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Everything posted by der_ko

  1. I don't see any reason to end tech raiding. Those too irresponsible or incompetent to adequately protect themselves don't deserve any sympathy.
  2. Usually you have to own up to your mistakes before you are granted second chances.
  3. Cheerio. I shall follow the Härmlins new independent path with great interest.
  4. I have no power. @Haflinger: If anyone, at any time in history, had tried to tech raid MK we would have shoved every last nuke in our arsenal down their throat. I recommend everyone to use similair policies.
  5. No, they are not a danger to global security. If the victim had any sort of connections then I'd agree they'd pose somewhat of a danger. While I don't much care for raiding alliances I find it hard to get worked up about this. The only difference here from the commonly accepted raiding practices is the number of nations under their A/A. It's rather silly to get outraged when someone raids a 10+ A/A and at the same time be fine with raiding a 10- A/A. Either you support raiding or you don't, there is no middle ground here.
  6. If you consider this a valid cb on \m/, GOONS and PC then you are almost as liberal about war as they are.
  7. This thread contains Athens. Therefor I'd like to express just how enraged I am. ATHENS!!!
  8. Why don't you? I'm sure TPF would back you, lol.
  9. I was under the impression Ramirus was elected democraticly.
  10. What did you do to get on MOTUs "list"?
  11. I don't think SPH is allowed near schools, sorry.
  12. As should be abundantly clear to you, Valhallian, not everyone who deserves it get punished. Better not accept any aid from someone on a ZI list, the fee for that is 2000 tech.
  13. For the record, my comment was only intended to illustrate the absurdness in Alterego claiming victory for the CoC in this little war. Your ally was shot to pieces and your coalition did nothing to stop it. I hate having to clarify the obvious, so please, do not deliberately misinterpretate me again. It's tiresome.
  14. Ah, the classic general member = alliance policy spin. Not entirely surely what wars C&G has been in other then this recent WWE, but if they all spy and attempt to destroy our alliances I'll gladly support defending ourselves regardless of the size of the aggressor.
  15. I'll tell you what, we can make this a monthly thing. We'll stomp one of your allies for a week and then make white peace. You'll win every month of the year. Deal?
  16. CC formed in order to defend TPF. CC failed to defend TPF as they took quite a beating before you all even bothered to show up and you barely scratched their attackers. I guess that's how they're reasoning. Personally, I don't believe either CC or SG won, but TPF certainly lost. Edit: You could argue the NPO won this war. All of their former minions were lined up against the wall and were saved in the eleventh hour. Now they may still ally them again once they get out of terms.
  17. Easily LUE vs NPO. It was not the longest running feud, but no other rivalry has had a greater impact on planet Bob.
  18. GOD - I like alliances with balls and a clear political position. NEW - Solid alliance with a warrior mentality. FAN - Incredible strong and loyal community. Mpol is one of the best poster to ever grace the OWF. Also, gun porn. TOP - While I do not care for their politics TOP are undeniable powerful.
  19. I see we won a couple awards here.
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