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Everything posted by Haflinger

  1. This has been in the works for a lot longer than most probably realize. Ah well, that's Invicta Foreign Affairs for ya. We don't get there first, but we get there. (Remember Rat Pack, guys? Yeah, I was talking about starting up something way back then.)
  2. Syn has basically unlimited. Esper has either 8 or 12, I forget. Haflinger
  3. It's been a long road for PLUS; hopefully M*A*S*H will be a welcoming home for your nations.
  4. Lousy metaphor. How about pizza dough? I like Article X. Interesting stuff.
  5. Whatever enterprise metal puts his efforts on will do well. Congratulations.
  6. Good luck to Cairna in the quest to tame the demons. I'm sure Mayuri will do well. CD
  7. I don't think people are complaining here; more trying to explain the reasons why the Legion made the decisions it did. Which were admittedly foolish in many cases. I find myself slightly less bewildered as a result of reading these posts. Growing up as a newbie in post-GWIII Purple, outside of The Legion, everything always seemed to be kinda nutty. Now at least I know some more of the reasons why.
  8. Losing members, gaining score. I guess that works.
  9. This trend has got to stop. I liked the old steady growth.
  10. It's a pity there's no Bill & Ted themed alliance. "Dudes, what number are we thinking of?"
  11. Wait, we're tracking nations now? I fully expect to see sanctions for the 12 top nations in the game! Also, yay, we only missed top gainer by .08. Apparently +.03 is awesome at Christmas.
  12. Hmm, this does give a safety net, but also prevents people from just back-collecting for 25 days for more win. I like.
  13. Well, if you already have the 20 or 25 nukes, AND YOU'RE TRADE-SWAPPING, heh, you only need the uranium there for bills. However, this article isn't on trade-swapping. Perhaps a later article will talk about it.
  14. If you're trade swapping, then circle #4 (which is sometimes used by swappers for collecting) probably wants wheat instead of uranium to boost pop and therefore collections.
  15. Well, 30 days of slots is 500T for a nation without a DRA, or 600T for a nation with. It's probably not a huge difference either way
  16. Iraq's actually a pretty good supporting case for Janova's point. The United States has not yet met its original mission objectives there, and it looks rather unlikely that it will.
  17. Wait, is something OOC simply because it's ludicrous? I don't know about other people, but I roleplay as someone with a sense of humour. Sometimes I make jokes which are thoroughly IC, and well, they're not any less IC because they're intended to be funny. And in particular, connecting Moo with cows strikes me as an IC reference, given that in the Real World talking cows do not run political organizations. (Unless they do. Hmmm. That could explain some governments ) I haven't figured out how to apply the OOC/IC line to the contents of the main OWF yet. It seems to me that the majority of posts in OWF these days are IC-oriented; a lot of them are war propaganda posts, usually either for- or anti- Vox Populi, and in fact most of them (including the one imhotep posted recently in AP that got moved to OWF) belong in AP, as they are IC alliance drama.
  18. Well, growth is better than that other thing. Grr.
  19. A protectorate agreement should not be soul draining chains. If it is, find a new protector. Ragnarok had one, and they seem to be doing fine now.
  20. I feel someone should somehow do a crossover between Nightmare Before and Grinch. Also, best mod blog yet.
  21. Actually, when I started buying, I just bought tech in tens until it cost me over 300K for ten - at which point 3M/100T is cheaper. I think that happened around 220 or so, and I had MCs and universities.
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