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Everything posted by firingline

  1. I'd like to hear your explanation for why you thought negatively about Polar, but held a treaty with them regardless.
  2. What does being 'bigger' than WC's nation have to do with anything? You have a ton of nations in range, and as was pointed out before, have a bunch sitting in peace mode for 2+ weeks now specifically so they can come out strategically and trap us in wars. Seems more like you're mad that you can't do this because none of you had the balls to come out of peace mode and stagger her. Interestingly, one of the nations she declared on had more tech than her. So you're once again making the opposite case. She chose one of only 3 nations higher in strength than her to fight, apparently - hardly what a pixel hugger would do. I'm probably one of the biggest critics of WC, but nobody is buying the !@#$%^&* you're peddling.
  3. Nations on your side: 501 Nations on WC's side: 418 You're really, really bad at this. Then why are you, the side with the overwhelming numerical advantage, hiding in peace mode? Besides that, I'm afraid that's just not how logic works. Mechanics are mechanics and peace mode has a place in every conflict that's not like a 10 on 1 curbstomp. Either after all these years you haven't figured out how this works, or you're being purposefully obtuse as if it's going to help you make some stupid point.
  4. I don't know why you folks are so focused on 'full nukes'. Repurchasing nukes is far from the only reason to go into peace mode. If your alliance can't comprehend that, then it explains an awful lot about why you tend to be on the losing side of these wars. WC declared two offensive wars instead of hitting peace mode to begin with, so your theory holds absolutely no water. Meanwhile, dozens of top-tier nations on your side sit in peace mode, full nukes, not having declared a single war. But somehow, that's different. You're just desperately looking for a way to portray WC as a coward (but YOUR nations doing the same thing are totally way different, guys, because, uhh, reasons!)
  5. There are multiple reasons to do this. Besides, YOU are on the numerically superior side. And your side has a whole bunch of nations in peace mode. So...
  6. Ahhh, so you finally acknowledge the tactical reasons nations might use peace mode. Glad to see you admit you were just playing dumb to criticize WC earlier.
  7. A third of FTW, including nearly all of its top tier, are inactive? Oof.
  8. Dozens and dozens and dozens of your ally's nations are running and hiding despite being the ones who wanted this war. Weird that you're not criticizing them.
  9. You don't get to speak for the coalition until you actually join the coalition.
  10. You sure declared an offensive war against us, though.
  11. It's really no use arguing with somebody so unhinged their take on an aggressive war by FTW and NATO is "NPO is throwing loyal allies under the bus when they've outlived their usefulness." As if NPO is somehow the aggressor here. HoT is simply rabid, and nothing you say is going to get through that skull of his.
  12. First, I was addressing Berbers' claim it happened 'in Fall', so it matters quite a bit in that context. Secondly, you continue to do a massive disservice to your side. When it was "hey remember that post a couple years ago haha challenge accepted eat nukes" it was fun and I could get behind that. More and more I see an attempt to portray this as a legitimate defensive action and it's just really not a good look. It's the difference between a friendly war and an angry one. And this ends best for your side if it's a friendly war. @Warden, since you made the DoW, maybe you can shed some light on your coalition's mindset.
  13. The DoW was nearly 2 years ago, not 'in the fall'... The snarky reference to the DBDC DoW was a fun way to start this war, but let's not pretend it was actually the reason (or that this war is a legitimate defensive action.) FTW and NATO wanted a war, and this was a cheeky way to start one, and I applaud them for that.
  14. What are you going on about this time, Johnny? Deep breaths.
  15. Nothing but respect for anybody who comes in on this side of the war. Thanks for doing your part to make it interesting.
  16. I've been F5ing waiting for Kashmir's DoW so I know which side is going to lose.
  17. Looks like there's a 1001st simp that needs sunk.
  18. I'd invite you to attack us and find out what happens next. You'd think you'd learn from the events of the past few days, but apparently not.
  19. I'm talking about TFO. You were asked to stay out because you would have been curb stomped if you had entered. This is pretty standard stuff going back over a decade now. I don't know why you're pretending you cared about the 'war expanding'. If you were going to win, you'd have joined in. Instead you wrote the DoW, it didn't turn out the way you wanted, and you sat out.
  20. Writes DoW Sits out war Tries to claim they did the right thing.
  21. Planned the war then didn't participate in it? Who are you guys, TFO?
  22. NATO alone is larger than the portion of Doom you attacked. As such, the rest of Doom has decided to involve themselves. And it looks like they brought a friend, too.
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