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Everything posted by Haflinger

  1. Dawny's one of the very best recruiters in the game. When she starts looking out for our membership numbers, watch out.
  2. up, down... mostly up, yep, Invicta's symbol being a horse makes sense to me now. sigh. we're still gaining members though, gotta get them all selling tech.
  3. Were TDO to make moves to solve their ANS problems, we could quite conceivably have two sanctioned alliances. Also, nice to see our score doing the right thing again. Now I'm off to try and help train the newbies to sell more tech
  4. Hmmm, interesting. (Should I rush off to start IRON-merges-with-TORN rumours? TORN has a score of 9.02, incidentally. Hehe.)
  5. Back-collecting is also quite useful for small nations that are receiving a lot of foreign aid, for example, tech sellers. For instance, suppose a small nation agrees to five tech deals, each of them promising the delivery of 100 technology for 3 million dollars. That nation then buys 50 tech, and sits on most of the rest of the 15 million, and starts paying bills every day. Ten days later, the nation sends 50 tech to each of the five tech buyers, and rebuys the 50 tech five times; this should cost roughly 4 million dollars. Then the nation waits, say, eight more days, paying bills every day, and spends everything but the 4 million needed to rebuy the technology the second time, and then collects taxes. Then that nation has acquired about 6 million dollars of infrastructure and improvements, but hasn't had to pay bills on any of it for 18 days. This is very profitable.
  6. Well, at least we grew a bit, even if none of our allies did.
  7. From the Information Index: You may purchase up to 50 aircraft (60 with construction). There's no mention of Foreign Airforce Bases or Aircraft Carriers here, both of which increase the cap on aircraft you can buy. There ought to be.
  8. All the purple alliances on the list grew
  9. Looks like three nations totalling well over 100K NS joined the ODN today.
  10. Nice to be gaining again Yay for NATO and NPO's significant gains. Boo for MHA and UPN losing score. And ODN? Your 0.00 strips me of the ability to express emotions. Why do you do this to me? (well those are our treaty partners in the race)
  11. It was only three nations. So no. Actually, 240K. Yeah, that's Grämlins for you.
  12. There are far more alliances than there used to be. Believe me, I do the Foreign Affairs thing - I know. And no, there weren't 40K members around the UJW. There were around 30K. Like now.
  13. Maybe some people changed their mind? Happens. 'Course I'm just guessing here.
  14. Well, we appear to have stopped losing members. Phew. Back to building, selling tech, fun times
  15. We agreed when the war broke out that we would only drop alliances that fell far below the others. Alliance scores tend to be rather volatile in wartime I am proud to be in the alliance directly above the GRL. May our score rise together.
  16. IC, I am on the other side in the ingame conflict. However I must agree - making this change at this time affects people's in-game plans. In general, rules changes are usually administered when there isn't a major conflict going on.
  17. It seems likely that even if not all Argo members make the move, VE will at least pass FOK, which will pop the add line to around 12. Sorry, guys down there. Probably going to be a few drops at the bottom of the race.
  18. I phpBB. However, it's been a little dream of mine to found an alliance running Slash as its forum software. Just because it would be funny to see visiting diplomats' posts get modded -3, Troll.
  19. Invicta and TTK have been dancing about for months now. Glad to see LoSS and Legion joining the fun.
  20. We lost a few nations. We'll be back past you soon, LOSS. And THIS time we'll bring Legion along. Right, Legion?
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