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AL Bundy

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Everything posted by AL Bundy

  1. What alliance are you with again hahaha... are you really talking about "sides" haha Got to love this game. A guy tries to make some new friends (optional one at that) an all I hear is how I'm switching sides. How many alliances have allies on each "side" ----this is just directed at you JA. I try out one and now i am the enemy. I thought the comments in the treaty were just some fun jokes... wow was I wrong.... AL
  2. Already started on my March raid on WTF. This guy gets it Thanks Wolf man!
  3. The Casualty Pact The World War has come and gone, there is peace throughout planet Bob. In this depressing and boring time what else is there to do besides sign treaties and raid? Well let’s do both. The Wolves and Non Grata have agreed that they are similar in that casualties are what matter so let’s work to get them together. Al Bundy and Lyanna have come together to put another weird knot in the treaty world. The Wolves and Non-Grata have signed an Optional Defense Optional Aggression Pact. Article I – Killing our Dudes The Wolves and NG agree that although casualties are great, we should save our troops for the rest of planet Bob. This can be voided if we find that the rest of Bob sucks and we need to fight each other for fun. Both alliances agree to not commit any acts of aggression against one another and to respect one another’s members. *Lyanna and Admiral Alex can always fight each other whenever they want for any reason. Article II – Share in the Fun If one of the signatory is having fun fighting/raiding the other is welcome to join, but is not obligated to. Casualties are hard to find so the decision may be easy. Article III – Probably won’t work anyway If either signatory finds this agreement to no longer be any fun or assist them in casualties, they can cancel the agreement with 72 hours’ notice by notifying the other privately or announcing it publicly. Signed for The Wolves, Al Bundy- Women's Shoe Guru (Also a guy that probably just lost a lot of allies) Admiral Alexander – Spark of Chaos Signed for Non Grata: Lyanna, Sugar & Violence Kerschbs, Closet Democrat Lenin, The Milkman Erwin Schrodinger, Schrothodoxy Patriarch weebl, Concentrate and Ask Again Caustic, Pope of Non Grata Stewie, Master of the NG Senate
  4. I don't think it be a bad idea. But think they need to have a nation so many days and yes so many casualties. 2k might be a little overboard, also adding additional awards might be nice just don't have any ideas for those.
  5. Hate giving compliments to NpO but good to see alliances dropping treaty partners that are not worth a dam (at least anymore). I hope to see more of this....Ill be waiting. Al
  6. The only two places to be: With the Doom Wolves or.... Al Bundy Doom Wolves
  7. Does Protectorates not count? Think you need to add like 5 more... or drop them so i can raid. Al
  8. I'd like 2 more declares on me today... Al
  9. CLAWS vs. FTW, who cares???? Anyone in PM longer than to rebuild your nukes, be able get out of anarchy, or take a second to gather some cash sucks..... either side.... any alliance.... Very few alliance pulling there weight on either side. I am just glad I'm not running a large aa, because it would become a small aa after this .. Al
  10. Casualty sheet has been updated! Has been about a month since the last update. There are now 5 tab total: #1: Top 200 nations with the most casualties. #2: List of the top alliances with the most nations within the top 200 casualties. #3: A list of the Top 20 alliances with the most casualties from nations within the top ranked 200 nations for most casualties. NEW: #4: Total alliance casualties (all nations attached to the alliance is included) NEW: #5: Alliance average number of casualties per nations (from sheet #4) Took a lot of time for 5 different sheets so let me know what tabs you like best. I don't know if ill keep doing all 5. (Select an icon of sheets to keep on discords) Join our Discords (https://discord.gg/NnPAvXdqw9) to see the list - Ping me when you join and let me know your alliance affiliation. Thanks, AL Bundy
  11. Agree with this. Nations that do little all round shouldn't be awarded at the end. Maybe keep strongest nation overall but maybe for the alliance award "top 2 nations by NS at end" change to the top 2 nations with the most wars fought or most damage done overall? Thanks! AL
  12. Ok you win an award for this comment hahaha Feel bad? I thought we were having fun....
  13. Just needed to scroll to the next page, FTW and NpO haha There is still Bundy hate The world makes sense again. AL
  14. I missed this one 🥰 haha you NGs keep releasing the secret. @Lyanna Mormont keep your guys quiet haha Poaching... i guess ill declare on CCC and of course NG hahaha Nice to see good things mention about DW hahaha usually I'm the devil to most everyone haha.. I don't know if I like all the positive reinforcement. If I start hearing nice things from NpO I might have to change things up to get my rep back up haha. AL
  15. Yay!!! Same targets over and over was getting a little old... Thanks for the spice up...thought I was going to have to declare on @Lyanna Mormont Al
  16. The Doom Wolves are always looking for new young pups or old beat down scrappy wolves. The Doom Wolves have an active government, with government spots open! Don't bother joining if you a peace mode sitter or afraid to loose some pixels! Doom Wolves as an alliance and Doom Wolf members ranks at the top of most of the stats in current world war! Come join us an learn from the best. Al Bundy Join our discords (required): https://discord.gg/NnPAvXdqw9 Click this link to join in game: https://www.cybernations.net/alliance_display.asp?ID=16660
  17. Hahaha you let me know when you want to play with the big boys again... for now and the next few weeks you work on that tiny nation of yours... Al
  18. No one does.... nor is forced to so Hellas declared on us... duh... O we will win the round, don't you worry... or it will be OP, but guess what???? HELLAS will get nothing hahahaha..... Al
  19. Pending means !@#$ in TE.... always has been.... Ulyss knows that, he raids pending nations all round. Sorry about ya luck bud. AW will pay nothing, Hellas will be a less than 20k nation strength alliance all round.... but thats nothing they aint used to though..... No such thing as allies in TE... Just alliances you attack and quit after a week and those you smack around all round.... Al
  20. hahaha we going to play this game. No Hellas attacked AW Hellas hit Admiral, which makes it Hellas hit AW? See Hellas Alliance War page below. Really Hellas hit you first.... so maybe cry to yourself? You TE newbs are hilarious, played for maybe two or three rounds and act like you know how things are done in TE. @Ulysses you know better... Al
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