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Justinian the Mighty

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Everything posted by Justinian the Mighty

  1. Slavorussia supports this, and offers some soldiers and equipment to supplement UESR's.
  2. Ambassador Ushakov puts out his cigarette, and leans back in his chair. “The UFE has been very helpful to Slavorussia I the past. If It weren’t for them we could still be fighting Nordland right now. The UFE has strayed from the path of what is true and just, and have therefore worn out their usefulness. We‘ll support any decision made here in regard to the UFE. A word of caution however, although the UFE is down they are not out. We may be heading towards a long and costly war”
  3. ooc: I checked your ingame SOI, and I don’t think it would even cover all of Kazakhstan. Even though I’m not one of the SOI slaves, I think you might be pushing it just a little. I would still like you to relinquish your claims to the RUSSIAN protectorate though. Ic: At this moment in time Slavorussia does not recognize Turk Hord’s proposed borders. We do recognize them as a non-state political entity as defined by Slavorussian law.
  4. I don’t think it's that people care too much. I prefer to be in absolute control of every last detail of every event that takes place in my country. Having another country invade my country causes me to loose that control. My country is by no definition of the word a utopia there are communists, martenists, terrorists devil worshipers, murderers and many more things in my country, but I get to dictate their actions. I think that is what the problem is with this and many more rp storylines.
  5. "I completely agree with Vaule's stance" said Ambassador Ushakov as he took a drag from his cigarrette. "It's a slap in the face to us all, and this just isn't how civilized people should behave."
  6. ooc: You may want to talk to Mykep or Vaule. Im feeling a little disrespected by you, so off the bat I would tell you to leave Russian and Kazak lands or be forced to leave, but the other RUSSIAN rp'ers are more understanding than me. So to avoid looking like a complete jerk I'll let them handle it, if they want to.
  7. Slavorussia understands that terrorists are attempting to set up camp in our new protectorate. I propose immediate military action.
  8. ooc: the RUSSIAN Pact doesn't only protect Russian countries. The land requirements for admission covered the entire RL Soviet Union and Kazakhstan was one of the republics of that union.
  9. ooc: Sumer I very much dislike hideously shaped nations, and yours falls in that category. I’m prepared to go to war with you over the Russian and Kazak lands, which you didn’t even have the courteously to ask us for. Not cool.
  10. Slavorussia is the natural successor to the Grand Duchy of Moscow. After the Slavic Republic of Russia was conquered by the Grand Duchy it became the Tsardom of Slavorussia. Slavorussia had a small overseas empire in East Africa and the Middle East. civil war in the 1820's Slavorussia lost the Baltic States, overseas empire crumbles The Bolshevik Revolution of the early 20th century failed Lenin was executed, but not before he ordered the execution of the tsar and his family. The monarchy was reestablished until the 1930's when Stalin lead the Neo Bolsheviks and created the Slavorussian Soviet Union. Upon Stalin's death in 1953 a fascist government took over. the Fascist government ruled into the 70's when the monarchy was reestablished. how’s that?
  11. For several months the terror organization known as the Dark Hand has been plotting its return from the grave. They had moved their pawns into place, surveying their targets, gathering information, turning important figures, and assassinating others. Several government changes in Estovakia made it a prime target for the Dark Hand. They were successful in converting Estovakian generals to their cause. Those generals and their armies would be key in staging a successful coup against the current Estovakian government. Their plans could come to fruition on a cold dark night in Gracemeria, which was made even colder by the winds flowing in from the Caspian Sea. Tonight the dark hand would use thousands of Estovakia’s own soldiers to lead an assault on government buildings. Their main target was the palace, where they plan to murder the empress and assert control over the Imperium. When midnight arrives the plan is put in action. Troops storm the legislative assembly building, slaughtering the guards and consecrating what they believe to be a glorious revolution with the first blood. On the other end of the city soldiers march toward the palace. Dark Hand agents on the inside poisoned the guard’s vodka and left the palace gates open. Troops easily poured into the courtyard and surrounded the palace, swiftly cutting down anyone who would get in their way. The palace guards are overwhelmed by the number of revolutionary soldiers outside the palace. They try to sneak the empress out of the palace gates, but soldiers have every exit covered and reinforcements are miles away Within minutes the soldiers storm the palace. They flood in through the broken doors and smashed windows, killing servants and guards who fight back and watching as their blood stains the floor. As they make their way toward the royal quarters the smash stone and marble statues, deface priceless portraits, and set fire to the elegant drapery. When they reach the empress’ personal quarters they meet heavy resistance. The doorway forces them into a bottleneck where palace guards are able to pick them off one by one. The guards hope to hold them off long enough until help can arrive, but there just isn’t enough to hold off the attackers. Again the soldiers slaughter the guards. A few survivors try to barricade themselves in the main sitting room but are overwhelmed by the soldiers outside. They drop their weapons and attempt to surrender, but are shot in cold blood. In the next room over the Empress Kusanagi is surrounded my a dozen of her best bodyguards, but these 12 men are no mach for the hundreds of soldiers inside and surrounding the palace. The soldiers on the other end break down the door and toss in a concussion grenade to distract the guards, then in rapid succession all the guards are executed. The soldiers continue to shoot the bodyguards until they stop twitching. One of the men grab the empress and drag her out of the cramped room by her hair. She reveals a sharp knife she had hidden in her dress and cuts the hamstring of the soldier dragging her. He immediately releases her and falls to the ground screaming in pain. Motoko quickly gets off the ground and grabs a soldier, holding the knife against his neck. Upon realizing the hopelessness of her situation she resolves herself to kill as many traitors as possible. She cuts the soldier’s neck and grabs his sidearm as his body falls lifeless to the ground. She tosses the knife into the eye of another soldier, then fires off 2 rounds from the handgun, before a soldier knocks her unconscious with the butt of his rifle. When she regains consciousness she realizes her hands and feet have been tied, and she’s laying on the floor in a puddle of blood. The blood isn’t hers, it belongs to the soldiers she killed, and the men around her make sure to remind her of that. She gets herself upright and notices a man not in uniform. He’s wearing an expensive black suit, with a red tie, and leather shoes. He’s bald with a graying goatee and a scar on his cheek. He’s looking down on the empress almost sympathetically, while he handles an old pocket watch. He clears his throat and leans in to talk to her. “Your Majesty, it‘s an honor to meet you,” He extends his gloved hand to sarcastically as though to shake the hand of the empress, yet he knows fully her hands are tied. She frowns at him, and he smiles back. “Oh that’s right, I‘m very sorry.” He chuckles and continues, “Do you know in less than an hour we had captured your city, burned down half the palace captured the most powerful woman in Estovakia? That‘s quite a record. It took us days to take over Moscow, but then you and that pig Uberstein intervened!” The man lights a cigar and blows the smoke in Motoko’s face laughing as she chokes from the smoke. Before he backs away the Motoko spits in his face, causing the man to almost instinctively smack her and knock her to the ground. He orders two soldiers to stand her back on her feet, as he wipes his face. “I’m willing to let that go… for now. Right now Allow me to introduce myself. I am the Dark Mind, overlord of the Dark Hand, and the next Emperor of the Estovakian Imperium!” Motoko glares at him intensely. She wonders what fate this man has planed for her. Will he torture her, or kill her right away? She does know that if she’s able to get out of her restraints for even a moment he’s a dead man. “You know you‘ll never get away with this. The Slavorussians will hunt you down and kill you.” The man laughs at her and blows more smoke in her face. “The Slavorussians are morons and cowards! That pathetic prick Justinian will die along with his disgusting empire when the day of reckoning comes! That day draws closer and closer my dear. His and your deaths will be just the beginning. They will set off a wave or revolutions that will bring forth a new world order, my order.” Another man enters the room, carrying a katana in a red sheath, with cold trimming. He hands it to the Dark Mind who unsheathes the blade. The light bounces off the blade and temporarily blinds Motoko. “the katana is one of my favorite blades. I weapons from around the world, and this is my favorite cutting instrument.” As the Dark Mind looks inspects the katana he instructs the soldiers to leave the room, and secure the palace. As those men leave 7 other men and women dressed in business attire come in. These are his chief lieutenants, the council that governs the Dark Hand and has done so for centuries. “Your Majesty, these are the most revered men and women in my organization. Together we are the Council of Eight, and it is tradition that we all attend the execution of the monarch that will bring to fruition our dream of global domination” He pauses for a minute and passes the katana to his right while the Circle of Eight make a circle around the empress. “Sadly Your Majesty, I cannot be the one to take your life. As the leader of the Dark Hand my hands must remain pure if I am to ever rule over this world.” He then seems to go off onto another topic of discussion entirely. “Did you know I’m English? Yes, I was born in London. My father died when I was 6 and my mother moved my brothers sisters and I to Moscow. I recall a beautiful rhyme that my sisters would sing when they would play. I find it appropriate in situations like this.” He recites the first line, and the rest of the circle joins in to recite the rest of the rhyme. “Oranges and lemons", say the bells of St. Clement's "You owe me five farthings", say the bells of St. Martin's "When will you pay me?" say the bells of Old Bailey "When I grow rich", say the bells of Shoreditch "When will that be?" say the bells of Stepney "I do not know", says the great bell of Bow Here comes a candle to light you to bed And here comes a chopper to chop off your head! As the last line of the rhyme is being recited the man with the katana raises the blade, but before he can swing it the door bursts open. Loyalist soldiers had retaken the palace. It seemed almost as though an act of divine intervention had narrowly saved Empress Kusanagi from certain death. The Dark Mind and the Circle of Eight retreat, but two had been seriously injured by the loyal soldiers are unable to escape. The others jump from the balcony onto the roofs of the military transports below and escape into the darkness. Although the empress remains alive, the damage had been done. The revolution had begun. ooc: I know that was a terrible escape, oh well.
  12. Slavorussians respond to this announcement by saying "meh"
  13. The Slavorussian Empire in conjunction with the RUSSIAN Pact alliance establishes the unorganized Russian and Kazak territories as official RUSSIAN protectorate regions. Slavorussia will work with it’s RUSSIAN allies to keep the peace and rebuild stable governments in the region.
  14. Ambassador Ushakov and DPM Belyakov take their regular seats, and wait for the others to arrive.
  15. ooc: you don't have to put the [CNRP] CNRP is the standard and does not require "tags." ic: Ambassador Nikolai Ushakov is being sent once again to Vaule for the meeting. Prime Minister Kolesnikov is also hoping to attend, but if her health does not permit her to travel then Deputy PM Belyakov will.
  16. Slavorussia is a possible ally of Dragonisia via the Northern Empre.
  17. ooc: I just spelled it the same way it's spelled on the map... I think.
  18. ooc: Since we're on the subject, several nations need to be purged along with the ones mentioned above. Igntromm and Dagaestan immediately come to mind. when they find they have time in their lives to continue regular rp then they can come back and try to get their land back, or new land.
  19. The people of Slavorussia weren’t aware there was a continent named Australasia...
  20. ooc: It sounds to me like you're saying you have them now. That’s why Slavorussia asked if Manchuria has them, not will you have them in the future. If you're saying you don't have a nuclear weapon now then I don’t have anything against this announcement.
  21. ooc: But you don’t have nukes ingame, no uranium trade, or a Manhattan project. Since you don't have any of these I’m gonna have to say you don’t have nukes, but you're claiming to have them so people will think twice before they nuke you. However any nation with semi decent intelligence system can see that you're bluffing.
  22. Is Manchuria saying it has Nuclear ICBM's or Just ICBM's with chemical/biological warheads?
  23. ooc: I don’t know if they'll fall apart, but if they break they can't be repaired, and it will more difficult to maintain them.
  24. The Slavorussian government sides with the Northern Empire here. We hope Tahoe and Dragonisia can come back to the table and talk out this issue, but if not we stand by the Northern Empire who has yet to lead us astray.
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