks. Anyway, since it's not in the game yet, and we don't have all the have details, that means it's not in rp yet.
  8. A guild for thieves? That sounds more like an extortion ring, or a protection racket to me. I wonder if they’ll allow a guild with calamitous intent to exist? -Premier Medvedev
  9. I didn't know LW was filtered on here. Anything is believable depending on how gullible your audience is. [insert anti-religion joke here] My last point still stands. This isnt LW. I'm aware there are other planets but our countries aren't built on them. To your first request. No thank you. Nice caps btw. Second, $%&@ @#$%^ and &%$#@ It's not about @#$#& or &$#@ or even @#$% so stop with all the @#$&%#$#%@@$#@@! ^means nothing…
  10. Ohai, lets stick to rping on the planet bob. Kthxbai.
  11. Name: Chad Izadick Age: 23 Sex: Male Date of Birth: 4/12/1986 Education History: HS diploma 3rd year college student business major Family members: Mother (Miriam), father (Frank), two younger brothers (Chuck and Tim) and a younger sister (Crissy). Profession: Student with a trust fund Religion: Catholic Significant Others [state relationship type here too]: Sarah, Vikki, and Amy Sexuality: Loves the babes Hobbies: Surfing, drinking, tanning, weight lifting, partying, being a jackass. Personality type: Stuck up, rude, an all around jackass Goals/Aspirations: To take over his dad’s business and run it into the ground. What they are looking for in the Big Brother House: Sex with the girls Why they are here: To “experience new and fun things.” and to score with the chicks Likes/Dislikes: likes: dumb girls with big chests, alcohol, parties, wearing long sleeve shirts on top of short sleeve shirts on top of long sleeve shirts, and fake tans. Dislikes: Nerds, fat chicks, ugly chicks, old chicks, poor people, fat ugly old chicks, barging stores, non-alcoholic beer, cats and anything else he can think of. Vegetarian: [y/n] No. Picture: http://aslcdn.celebuzz.com/images/2007/06/...ottifd620-2.jpg
  12. If you're defending your shores from smugglers and illegal immigrants nobody would care. It is possible to "defeat" a another country's organized navy without one of your own. I "defeated" the Prussian Kriegsmarine with a patrol boat and the threat of anti-ship missiles. Of course when I say defeated I mean they backed off, at least until they were out of range the coastal defense missiles, or could destroy them from the air. edit: also... Hi.
  13. The standard of what is decent and what isn’t decent does not need to be written down and made into some international law. Many modern countries share the same fundamental beliefs of what is right and what is wrong, and the bioweapon attacks were undoubtedly wrong. Although we’re saddened by the deaths suffered by the citizens of Somal we can’t help but feel somewhat desensitized by Somal’s stance toward “outsiders” recently and in the past.
  14. I live in Slavorussia, and it’s a well known fact that the Romanov Family here does not generally give interviews to the press and prefer to keep their personal lives secret. My question is, what do you think about your relatives’ more moderate and often times conservative approach to the family’s personal affairs.
  15. Angered by the lack of inclusion in the activities of Europe some Slavorussian MP‘s, have called this meeting a farce. They noted that a number of nations invited have questionable pasts, and some like Nordheim and Repubblica Italiana still have questionable policies even today. To make matters worse Molakia, Slavorussia’s northern ally doesn’t have easy access to the Atlantic Ocean, but still they were invited. Just after a session of the Slavorussian parliament a Deputy from Nizhny Novgorod district told Moscow reporters, “It‘s almost we’re not even a European nation anymore. First the CEU and now this. It‘s ridiculous.” Premier Medvedev also expressed his concerns saying Slavorussia was in “geographical limbo” and said “It would be rude to barge in at events we were not invited to, but on the other hand it‘s our job to make sure the international community recognizes what Slavorussia has to offer.” Despite his concerns the Premier says patients is a virtue he has in abundance. ooc:
  16. The Slavorussian people would like to thank Thomas Devereaux and his government for returning Nenetsia to us. We would like to repay the kindness you showed us, so if there’s anything we can do please let us know.
  17. Premier Medvedev’s statement to the press Frankly they (Buryatia) can do whatever the they want with their precious railroad. We left the RUSSIAN pact the day our allies failed to uphold the standards and ideals outlined in the charter and we have no interest in going back. Why this is even an issue now is beyond me. As far as I and my government are concerned the issue over the railroad along with the RUSSIAN pact are dead. We have more important things to worry about.
  18. Apparently its a part of Russia that only I have ever heard of. This... and this
  19. We now go live to Ekaterinburg where, Edward Nikitin has the story … That’s right Peter, I’m in Ekaterinburg, specifically outside the Church of All Saints where many devout patrons are still gathered for the day long remembrance ceremonies, which memorialize the executions of Tsar Nicholas II, his wife Tsarist Alexandra, his children the Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia and Tsarevich Alexei. Also murdered that night were members of the family’s personal staff. What might surprise you about today’s ceremonies is the appearance of the Tsar in Ekaterinburg today. Surprisingly, only a few days after being rescued from a three month long captivity, His Majesty the Tsar is already up on his feet and performing his ceremonial duties. The Imperial Family arrived in Ekaterinburg yesterday evening for the ceremonies and he was kind enough to give a statement about his condition where he said, “I‘m very glad to be with my family and among my country folk. It’s really important for me to get back to my normal activities as soon as possible… I do have a little pain in my leg, but I promised the doctors I would keep off it as much as possible.” The Imperial Family says they plan to visit several sites with historical significance to the Romanov murders and pay homage to their fallen family members. From Channel One news I’m Edward Nikitin reporting live from Ekaterinburg. Back to you Peter. … We‘ll keep you updated on the ceremonies there as the day goes by. It’s a question that’s been on everyone’s mind. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck cold chuck wood? We’ll have the answer after the break…
  20. Please mark the Nenets Autonomous Okrug as Slavorussia's.
  21. Premier Medvedev was pleasantly surprised by the fax he received from Thomas Devereaux. He smiled knowing that the reunification of Slavorussia was nearly complete and more importantly so far it was done peacefully. He knew Belorussia was happy with independence, and so were many Slavorussians. He hoped the Baltic States, still suffering under the iron fist of Nordic Fascism, would go the way of Belorussia, which would leave southwestern Russia as the last peace of the puzzle. But there was little time to think about all that now Nenetsia had to be brought back into the motherland’s warm bosom. Within an hour of the Alliance withdrawing from Nenetsia, Slavorussian troops marched into the province to preserve the peace and order. Slavorussian loyalists were overjoyed when they saw the Imperial Flag flying proudly over Naryan-Mar the administrative center of Nenetsia.
  22. The Imperial Family appreciates the kind words from our neighbors and friends from around the world. Hopefully you’ll be glad to know Tsar Justinian is back on his feet, although with the help of crutches.
  23. … The official stance of the government is, No, googling Google does not make your head “asplode.” … Ladies and gentlemen we’ve just received some breaking news from the Fedotovo Air Force Base in Vologda, Vologda Oblast. The Ministry of the Interior and military officials in the Vologda and Arkhangelsk oblasts have confirmed reports that Tsar Justinian was indeed rescued from a Dark Hand base in southern Arkhangelsk, just outside the city of Kotlas. We do know that His Majesty is safe and has been taken to the Air Force base to be treated for a leg wound, so far no details on his overall condition. Members of the Imperial Family have already begun arriving at the Fedotovo AFB, but have not commented on the situation yet. Sources indicate that a tip-off from an anonymous caller inside the base led to a daring attack by Slavorussian soldiers who successfully infiltrated the base then captured and killed a number of high ranking Dark Hand members. Government and military officials were vague on the details, and did not indicate how exactly the tsar was captured by the terrorist organization, or what their reason for keeping him alive were. They did allude to the fact that the DH may have been using him as a hostage, or holding him for ransom, but so far nothing has been confirmed. Prime Minister Medvedev commented briefly saying “Our intelligence community and military acted quickly and decisively in a difficult situation. Their actions not only helped us locate and rescue His Majesty, but have dealt a crushing blow to the Dark Hand in Slavorussia. The men who entered that bunker are heroes and we all owe them a debt of gratitude.” We have contacted the heads of the main intelligence departments and military officals as well as the palace, but so far they have not returned our calls. We will be keeping you updated on this as more information comes along.
  24. Justinian hastily hangs up the phone when he hears someone outside. He cracks open the door to see who it was, and as he does Dietrich bashes the door open. The door hits Justinian in the face, knocking him to the ground while Dietrich stands in shadowed in the doorway smirking. Dietrich crosses his arms and laughs, “My goodness. Tell me my friend, what have you been up to? What treacherous acts have you been committing in the general‘s absence?” Justinian groans as he tries to stand up again. His head is throbbing and it’s already started to swell in the place he was hit. He looks at Dietrich and says, “What is it with me and head injuries? Ouch! Jesus, that hurt!” Dietrich grabs Justinian’s arm, twists it, and forces him into the hallway. Dietrich starts leading him down the hall that leads to the holding cells. Justinian struggles to get free, but Dietrich’s hold is too strong. As they approach the holding area Dietrich hands him off to two armed guards, who lock him in a cell, and as they do that Dietrich says, “Keep him here. The general should be back in an hour or two, and he‘ll want to hear about this. If he tries to escape paint the walls with his blood.” Within the hour covert agents are already moving into position to infiltrate the bunker way to the bunker, which is still being watched by Slavorussian intelligence agents. The plan to infiltrate the facility had already been drafted, and the agents had been briefed in advance. The Intelligence Ministry knew if they found evidence of the Dark Hand in the bunker they would have to strike fast, or risk loosing the opportunity. Their objectives: 1. Infiltrate the Dark Hand base 2. Open the main doors to allow soldiers to enter and take the bunker 3. Capture or kill the members of the Dark Hand inside 4. Gather any information about their operations 5. Determine if the tsar is in fact in the facility, and if so extract him. They watch the general’s car enter the bunker and decide to move in soon. With nightfall approaching, and the army on standby, the soldiers receive the order to begin the mission. Old blueprints of the bunker show at least two emergency exits that could be used to enter the bunker. Red Team and Blue team move in using old prisoner barracks and other natural obstacles for cover. As they approach their entry points both team commanders radio to the commander. When the mission commander gives the order Green Team cuts the bunker’s power lines, giving the Red and Blue teams a short window to enter the bunker without setting off the alarm before the backup generators turn on. Without power only emergency lights, the surveillance and alarm system, and the control room will have power making it that much more easier for the teams to move through the bunker. Once inside both teams routinely check each room they encounter, as they make their way toward the control room. The rooms are empty, but they’re aware that the DH is already on alert, and don’t want to leave anything to chance. They subdue anyone they encounter and continue on to their objectives. Dietrich does not ignore the severity of the situation. Fearing Justinian has contacted someone outside the base, and that they’re trying to rescue him, he puts the bunker on alert, and sends more guards on patrol. Surveillance cameras switch to night vision, and laser sensors are turned on throughout the base. If anyone disrupts the lasers he would know. When General Zorin arrives in the control room he’s quickly briefed on the situation. The general chuckles, “You see, you all think I‘m paranoid, but I have my reasons. I will deal with that traitor myself.” Just as the general is about to leave the control room, one of the teams accidentally walks through a laser sensor and sets off the bunker’s alarms. The general quickly takes command from Dietrich, who quietly slips out of the room to go to the holding cells. When he gets there he sees the two guards unconscious on the ground, their rifles gone and Katya trying to unlock Justinian’s cell. “Katya!” He yells taking his side arm and pointing it at her. He startles her and she drops the keys. As she turns to look at him she picks up one of the guns she had taken. Dietrich just shouts at her again and shoots her. In an instant reaction as the bullet pierces her chest she pulls the trigger on her gun hitting Dietrich once in the leg and twice in the lower abdomen. Justinian watches as they both fall on the ground, and in a frantic panic he grabs the keys from the ground and unlocks his cell. He rushes to Katya’s side, who is now bleeding heavily from the wound in her chest and takes her hand. He tries to keep her eyes open, but rapid blood loss is beginning to make her loose consciousness. She looks at him briefly and with what’s left of her strength she whispers, “I‘m sorry I lied to you. I should have told you sooner, I wish I had. I‘m sorry…” From the corner of his eye Justinian notices movement coming from Dietrich. He quickly stands up and darts over to him, jumping over the two guards right in front of Dietrich. He kicks his gun away from him then kneels down and puts his knee on his arm immobilizing it, but leaving his other arm free. “Why’d you kill her Dietrich?” Justinian asks. “Because she was a traitor and a [ooc: insert an offensive word for a promiscuous woman]! Why did she choose you?” Dietrich replies. Justinian shakes his head and sighs. “You‘re a murderer and a terrorist, devoid of human emotions and any sense of justice. You kill people, innocent people. The choice was obvious. How badly does it piss you off knowing that she wanted me and not you?” Justinian looks up for a moment when he hears automatic gunfire coming from the control room. The distraction gives Dietrich just enough time to take a knife strapped to his leg and plunge it deeply into the side of Justinian’s leg. Justinian screams in agony and falls back, releasing Dietrich, who uses what little strength he can muster and crawls toward his gun. Justinian fights to ignore the pain and grabs Dietrich, and they scuffle on the floor for a moment, while the gunfire continues down the hall. With his strength waning, Dietrich reaches for the knife still in Justinian’s leg, to distract him. A sharp pain shoots up Justinian’s side and he pulls away, leaving Dietrich free to continue crawling for the gun. As Dietrich gets closer and closer Justinian quickly grabs one of the cell guard’s knives and hobbles toward Dietrich, on his hands and one knee, dragging his injured lag behind him. Just before he can grab his gun Justinian raises the knife and rams it into Dietrich’s back. While the knife is still in his back Justinian pulls the knife toward him, slicing through Dietrich’s vital organs. “Now you’ve stabbed me in the back both literally and figuratively.” He says to Justinian as he takes his final breath. Justinian pulls the knife out and stabs the now dead Dietrich again, “Go to hell!” he replies. Tired and in pain Justinian lays on his side and tries find something to slow the blood flowing from his leg. While he looks around he hears several footsteps coming down the stairs. It’s three members of the Blue team. As they approach him they instantly recognize him. “It‘s him. We‘ve found the Tsar!” says one excited soldier, while the other two check Katya and Dietrich. “He‘s bleeding, we‘re gonna need a medic.” Another soldier put his fingers on Katya’s neck, “I think this one still has a pulse” For the first time since this ordeal started Justinian feels peaceful and calm. All that's left to do is wait for paramedics. ooc: Edited for potty language. I failed to think before I posted.
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