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Everything posted by Crymson

  1. If this isn't a joke, Cable was the wrong guy to give the power to.
  2. Congratulations on this union of two of the very biggest failures in the history of Cybernations.
  3. Really untrue, and I say this from my own unpleasant experience with him.
  4. Yep, every new alliance signs a treaty with TOP.
  5. Good luck, OG. For the record---a little-known fact!---this was actually the longest-standing MDP in CN's history.
  6. The days in which anyone cared about members of other alliances using their flag are about four years in the past.
  7. Telemarketer Dog will place a phone call to your heart.
  8. Please tell us your opinion on the following movies:
  9. I recognize you as one part of the best leadership troika ever!
  10. No. For some time, MK and IRON were cordial and worked productively together, as their goals---most notably the Winter War---were in sync. It was only after the Dave War that divergence occurred.
  11. We were not given any real chance to address IRON's grievances; it was clear to us from the start that the intention of the Q&A in which we participated at IRON's request was to provide a reason for them to cancel the treaty. In the end, our government was simply given abrupt, disrespectful demands whose fulfillment was necessary to avoid cancellation. We were unwilling to do so, and so they canceled the treaty. The reasons we were officially given for the cancellation were nonsensical. The affair was, in sum, almost identical to the treatment we received from FOK when that alliance chose to cancel our likewise longstanding treaty. Ironically, FOK's condition in that event was that we cut ties with IRON. After the cancellation, we were made aware of MCRABT telling what amounted to lies when asked on other forums why IRON cancelled on us. While I'm fully aware that relationships ebb and flow in this game, I think that we deserved better treatment after all of our years together. Edit: I edited this primarily in order to fix some errors in sentence structure. Of course.
  12. Life is OK, thanks. How are your rotations going? Their actions and publicly stated views reflect the priorities and opinions of the membership (unless otherwise stated). Some democracies don't work well, but ours does. Indifferent.
  13. Do you mean "represents"? Please specify. No. But if you want to sample some terrible beer, the Coors factory is only 30 minutes from me.
  14. I don't know. It seems like we have the highest number of advanced degrees per member of any major alliance in the game? Maybe that? Not a chance. Ramirus destroyed the Citadel. He destroyed its unity and function by being his abrasive, narcissistic self, and destroyed its trust by regularly leaking what was said in private. He was by far the primary catalyst from its transformation to a constantly troubled but tightly-knit bloc to a useless entity. For those who don't know this about the Citadel, it was a nearly constant headache for everyone involved. We screamed at each other constantly. What was unique about the bloc, however, is that hardly anyone ever took anything personally, and the signatories all remained close despite the virulent bickering. That all changed when Ramirus came around. That guy was a real piece of work. I don't have much of an opinion of Nordreich, as I have had very little contact with any of its iterations throughout my time in CN.
  15. We've got a great community. Many who have come from other alliances have said that it's the best they've been in. It is such that our member retention rates are excellent; the vast majority of those we lose either end up coming back or quit because they're leaving the game. Most everyone is civil to each other, and we haven't had any notable drama since September of 2007. The fact that we've got so many intelligent folks in the alliance is nice also. TOP's community is the primary reason why I remain in the game.
  16. That would depend upon who else was running for the position. If they're friendly, civil, likable, stable, and rational, they'd do well. Intelligence is also a plus.
  17. You sound like you have the impression that we were responsible for that affair. That is inaccurate. We piggybacked in small part to help NPO, and in much larger part because we (the leadership at the time) judged that involvement in a war would benefit the alliance. There is virtually no chance whatsoever that we would have come into conflict with GPA of our own accord. Uneducated question FTL.
  18. PoI: I haven't been a leader in over three years.
  19. Maybe this will allow me to play TIE Fighter again. It ran fine on XP with VDMSound, but now I have Windows 7 64-bit, and VDM is not compatible.
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